Every time it's so urgent and powerful, it's like a demagogic rhythm, which makes people's heart rate more unstable and thirsty

And Moyun can't help swallowing his saliva, and then slightly opening his lips

It was like a silent invitation. Suddenly, Harrison grabbed her lips and kissed her fiercely.

"Ah --" suddenly, just as the two people's lips and teeth were entwined, a shrill scream came from the villa.

Mo Yun was startled. She looked up quickly. "What's the matter? What happened? "

It's a strange voice. It's probably the killer's

Mo Yun and Hao Yansen get up and go back to the villa.

As soon as they entered, white wave saw what they looked like.

He was stunned for a moment, and raised his eyebrows funny: "are you out fighting all night?"

In the field?

Moyun was stunned for a moment. He looked down and found that his clothes were messy and his hair was messy!

She is busy sorting out the image, and also helps Hao Yansen to sort it out.

He buttoned up his suit and hair, and Moyun was a little relieved.

White wave immediately good regret, "tut Tut, I knew last night to go out for a walk, maybe can see live broadcast."

"We didn't!" Mo Yun shook his head shyly. "We just slept in the car all night..."

"So it's a car crash." White wave exclaimed.

Mo Yun: "I'm not sure."

Brother Bai, can you be a good friend?!

Hao Yansen didn't want to explain this, and didn't care.

He asked in a low voice, "what happened just now?"

White wave shrugs, "I don't know. I guess it's young master Hua who has come up with a new pattern to torture people. You don't know. He tortured the man for one night. When he was tired, he would sleep. When he woke up, he would continue to torture. I didn't sleep well all night... "

And white wave yawned.

"You stay here, I'll see." Hao Yansen tells Mo Yun to go to the basement.

How can Moyun stay? And she is not afraid. She follows like a little tail. Hao Yansen saw this and didn't stop it.

They soon came to the basement and saw that it was as terrible as a prison room

The killer was tied to the post, scarred and bloodstained, and his face was white and frightening.

And a lot of torture tools are piled on the ground nearby.

There are whips, knives, searchlights, tape, chili water, toothpicks And what the hell is a candle?

Seeing these torture tools, Mo Yun shivers inexplicably. There are so many patterns in this plume.

At the moment, Hua Ling is holding a steel pipe in her hand. She uses the steel pipe to lift up Leng Qi's chin lazily. She says to him coldly, "don't you confess? If you don't, you'll have one more leg until you've broken all your bones! "

Leng Qi's leg is twisted. It's obvious that Hua Ling broke his leg just now.

He is treating people in their own way.

But this cold seven is still dead. He stares at the plume and sneers: "Oh, what else do you want Just make it out... "

He is not afraid of the torments.

As a killer, he has never experienced any torture and has been trained for a long time.

So these torments are not too much for him.

Seeing that he was still hard spoken, Hua Ling suddenly cut off his other leg.

"Ah!" Leng Qi screams again, and Mo Yun is startled and screams.