Chapter 30 - Li Mo's Retort

Chapter 30 Li Mo’s Retort

Being stared at by more than a dozen pairs of eerie and terrifying green eyes, even someone as calm as Rancho felt a chill run down his spine.

Leisha quickly pulled out the sword she always carried with her and entered into a battle stance.

As Rancho chanted in a low voice, a huge fireball appeared in his hand.

Li Mo stood behind the two of them and was shocked by the strange scene in the swamp. He did not notice that a mud-covered sawtooth crocodile was slowly approaching him from behind.

“Kacha!” Li Mo heard a sound behind him and immediately turned around.

What came into his sight was a big mouth with countless sharp teeth. It was heading towards his hips ferociously.

“Ah…” Li Mo was caught off guard and screamed in fear. He kept retreating and tripped over the gravel on the ground in panic and fell.

The sawtooth crocodile, which had taken a bite of air, stared at Li Mo. Its mouth was spewing a foul-smelling breath, and its huge body was like a black bear. It once again gathered its strength and opened its mouth, ready to pounce on Li Mo.

By the time Li Mo reacted, the crocodile had already jumped into the air and opened its bloody mouth above him.


With a thunderous roar, he felt a strong aura behind him. As the energy spread, the sawtooth crocodile was split into two, and the foul-smelling blood sprayed on Li Mo’s body.

Li Mo turned his head and looked at Leisha casually waving the sword in her hand. She glanced at himself with disdain.

The serrated crocodiles in the swamp were all on guard, but they did not retreat.

The serrated crocodiles collectively let out a low roar. Then, as if they’d gathered their forces, they crawled out of the swamp slowly.

The group of crocodiles kept getting closer to the three of them. Rancho chanted again, and the fireballs in his hands instantly became bigger and split into a few small fireballs. In an instant, the fireballs shot toward the leading serrated crocodiles like bullets. As soon as their skin touched the fireballs, they heard the painful roars of the serrated crocodiles.

“Roar…” After struggling for a few times, they fell to the ground, their bodies charred black. The air was filled with the stench of burnt flesh.

Rancho kept conjuring fireballs in his hands as he shouted, “Find a place to hide!”

It was meant for the helpless Li Mo. At this time, it was not convenient for Li Mo to make a move. He obediently stayed away from the battlefield.

Leisha looked at Li Mo, who had retreated to a safe area. Her eyes were full of disdain, and she immediately entered battle mode.


Leisha began to swing the longsword in her hand at an accelerated speed. The longsword let out a low hum along with a dazzling lightning. She looked coldly at the serrated crocodiles in front of her, and the corners of her mouth curled into a seductive smile.

After a series of chants, she swung the longsword, drawing out a huge bolt of lightning that aimed directly at the serrated crocodiles. In just a moment, they convulsed and fell to the ground.

On the other side, Rancho moved quickly, the fireballs in his hands constantly shooting towards the crocodiles.

With a loud bang, the earth shook, and all the crocodiles fell to the ground. Li Mo watched from behind with rapt attention.

This was the first time he truly witnessed the abilities of the Dragon Warriors. In his heart, he silently memorized the incantations and moves that the two had performed.

The two of them tidied up their robes and looked at Li Mo, who was still in a daze. Leisha said disdainfully, “If you encounter a similar situation in the future, I suggest that you hide like a mouse.”

Rancho was no longer as polite as before. When he saw Li Mo, a grown man, screaming and rolling on the ground in fear, he said, “Leisha is right. We can’t be distracted when we’re fighting. You just have to hide like you did just now.”

Hearing this, Li Mo frowned. Anyone would have been frightened by the situation just now.

Moreover, it was his first time seeing a sawtooth crocodile that was as big as a black bear. Wasn’t it normal for him to be frightened? If it weren’t for them, he could have used dragon magic to instantly kill these creatures.

Leisha ignored Li Mo and said to Rancho, “Rancho, the noise just now will probably attract other magical beasts. Let’s drink some water and replenish our strength before we set off!”

Li Mo looked at the corpses of the crocodiles all over the ground. He took out the Kelin Dagger that Melia had given him from his shoe and walked straight to one of the corpses, cutting open its stomach. Holding back his nausea, Li Mo rummaged through the stomach of the crocodile. Soon, he found a bead that glowed faintly red. He took out a water bag and rinsed it before putting it into his bag. Then, he walked to another carcass and repeated the same action.

Rancho and Leisha saw Li Mo continuously cutting open the stomach of the crocodiles with a dagger.

Seeing his disgusting behavior, Leisha held back the churning in her stomach and asked, “Hey! Even if it’s a beast, your behavior is disrespectful.”

Rancho also looked at Li Mo with a look of displeasure.

After the crocodile’s body was cut open, it released a stream of hot air with a foul smell. At this time, Li Mo’s head was covered in sweat. He raised the pearl that had just been cleaned and showed it to the two of them.

After seeing the red pearl in Li Mo’s hand, Rancho narrowed his eyes and said, “This is… the core?”

Looking at their puzzled eyes, Li Mo put the glowing red core into the bag and continued to scavenge. “High-level magical beasts like the serrated crocodiles are rarely encountered in the habitat of humans. You should know how useful the cores are, right?” Of course they knew what the cores were used for!

Not only could they be used as medicine, but also be made into magic core crystals.

Li Mo glanced at the two of them. Seeing that they had not completely figured it out, he sneered, “The cores of such high-level magical beasts are hard to come by in the human race!”

“Have you brought enough money with you on this trip?”

The two of them, who only wanted to retrieve the Sword of Laszka, did not think about money at all.

Looking at the confused look of the two of them, Li Mo continued, “Once outside of the Dragon Kingdom, we need money for food, clothing, shelter, and travel. Even if you can sleep on the ground, what about food?”

“It’s a long way to the Kingdom of Weya. How long can the rations we brought last? These cores can be exchanged with the human race for money, food, and a good place to live.”

Li Mo said in a sarcastic tone, which made Leisha’s face turn green.

Even though what he said made sense, his tone still annoyed her.

Seeing the two of them not moving, Li Mo shouted, “Now that you understand, why don’t you come over and help? There are still so many crocodile carcasses!”

Hearing Li Mo’s order, the two of them were furious. However, they touched their empty pockets and stood up reluctantly. They walked to the carcasses and mimicked Li Mo.

Seeing that the two of them were defeated, Li Mo smiled smugly. So what if they were strong? They had a simple mind.