If we can make true medicine according to Moyun's research, we can return Moyun's innocence.

If not, then Moyun will bear the corresponding legal responsibility.

But in any case, Morse has to take responsibility. Because Moyun directly presented evidence to prove that Mohs was deliberately using her to steal her research results.

Mo Yun is not afraid to be held responsible, as long as they can thoroughly expose Mo Xinyu's true face!

"I declare that this is the end of the court..." The judge concluded that he would choose to end the trial. However, as soon as he said this, he was interrupted by Moyun.

"Your honor, I have something else to say at the end."

"What do you want to say?"

Facing all of them, Mo Yun said clearly: "from now on, I will sue Mo family for cheating and squeezing me! We need to do a public paternity test to make sure that I am not Zhang Qin's daughter. Mo Xinyu is her daughter! I want to accuse my father of depriving me of all my rights, accusing them of deliberately murdering the property my mother left me, and accusing them of all the benefits they have extracted from me by cheating for so many years. I want them to completely restore my identity and everything that belongs to me! "

Wow -

when Mo Yun said that, everyone was boiling.

What is she talking about?!

She is not Zhang Qin's daughter, Mo Xinyu is?!

We didn't expect such a secret, but it seems possible.

After all, during the whole trial, they all saw how Zhang Qin defended Mo Xinyu against Mo Yun.

They just said, how can my mother treat her daughter like this!

It turns out that Mo Xinyu is her daughter. It's unbelievable that they have changed their identities of true daughter and illegitimate daughter.

Mo Zhenggang and they were also shocked -

they all stared at Mo Yun incredibly. How could she suddenly say this?

How does she know

If Mo Xinyu was ashamed of being hit hard just now, now she is really scared.

Because once the identities of her and Moyun are revealed, she will be completely finished!

She can explain that this is the meaning of Mo Zhenggang, because she is the daughter of Mo family. They do it for the honor of Mo family.

Mo Zhenggang is to make up for her dead ex-wife and her daughter.

You will understand them a little bit.

But once the identity of an illegitimate girl is revealed No one will understand her anymore.

They will only attack her more, because she really takes all the advantages of Moyun.

Her reputation, status, even her marriage will be over!

From then on, she would never look up again.

Thinking of these, Mo Xinyu can't suppress his fear. At the moment, he finally has a feeling of falling down.

Zhang Qin is also very scared. She can't help roaring, "Moyun, you damned unfilial girl, what are you talking about! You don't even recognize your mother. You're not as good as a beast! Did you design to destroy your sister, and now you can't let go of your parents? Are you willing to kill us? Have your conscience been eaten by dogs! What cruelty did I make to give birth to a daughter like you! "

"Shut up -" Moyun stares at her fiercely. She has endured her for a long time. "Zhang Qin, this is my private paternity test. Open your eyes to see clearly. You are not my mother at all!"