When Jin Xiaowei returned to her dormitory, she was welcomed by the other three people in the dormitory.

Peach's face excited expression yelled at her: "quick, give your little red book to us to open our eyes."

Dai Jiajia also exclaimed with excitement: "happy candy, happy candy!"

He Qixiang was more calm than the two of them. He only sighed softly: "before graduating from University, two married women have been born in our dormitory..."

As soon as the words were finished, the rain like fist fell on her body.

"If you are married, please don't add the word" woman " Jin Xiaowei and peach said fiercely to her with one voice.

"I see, I know, two married girls Oh, please be gentle... " He Qi's screams resound through the whole bedroom

"Well, there are only two of us left in the bedroom now..." Dai Jiajia took Jin Xiaowei's little red book and sighed for a long time.

"You?? Don't you have the instructor of your family He Qi while avoiding Jin Xiaowei and peach's personal attack while curiously asking for her.

"Don't mention it..." Dai Jiajia handed the little red book back to Jin Xiaowei's hand, and then sat down at her table, holding her chin in her hands and saying, "I've broken up long ago..."

"When did you break up?? Why? Why haven't you mentioned it before? " The other three immediately stopped fighting, each dragging a chair around Dai Jiajia and asked with concern.

"How to say..." Dai Jiajia sighed again, "maybe we don't know each other very well. In addition, we get together more and more. At the beginning, we still send short messages every day, and then he calls me as soon as he has time. But gradually, his messages are less and less. The phone calls only once a week. Later, slowly, slowly, we lose contact ... Now sometimes I pick up my mobile phone and want to send him a short message, but I don't know where to start... "

Dai Jiajia's voice pauses, then turns her head to Jin Xiaowei and peach, and asks, "have you ever felt this way? It's obvious that you like a person very much and want to contact him, but when the words come to the mouth, they don't know what to say. So they drag and drag. Although they don't officially say goodbye, they are almost like breaking up..."

Jin Xiaowei and peach shake their heads together, saying that they have never felt like Dai Jiajia. Then she patted her shoulder comfortingly and said, "forget it, there is no grass in the end of the world. Why love a single flower. There are so many good boys in our school. As long as you like, it's not a problem to pick any one of them! "

“……” Dai Jiajia looked at both of them speechless and said, "yes, you two married women. Your love life is so happy and sweet..."

Jin Xiaowei and peach's eyes shot a cold light at her, so Dai Jiajia's voice became smaller and smaller.

"Oh, forget it, forget it. As the saying goes, there is a golden house in the book and Yan Ruyu in the book. I'd better read more handsome men in the novel..."

"Jiajia, if you read so many beautiful novels, will you become gay?" He Qi looks at her with a worried expression and asks in a low voice.

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