"Don't worry. You won't get lost if you are so big." Duan Yu took a seat beside peach, ordered a cup of milk tea casually, and said with a smile: "besides, we are flying back to Beijing this evening. Even if we are separated now, we will meet at the airport."

"Well." Peach nodded and looked at Duan Yu as before. A big stone in his heart finally landed, "I I thought you would never talk to me again... "

"Well? Why do you think so? " Duan Yu turned her head slightly, and a pair of deep and clear eyes quietly looked at the peach. In her watery eyes, it seemed that there was a thick mist that could not be separated, and her delicate eyebrows slightly frowned. It seemed that she was worried about something.

"Because the letter you sent me during the winter vacation was like a farewell letter, and you didn't come back during the summer vacation..." Peach bit the straw in the milk tea, a pair of white hands holding his chin, blinking at Duan Yu.

"How could it be?" Duan Yu smile, tone Qingrun way: "just look at some things."

"Well..." Peach should a, suddenly do not know what to say, had to sulk in front of their own milk tea.

"You Do you have any trouble recently Duan Yu sees peach's face in a trance. He doesn't speak for a long time. After thinking about it, he still asks his doubts.

"Is that obvious?" After hearing Duan Yu's words, peach suddenly raised his head and looked at his deep eyes. Somehow, his mood gradually became calm.

"If you don't mind, just talk about it." Duan Yu held the milk tea cup in his hand and leaned against the back of the seat, his eyes drooping slightly, and his posture seemed to be still. He looked at the crowd outside the shop door.

Peach thought about it, but she told Duan Yu that she was going to America.

"You Are you sure you want to leave the dust? " After listening to her quietly, Duan Yu frowned slightly and asked in an uncertain tone.

“…… I'm not sure... " Peach sighed a long sigh, but said: "but I'm not willing to leave mom and dad. Besides, I'll have a long time with Shen Mochen in the future."

"I don't recommend you go to America." Duan Yu's clear eyes, separated by thin lenses, looked at the peach deeply and said to her in a serious tone.

"Why..." Peach looked up at him in confusion.

"A relationship doesn't mean that you can stay together for a long time. It needs enough time, enough time to get along with each other, and enough tolerance to irrigate. When you are not in a space and there is a time difference between them, the relationship is just consuming the nutrients that have been experienced..." Duan Yu's voice is not big, but he gives peach a feeling of "affection will never change, your parents will always be your parents, no matter what happens, they will always be your strongest backing, but love, you need two people to care for."

"But Shen Mo Chen asked me to go to America... " Peach murmured in a low voice. She always listened to Shen Mo Chen's words.

"Although he said so, he certainly didn't want you to leave..." Duan Yu's lip corner picks up a smile, the voice pauses, then continues: "just like me..."

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