Translator: Larbre Studio  Editor: Larbre Studio

What sort of karma did I accumulate to deserve this misfortune? Why must this vixen appear everywhere I go?

These thoughts flashed through Mo Yun’s mind and she wanted to cry.

“Mo Yun, what are you doing here?” An exceptionally warm and amicable smile spread across Mo Xingyu’s face as though showing her care and concern as an older sister.

Chu Yi was well aware of the fact that Mo Yun was the illegitimate daughter of the Mo Family.

Mo Zhenggan’s had explained that he buried Mo Yun’s presence in order to honour the wishes of his deceased wife, while also ensuring Xingyu’s position as his daughter was not compromised.

At that time, his deceased wife had just passed on due to a difficult delivery. Yet, his lover had also managed to give birth smoothly. Should rumours spread outside the family, the Mo Family’s reputation could potentially be destroyed.

Fortunately, the Chu Family had no interest in the familial affairs of the Mo Family. Both parties had unanimously decided to turn a blind eye to the existence of the illegitimate daughter, Mo Yun.

In their eyes, her existence was treated as invisible.

Chu Yi knew of her unrequited love towards him. Every time he visited the Mo Family, he never failed to notice her shy and hesitant gaze. Yet, when their eyes meet, her cheeks would be stained red and her eyes would quickly dart to look anywhere else.

When he approached, Chu Yi swiftly observed this familiar, yet seemingly unfamiliar lady.

Something felt off this time. Her eyes lacked the usual hesitation and aversion, but instead, a cold indifference took its place.

This immediately caused Chu Yi to take more notice of her.

Facing Mo Xingyu’s superficial act, Mo Yun blatantly turned a blind eye. After throwing them a momentary glance, she simply turned back to her magazine.

Surprisingly, Mo Xingyu kept her cool despite Mo Yun’s outright indifference. Not only that, her intimate concern further heightened as she coaxed her stubborn sister, “Mo Yun, tell me, what’s wrong? What’s with the sour expression when you see your own elder sister? Did someone mistreat you outside? Look, you shouldn’t have angered Dad. In any case, we will always be a family. Dad has said, as long as you go home…”.

“It looks like you are mistaken about something. Didn’t you all chase me out?” Lifting her head, Mo Yun snorted, her voice ice-cold.

An airy gasp escaped from Mo Xingyu’s mouth, “Why would we ever…”

“You didn’t?” As her lips curled into a cold smirk, Mo Yun cut off Mo Xingyu’s exaggerated act of concern. “All my life, the entire family treated me as a taint on their name. You never wanted me around, and could not wait to wipe my existence off the earth. Just recently, you knew of my admiration of Mr Chu, yet you intentionally announced your engagement in front of me. Not only that, you did not even allow me to show any signs of sorrow! All of you telling me to know my place, that scum like me will never be fitting of Mr Chu. Since you all think and speak of me like this, why would I go back home? Why would I bother returning home just to be an eyesore?”

Mo Xingyu was dumbstruck.

Huh? How did she twist the truth and portray us as such repulsive savages?

In the past, Mo Yun would never do this. She would either suck it up and live with it or directly rebel.

Since when did she learn to be so sly and crafty?

When she left the family, none of the bullshit she was saying had actually happened. It was her excessive greed and her thirst for things that would never belong to her that caused her to leave!

“Mo Yun, how could you say…”

Just as Mo Xingyu was about to put up another pity act, Mo Yun impatiently snapped, “Whatever, keep those impure, toxic words to yourself. Every time Mr Chu is around, you put on these fake acts of graciousness and concern. Aren’t you tired? It’s alright, you don’t have to do so anymore. I’ll take the blame. It’s all my fault okay? You are the best of the best.”

Turning to face Chu Yi, her face deadly serious, she declared, “Mr Chu, you can put your heart at ease. From this point, I will never bear even a strand of affection for you. I, Mo Yun, may not have a high position, but at least I am not a shameless slut. If liking you is a sin, and I have to endure the slanders and insults of others, I rather preserve my last shred of dignity.”

Finished with her words, Mo Yun lowered her head, staring wistfully at the magazine. Her face contorted into one that seemed like she was flushed in despair and her heart had decayed into ashes. A dark and uninviting gloom hovered around her, sending a stern message to the couple.

Bitch, get out of my sight.