Chapter 41: Just Nice Killing A Pair

Very quickly, Mo Yun realised just how foolish she was.

Soon after Mo Xingyu left, two intimidating men wearing smart black suits entered the cafe. They immediately took the seats right at the entrance. With a stone-cold gaze, they stared at Mo Yun with plain ill-intentions. There was no need for any doubt. These two men must be the Mo Family’s lackeys. Considering her situation, the possibilities of them using violence to capture her was high.

Realising her peril, anxiety consumed Mo Yun like a vortex.

What if they kidnap me now? What could I do?

Anxiety rushed through her veins, but Mo Yun kept her cool. Putting on a relaxed expression, she hid her fears from her assailants.

Fortunately for her, she had taken down Bai Lang’s contact detail for security purposes when they left the house. Without delay, she sent an SOS message to Bai Lang.

[Mr Bai, are you done? I think I’m in some trouble here at the cafe. The Mo Family seemed to have their eyes on me.]

After sending her message, she could only wait for Bai Lang’s response. Then, she realised how poorly thought-out her plan was. What if Bai Lang rushed over, and got ambushed by the two men?

Just as she was going to warn him to call the police, her phone vibrated.

{Give me 2 mins, I’m on my way!]

[There are two of them! You better call the police, don’t risk this!]

Mo Yun replied to him with lightning speed, yet Bai Lang never responded again.

Within two minutes, a familiar man appeared at the entrance of the cafe.

The moment Bai Lang entered, his eyes landed on the two men in black sitting by the entrance. Needless to say, the duo noticed him too. Their eyes stared at him with caution, sizing him up.

Looking at the two men, Bai Lang’s eyes curled into a crooked grin, contempt flashing across his gaze.

Just two? In that case, I’ll just kill a nice pair. .

Sauntering to Mo Yun, Bai Lang smiled, “Let’s go, time to go home.”

“Hum!” Mo Yun stood up, causally following his lead.

Just like that, the two of them left the cafe, uninterrupted. As expected, they were tailed tightly.

In all honesty, the stalking was far too obvious and open. Only idiots and blind men could not tell how suspicious they were.

However, Bai Lang simply drifted around the mall slowly and leisurely, as though nothing out of the ordinary was happening.

Looking at his calm expression, Mo Yun’s confidence in his capabilities to settle the two annoying stalkers grew by the second. Under his influence, the anxiety gnawing at her insides gradually subsided. Even in the worst-case scenario, she just had to fight as though it was her last moments alive.

Surprisingly, Bai Lang did not bring her down to the basement carpark. They ended up on the main shopping level within the mall.

Oh? Looks like he’s quite careful. He must know how going down to the secluded basement would be like walking into the lions’ den. We are much safer here.

Despite entering the more populated area, the two men stuck to them like glue. Just as she was feeling secure, two more stalkers popped out from nowhere.

Terror flashed momentarily through Mo Yun’s eyes. In a lowered voice, she warned, “Psst! There’s 4 of them now!”

Bai Lang’s face remained still and stoic, “Relax! The numbers don’t make a difference.”

“You are that strong?” The unwavering confidence in himself was appalling.

Smirking, Bai Lang gestured, “Yes yes. That way, go! Quick!”

Immediately, he tugged her along, rushing into the area with the largest crowds.

The plan was clear. The four men behind could not afford to hide their intentions any further. Without delay, their feet rushed into action, chasing after the fugitives.

“Run!” Bai Lang pulled Mo Yun frantically.

Mo Yun was speechless. She had believed that this man had some superior methods to take care of the stalkers. Of all methods, why was it running? In any case, she had no time to question him. Getting away was the foremost priority.

Alas, before they could get far away, a black van stopped abruptly right in front of them, blocking the road crossing they were about to take.