Shang Shi nodded, embarrassed and said, "I really can't help it."

He didn't mean to neglect his duty. It was their game that was so wonderful!

Yan zhufei nodded understandably, "yes. How long have they been down? "

"From the afternoon till now."

“…… How powerful! " Yan zhufei finally understood the meaning of Moyun's words.

Hao Yansen really enjoyed it.

Yan zhufei watched for a while and left. He went to Moyun to discuss the matter.

Hao Yansen here, for a moment and a half, it should not be over.

But she and Moyun have been waiting in the room until midnight. Hao Yansen hasn't come back.

At this time, Hao Yansen is still playing chess.

After another game and chess, Hao Yansen said in a low voice, "take an hour off!"

"Why, can't you hold on?" Asked the emperor sarcastically.

"I think you're about the same." When Hao Yansen finished answering, he rubbed his eyebrows and closed his eyes.

The emperor also leaned against the sofa, closed his eyes and did not know what he was thinking.

Maybe they are sleeping, maybe they are thinking, maybe they are just empty

An hour later, the two men were full of energy and began a new game.


It's getting brighter.

Hao Yansen and Jiang Huang haven't finished playing chess yet. Mo Yun and they came to see that they are still playing. They admire their endurance very much.

But they didn't say anything. They were all quietly watching.

If you don't give up until you defeat the emperor, that's fine.

In this way, he won't rush to leave, and they have more time

But when the sun rose to the sky, he ended the long game with great self-control, "so far, it's time to start."

Yan zhufei sighed, "well, I thought you would go down to the end of time."

"You are really an opponent that I admire very much," he said proudly, staring at Hao Yansen. "I also want to decide with you, but not only on the chessboard."

In reality, he also has to distinguish between the winners and the losers, so he has to make a clear distinction.

Hao Yansen leaned on the sofa casually, and said lightly, "it's up to him to win."

"What do you mean?" he said

"You have failed." Hao Yansen takes a step and directly blocks the back road of the emperor.

The emperor was surprised to see the move he took.

He didn't expect that Hao Yansen would win in one step!

But the next day and night, he did not win.

"You've been trying to get me?" The emperor finally understood everything. He asked abruptly.

It's a shame to him!

He thought they were equal, but they just kept letting him. It's how he accepted it.

Hao Yansen shook his head. "I didn't let you. You are really powerful. At the beginning, I couldn't beat you. When I get to the back, I find a lot of flaws in you. "

"Oh, so you think I don't know how to analyze?" Will the emperor sneer, he is also looking for his flaws.

If he doesn't believe it, he can see it, but he can't.

"But your thinking is your own, and my thinking is that of many people." Replied Hao Yansen.

"What do you mean?" The emperor couldn't understand.

Hao Yansen clenched his lips. "Are you playing chess with yourself all the time?"


"You are a genius, and you have such high attainments in playing chess, which is very admirable. I'm different. I may not have enough talent, but I played chess with many people since I was a child.