"My dear, the two heavenly stones add up, but 120000 medium grade spirit stones, equivalent to 1.2 billion lower grade spirit stones."

Qi Guang's eyes were staring straight.

As an important son of Qi's family, he can spend only a few million yuan a year on spiritual stones. Compared with Li Fuchen, he is nothing but a wizard. If he plucks any root hair, he is thicker than his thigh.

"This little brother, my green wood Pavilion is willing to offer 15000 medium grade spirit stones to buy these two heavenly stones."

"My Sanren hall is willing to produce 16000 Chinese spirit stones."

Many representatives of local forces have quoted prices.

If they wandered around gambling stone shop, they would not know the value of these two stones.

It's no exaggeration to say that if you sell it to the people in need, it's very easy to sell twenty thousand medium grade spirit stones.

"I'm willing to sell this inferior Tianshi, and the one with higher price will get it."

Li Fuchen now has more than 3000 medium grade spirit stones on his body, so he needs to replenish some spirit stones. Anyway, there are so many stones in his pocket that it is not necessary to keep all of them in his hands.

"Two hundred and fifty."

"Two thousand and eighty."

"Two thousand two hundred."

"Two thousand three."

The size of the sea bowl of substandard Tianshi attraction is still very sufficient, the price soared.

"Two thousand four."

"Our Sanren hall will give out two thousand five. If anyone exceeds two thousand five, my Sanren hall will withdraw automatically."

Yixiuwei is in Jiuchong, a middle-aged man with a strong voice, looks around and says.

"Two thousand five is a little higher. Even if you get it, you won't make any profit."

"Well, two thousand five is not a small number."

The crowd fell silent.

"Two thousand six."

Suddenly, a voice sounded.

It was Dongguo shaonan who quoted the price.

Li Fu Chen glanced at Dong Guo shaonan, "but now pay."

"Don't worry, don't say twenty-six, even if I have 67000 here."

Dongguo shaonan confident road.

The Dongguo family is different from the Qi family.

The Dongguo family was deeply involved in the gambling stone industry, otherwise, they would not hire a master of gambling stone.

As a representative of Dongguo family's gambling stones, Dongguo shaonan always carries thousands of high-quality spirit stones.

"This inferior stone is yours."

Li Fuchen motioned to the other party to take out the spirit stone.

"Here you are."

Dongguo shaonan threw a bag of things. Li Fuzhen opened it and found that there were 2600 pieces of high-quality spirit stones in it.

"Not only this inferior stone, but also the inferior one."

Put away the inferior Tianshi, Dongguo shaonan preached.

Li Fuchen said: "sorry, the inferior Tianshi is not for sale."

Even if you sell it, you won't sell it to Dongguo shaonan.

"What do you mean?" Dongguo shaonan's face sank.

Li Fuchen jokingly said: "when did I say that I would sell inferior Tianshi?"

"Li Fuchen, the best way to be a man is to know enough. What do you think I spent 26 medium grade Lingshi to buy substandard Tianshi? Don't pretend to be confused." Dongguo shaonan threatened road.

It's not a loss to buy a second-class Tianshi the size of a sea bowl, but it doesn't make a lot of money. After all, the purity of this inferior Tianshi is just ordinary, which can't compare with Qi Junjun's.

"I advise you to stop. First, I never said that I would sell inferior Tianshi. Second, I didn't ask you to bid. It was your own eye that came up. If you don't want to, I will give you the middle grade spirit stone, and you will return the inferior one."

"Li Fuchen, you really want to fight against me."

Dongguo shaonan made a serious move.

"I don't mind if you think so."

Li Fuchen can see that this Dongguo shaonan, no matter how he chooses, the other party will not sell him. He will only treat him as a bully. There is no need to be polite and polite to such people.

"I hope you don't regret it."

Dongguo shaonan stares at Li Fuchen, and there is no cover up in his eyes.

"I, Li Fuchen, never regret it."

Li Fuchen cut the railway.

"What a Li Fuchen, I'm sure I'll plant today, but your good days are over."

Dongguo shaonan snorted coldly and turned to leave.

Because the two people only communicate with each other, so the rest of the people do not know what communication between the two people.

But as you can see, Dongguo shaonan is very unhappy, and the two seem to have fallen out.

"It's a bit unwise to offend Dongguo shaonan."

"Not necessarily. I think he has a good relationship with Miss Qi and his son. If he has the support of the whole family, he may not have to worry about the Dongguo family."

The crowd murmured.

"Li Fuchen, Dongguo shaonan is a man who will report his hatred. Be careful."

Qi Junjun reminds way.Li Fuchen nodded, "I have my own discretion."

Although Dongguo family is one of the four big families in Nanshan City, there are many kings of Yuanhai kingdom in the family, but the strongest one is only the middle level cultivation of Yuanhai Kingdom, which can not be compared with the Chihong clan.

Seriously speaking, even the city master's office of Nanshan city can't be compared with chihongzong.

The strongest one in Nanshan city is a high-level king in the sea.

There are at least five high-level kings of yuanhaijing in chihongzong, especially the strength of Chihong king, which can be regarded as the top king of Yuanhai kingdom.

