The contrast between the two groups of photos completely infuriated the netizens.

They don't care about the scandal of cloud Shaohua, they all start to attack the people of cloud family.

There are also various pickpockets, which bring out many things about ouping, yunshaoqiang, Yunhu and Yunfeng.

There are also many people who satirize and curse that Yun Yaochuan is a scum man.

Seeing that netizens' spear suddenly turned to them, Yunfeng was shocked and shocked.

Yunyaochuan didn't expect to be like this

In his opinion, they are all the people of his cloud family, so he thinks that this is their family affair. No matter what the internal situation is, it has nothing to do with others and no one will say.

But now he knows that netizens are so disgusted with their family affairs, and even criticize and abuse them.

Yunyaochuan doesn't often contact with the Internet, and he doesn't know how terrible the Internet is now.

Now the spears are all aimed at him, and he knows how terrible it is

But he was angry too!

What's his name?!

At that time, the island city had not abolished some systems. It was normal to marry a concubine!

What else is called these properties are Wang mengke's, these are his, they are cloud family's! He and Wang Mengke are husband and wife. Do they still share each other?

And he can use it for whoever he likes. He doesn't treat Yun Shaohua badly. He's not good. Who can blame?

Besides, aren't they all fighting against Yun Shaohua? How can they start to fight against them?

Because they spend more money on Yunfeng?

Yunyaochuan is so angry. With the suggestion of ouping and yunshaoqiang, he has put the account on yunshaohua's head again.

Yunfeng comforted him: "Grandpa, don't worry, I'll find a way to deal with this right away. Just It's estimated that they will be scolded again. "

"What do you want him to do at this time?" "Yun Yaochuan is very angry." recently, he has made all the troubles in our family! But for them, how could so many things have happened recently? Don't worry, we can't damage the reputation of the cloud family! "

He is always unbridled and doesn't think about anything.

Yunfeng's eyes flashed with pride. "Good Grandpa, I'll deal with it now!"

Hum, they dare to deal with them in turn. Then don't blame her for being rude!

Yunfeng also immediately contacted the lawyer and issued a statement.

[I am the lawyer of the cloud family. On behalf of the cloud family, I hereby declare a few points:

1. The cloud family did not frame anyone, all of them were malicious framed behind their backs, so as to achieve the purpose of shifting the media and public's attention.

2. You don't know the internal situation of the cloud family. Please don't speculate.

3. The source of economic income of the yunshaoqiang family is legal.

4. If another person maliciously framed and damaged the reputation of Yunshi, we will strictly investigate its legal responsibility. ]

these statements seem to be very righteous, but they are also intended to imply that we should continue to fight against them.

They hinted that this was the way that cloud Shaohua played to divert the public's attention.

They also wash their money indirectly, saying that their money is legal and can be used as they like, so they can't care.

After these statements were issued, Yunfeng hired a lot of water troops to transfer hatred.

[let's be rational. What we should fight against now is their scandal! They just pretend to be poor with poverty