Chapter 1323

Name:You For Eternity Author:Qian Tao
Fortunately, Gu Tong's physical strength is strong. Moreover, the month is not big now. She still looks as light as a swallow. She has a good constitution. As long as she doesn't mess around like yesterday, it won't be anything.

Gu Tongchao and Li Hengzhi walked over and hugged Qianyi: "Qianyi baby, how long has it been since I saw you? I miss you so much! Does Qianyi want to be a godmother? "

Qianyi was very good at Gu Tong for the first time. She put her little hand on her stomach and said, "mother Tongtong, is there a baby here?"

"Yes, I told you so clearly?"

"Well," Qianyi's expression is so tender, "is it a little brother or a little sister?"

"Now the month is too small to see, but I'm not ready to know. I'll know by then."

"Does uncle like younger brother or younger sister?"

"He, he said it doesn't matter."

Several people chatted at the door of the hospital for a while, and Aunt Li asked Li Tianyou to talk about it. She had just seen red and had a rest for a day. Qianyi said that it was too small, afraid that Tongtong would be tired after holding it for too long.

He made an excuse and dragged Gu Tong home.

"It seems that the wedding of Tianyou and Tongtong is getting closer," ChuChu said with a smile. "Look at this situation, the engagement can be directly skipped."

"Prepare a gift." Li Heng is also the way.


Intensive care unit.

ChuChu and Li Hengzhi change their sterile clothes and go in to see Yu Zhitong. Qianyi sits in the waiting room without taking him with him.

"It looks so serious..." ChuChu looks at the weak Yu Zhitong on the hospital bed, and her expression is very unexpected.

Because Li Hengzhi didn't tell her how serious it was, but after looking at it, she felt

It's the kind of Qi that can stop heartbeat at any time.

"What did that pervert do? It's killing people, isn't it? "

"It's stable today. It was worse last night, so I can't go back immediately."

ChuChu is not a doctor. Even though she is in a bad condition, there is no other way but to express regret.

"So is she out of danger now?" Asked ChuChu.

Since Li Hengzhi thinks it's better not to tell her, she won't ask for details. Looking at Yu Zhitong like this, she is a little scared in her heart, which is very terrible.

Whether she married Brady for her family or for herself, it should not be the reason why Brady hurt her.

"That's what the doctor said." They said and went out.

"Husband, you must help her out of the sea of misery, even if it is not to save her, you must also let that pervert get the punishment they deserve!"

If we say that before ChuChu was indifferent to Yu Zhitong, we can't just sit by and ignore her today.

Li Hengzhi looked at her, took off her clothes and gloves, and touched her face: "good."

He may have hesitated before, but his clear words confirmed his idea.

Li Heng suddenly looked to the front of nothing and said: "wife, maybe after the end of the matter, I will tell you the truth."

ChuChu was a little stunned and said with a smile, "it doesn't matter. If you feel embarrassed, you can say nothing. Even if I don't know your past, it won't hinder my love for you. "

"I know," Li Heng's low eyes, "it's just this matter. It's not only about me, but also about her."

"Sister Yu?"

"Yes, I'll let you know when it's over in exchange."