Chihongzong can't afford to provoke the city Lord's house, but a Dongguo family can.

Of course, Li Fuchen also knows that the red rainbow clan is the red rainbow clan, and he is him.

Most of the time, you can only rely on yourself.

After all, if the other side sent an expert to assassinate him, the chihongzong didn't work.

"I wonder if you're interested in making the whole family together?" Li Fuchen suddenly said.

There are five pieces of stone in his bag. It doesn't matter if you sell one.

Qi Junjun surprised: "you want to sell me Qi family?"

"It depends on whether you are interested or not." Li Fuchen said with a smile.

"Yes, of course."

Qi Junjun's heart was in a flash.

Even the king of Yuanhai will be attracted by the inferior Tianshan stones. The whole Nanshan city only produces a dozen inferior Tianshan stones every year. All the big families will try their best to compete for them.

"But I don't have so many intermediate spirit stones." Qi Junjun apologized.

Li Fuchen said: "no hurry, wait until you have it."

"Brother Li, you have helped my sister pick two pieces of ore, you also help me pick one piece!" Qi Guang pleaded at one side.

Li Fuchen said: "I should have a little talent for gambling stones, but I can't guarantee that every time Turin has millions of inferior spirit stones, I'm 70% sure that I will let you gamble up one."

It has been a big show before, if you still keep that rhythm, the consequences are unimaginable.

"Millions of inferior spirit stones?" Qi Guang blinked his eyes and looked at Qi Junjun. Now he has tens of thousands of inferior spirit stones, which are worth nothing.

Qi Junjun helplessly said: "I have three million lower grade spirit stone here, plus before, you owe me eight million lower grade spirit stone, remember to return later."

Said, Qi Junjun took out a bag of things, and threw it to Qi Guang.

"Sure, sure."

Qi Guangmei smiles.

See Qi Guang has spirit stone, Li Fuchen began to take the other side to choose the ore.

"This is a good one."

"This one is good, too."

"And this one."

After a while, qiguang's three million second grade spirit stone flowers are clean, and seven pieces of Tianshi ore are returned.

The next step is Jieshi.

The first bet broke.

The second bet broke.

The third bet broke.

The fourth bet is broken.

The fifth piece finally solved a stone.

But this stone is only the size of the cup mouth, which is about three or four hundred medium spirit stones.

The sixth and the seventh are all gambled down.

In this way, Qi Guang's three million inferior spirit stones can only earn one million lower spirit stones.

Qi Guang was a little silly. He thought he could earn eight million low-grade spirit stones like her sister Qi Junjun.

Qi Junjun admonished: "you think the gambling stone is so simple, it's good to make you earn. You can't blame brother Li for losing."

"Yes, my sister said so."

Qi Guang nodded.

Although he was a little disappointed, he also knew that Li Fuchen was already very great. If he was replaced by someone else, he might lose money.

The fifth floor is almost the same, three people came to the sixth floor.

Li Fuchen was a little disappointed that the lower grade of the sixth floor of Tianshi was less than that of the fifth floor, with only three pieces.

However, the imagination is normal. Gambling stone shop can only roughly identify the appearance of the stone. There is no way to know what kind of stone will appear in the stone ore, or even whether there is a stone.

Not everyone is like Li Fuchen. The essence of soul is higher than that of the emperor of FA Xiangjing. Two soul talents were born successively.

Without the slightest courtesy, Li Fuchen spent nearly 6000 medium grade spirit stones to sweep away 7788 of the six layers of ores containing Tianshi.

Next, Li Fuchen did not intend to solve the stone, mainly because he did not buy a few pieces of waste stone, it is easy to be seen flaws.

"The seventh layer, I don't know if there will be some inferior Tianshi, whether there are middle grade Tianshi."

Li Fuchen thought about it, but he didn't go to the seventh floor.

He was afraid that he would not be able to bear to see the middle grade Tianshi.

You should know that a fist sized piece of high-quality stone is worth hundreds of thousands of high-quality spirit stones. If the purity of the top-grade Tianshi is top-notch, it will be easy to sell millions of them.Leave gambling house, three people separate.

Qi Junjun went back to his family to apply for a medium grade Lingshi, while Li Fuchen went back to study Tianshi.

Qingsong inn is one of the top dozens of hotels in Nanshan city.

There are rows of yards in the back of the inn, which can provide the most comfortable rest environment for guests.

In a courtyard, Li Fuzhen took out a piece of Tianshi ore.


Li Fuchen slapped on the Tianshi ore with one hand.


The sky stone ore exploded and a sky blue stone flew out.

This is a piece of inferior stone, about the size of a palm.

"I don't know what kind of rules are contained in this inferior stone."

Holding the inferior Tianshi in hand, Li Fuchen closed his eyes and felt carefully.

For a long time, Li Fuchen opened his eyes. "It's a substandard Tianshi. Except for the weak rules of kendo, the other rules are quite strong. Depending on these stones, maybe you can create more Tian level sword moves."

A Tian level sword move is too thin. When you encounter a fierce opponent, you will be bound up.

Li Fuchen didn't have much to think about at first. Now, the idea of creating Tian level sword moves is like wildfire, which is full of madness.

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