The chief policeman came to him and said coldly, "shangguantao, you are under arrest. Come back to the investigation with us."

"What investigation?!" Qin mei'e could not help screaming out, but also trying to die for a while.

The police said lightly: "you illegally transferred Ms. Ru Meng's property, framed Li Jing and illegally raised funds. Now we have all the strong evidence. The evidence is clear. You must be investigated. "

Shangguantao's face turned pale in an instant.

If they had any luck just now, it would have been total despair.

They didn't expect the worst to happen

The rest of the scene was stunned.

Shangguantao and they even have an accident like this

"No, we don't, we don't!" Shangguanya immediately refutes, she is very flustered, she does not want to go to jail, does not want to lose everything.

She is going to marry Harrison soon. She doesn't believe that she has nothing at this time.

And it's all over.

But the police, regardless of their mood, took them away directly, forcefully and coldly. At this time, shangguanya seemed to understand everything.

"Luoyun, are you?!" Shangguanya turns her head and screams, "you've done us harm! You mean it. It's all your plot, isn't it? "

Moyun looked at her faintly and did not answer.

"If I don't go, I will get back a justice. We were framed by Luo Yun! All this is her plot, you should catch her! " Shangguanya struggles fiercely, looking flustered and crazy.

Hao Yansen suddenly said coldly, "Miss Shangguan, what are you doing at my Hao's house? Do you really think we don't know?"

Shangguanya is shocked!

Shangguantao and they are unbelievable. They actually know?

Hao Yansen stares at her coldly and sneers: "I have only one woman of Hao Yansen, Mo Yun. You have done something you shouldn't, so this is your end."

Shangguanya, they are shocked again

Hao Yansen also told everyone that the incident of shangguantao family was his action.

He just wants to tell everyone that he only believes that Moyun is the only one. If someone else moves his mind, that's how it will end!

Today's party is just about killing chickens to show monkeys.

All the others in the room understood his mind and were all in a cold sweat.

It was not until this time that they finally understood the importance of Luo Yun to Hao Yansen. She's not the woman he plays with. This time, he's here for real.

Many girls who still don't give up on Hao Yansen are scared and dare not have any bad thoughts.

Jiang Kerou's eyes drooped over his hatred.

She knew it was

Fortunately, she didn't show up. Fortunately, shangguanya acted as a ghost for the dead. However, Hao Yansen's warning did not make Jiang Kerou shrink back.

On the contrary, she was more reluctant and wanted him more.

And she has to get him!

So, she had to be tough. Luoyun, a woman who can't stay, must be removed!

Shangguanya and their capture shocked everyone.

Naturally, we were not in the mood to continue to attend the party, so we all left.

Hao Yansen's goal has been achieved. He also takes Mo Yun away.

All the way, Moyun was a little confused.

"What's the matter?" Hao Yansen, aware of her strangeness, turned around and asked.