Translator: Larbre Studio  Editor: Larbre Studio


Hao Yansen and Shang Shi almost fainted in shock!

The two stared at her in a daze.

Sweet honey seems to mean… my dearest?

She actually called him her dearest!

A wave of confusion swept through Hao Yansen’s mind, was he getting played by this woman?

Shang Shi: Young Master, you’re definitely being played by this woman!

Seeing Hao Yansen stunned by her endearment, Mo Yun could not contain her mirth and started laughing, but at the same instant, an agonised groan rang out from the adjacent room.

Hao Yansen’s face instantly darkened and his powerful body dashed out of the room.

Shang Shi hurriedly chased after him.

Mo Yun grew a little concerned, thinking to herself: What’s going on? Did something happen?

She ran after them and, upon reaching the adjacent room, she finally found out what was happening.

A young and well-built man was tightly bound to the bed by many layers of rope. As though he was in intense pain, he was letting loose frenzied shouts and thrashed about wildly, like a ferocious beast caged against its will.

He possessed immense strength and the ropes binding him seemed like they were going to snap at any moment.

“Restrain him—” Hao Yansen gloomily ordered.

Shang Shi and two other subordinates who had dashed in quickly pinned down Yun Long. Bai Long anxiously opened his medical kit and withdrew a syringe, as well as a vial of an unknown substance.

“Ah, give it to me, GIVE IT!” Yun Long had completely lost his mind in his agony. Bellowing furiously, his bulging crimson eyes seemed like they were going to jump out of their sockets.

“Hurry!” Hao Yansen quickly ordered.

Bai Lang swiftly pierced Yun Long’s arm with the syringe.

Xiao Mo closed his eyes, fear written all over his face.

Mo Yun eyes widened. This person seems to be… a drug addict.

It was a pity that the drug Bai Lang injected into Yun Long had no apparent effect.

Yun Long still writhed in pain, struggling and howling in a frenzy. The faces of Hao Yansen and the rest grew more ashen.

“Why isn’t it working?” Hao Yansen asked in a cold tone.

Bai Lang’s face was drawn and dark. “I’ve already increased the dosage, so logically speaking, it should alleviate the pain he is feeling. However, he’s not showing any reaction. The drug he’s addicted to must be more potent than I had imagined. I’m afraid that the toxins have already completely infiltrated and corrupted his internal organs. There’s no way to cure his addiction!”

The expressions of those in the room froze as the atmosphere grew suffocating and dark.

“Are you sure?” Hao Yansen asked with moody eyes.

Bai Lang solemnly nodded. “Yes. I’m almost completely certain.”

Instantly, Hao Yansen’s entire demeanor grew terrifying as he released an oppressive, murderous rage.

Shang Shi and the rest also had fury blazing in their eyes.

Seeing Yun Long tormented this way, they would not spare the scum who had done this to him!

Hao Yansen clenched his fists tightly, darkly commanding, “You must find a way to treat Yun Long. No matter the price, you must cure him.”

“I understand!” Bai Lang nodded, but right now he was helpless to do anything else.

“Ahh, give me the drugs, GIVE ME! RELEASE ME, GIVE ME THE DRUGS AHHH!!!” Yun Long thrashed about wildly, having lost his wits completely. He did not recognise anyone there, only furiously bellowing at Shang Shi and the rest.

“Yun Long, calm down. You can beat this addiction, you can’t let it control you!” Bai Lang rushed forward and tightly gripped his collar, anxiously speaking to him.

For a moment, Yun Long seemed like he comprehended Bai Lang’s words, but he was simply in too much pain. “Kill me, KILL ME! Please, I’m begging you to kill me!”

He was tortured by the immense pain, to the point that he was willing to die just to be free of it.