A line of words appears on the Ares interface.

"It's coming, it doesn't know I'm here, so you're going to act like it's alone."

Gu Qingshan glanced at it and silently responded in his heart: "don't worry, I can still do this."

He gazed at the void in front of him.

The Ares interface is cold light blue, and the fire interface is mellow blood red.

Two systems, they're on him at the same time.

It was something he had never met in his life.

Even better, one system doesn't know that the other exists.

As time went on, all the words on the Ares interface gradually disappeared.

On the fire interface, however, a line of words appeared.

"Doomsday online: the fire has been loaded successfully. Congratulations, you have officially become a pioneer."

Gu Qingshan pretended not to see it. His eyes were excited and said, "so many words, what are you talking about?"

“……” Fire interface.

It found out that it had done something wrong.

On the interface, the word "war god" is more exaggerated

Gu Qingshan coughed gently. He knew that he had exerted too much, and his performance was somewhat out of the ordinary.

He relaxed his face a little.

Yes, he had two systems and had to kill one of them. Gu Qingshan was a little nervous for a moment.

Gu Qingshan lowered his voice and said to the fire interface, "you said I was the forerunner selected by heaven. So, what's your use to me?"

A line of characters appeared on the fire interface.

It stops stiffly, and all the words are taken back.

The fire remembered that this man was illiterate.

Soon, a voice took the place of words.

"From this moment on, the fire will replace trist and issue the mission for you personally."

"So, can I still get a reward?" Gu Qingshan looks worried.

"Of course, only the best participants will be led by the system to complete the task, and you will be rewarded far more than others." Huo Zhong Dao.

Cheater, the vast majority of people have loaded you, Gu Qingshan thought.

"What should I do?" he asked? I came here just to get a reward. "

"Next, you only need to collect soul power during the task, and you can exchange soul power for corresponding rewards from the system." Huo Zhong Dao.

"Is it? What are the rewards? " Gu Qingshan asked.

The fire interface turns.

Many dazzling rewards appear on the interface.

Because he was a swordsman, many swords appeared on the interface.

Even if Gu Qingshan is full of determination, he is also excited.

His eyes fell on some of the swords and did not take them back for a moment.

He recognized that it was something in the town of Wanjie, a resort in abruzhi.

A large part of these swords belong to the shop which specializes in selling weapons.

It seems that Ambrose belongs to trist.

Gu Qingshan sighed.

He continued to move the interface and looked back.

Gu Qingshan saw not only the glittering flowers of goblins, but also the demons that could be exchanged with soul power.

Gu Qingshan could not help thinking of all kinds of extremely powerful cultivation secrets.

But these rare things are very expensive.

If you want to exchange these rewards, you have to pay an astronomical amount of soul power.

This is what it should mean.

Iron fist Barry and xiaomeow, such strong people, can not find the bright flower of the goblin.

As soon as he got out of the boat, the old man of the tower Guardian Association hugged Barry's thigh to smell whether it was the crystal flower of the goblin.

They are all very strong, but they can't get such good things.

So many things on the fire interface, as long as you take them out, can completely stir up a bloody rain.

Because these are the good things that people dream of.

If he is a new man who doesn't know anything, he will try his best to collect his soul power in order to get these precious things.

Some people will struggle and hesitate in their hearts, but more people will kill crazily to gain enough soul power to exchange treasures with fire.

Gu Qingshan's heart was tight.

There are so many rare treasures in the fire that the entrants may have been caught in the crazy killing each other for a long time.

The total amount of soul power of fire is rising rapidly.

"How do I get soul power?" Gu Qingshan asked quickly.

The fire said: "when the life dies, there will be soul power automatically collected by you."


"Yes, as the forerunner of heaven, you will get rich rewards by killing."right enough.

"I believe it's a familiar thing for you," the fire continued

"How do you know?"

"I can sense that there are more beings dying in your hands than many real demons who are bloodthirsty."

"You are a very good seed player and you have great potential."

"Please join me in the battle of ten thousand worlds, and break through the surface world of 900 million!"

Gu Qingshan suddenly found out.

Yes, I have been fighting for a long time, and I have no scruples about killing and cutting. No matter in the world of practice, in the world of martial arts, or in the netherworld of netherworld, as long as you do it, you will never show mercy.

In the netherworld of the netherworld, one hundred million trillion dead are directly wiped away by themselves.

It seems that the fire can sense that his hands are covered with the blood of hundreds of millions of sentient beings, so he said so much to himself.

It thinks it's a good choice to be possessed.

Then the fire continued, "the new mission has been released."

"In the 600 story building under your feet, there are countless low-level, backward and incompetent people. They want to get the reward of thorn birds, but they stop at this level."

"Go, kill them all and bring the soul back."

"With soul power, you can exchange prizes from me at any time."

When the fire finished, the voice disappeared.

At the same time, the Ares interface lights up.

This is an interesting thing, one blue and one red interface, alternating with Gu Qingshan.

"What are you going to do?" Asked the Ares system.

Gu Qingshan said without thinking: "if we don't give it soul power, can it snatch it from me?"

"It can't do it with me."

"Then there is no problem. Next, we should kill and save. In short, we should not let the fire accumulate any soul power."

As soon as he finished, lines of firefly small characters appeared on the Ares interface.

"This ares mission is a continuous mission."

"This continuous mission is ready. You must complete all tasks to prevent the fire from upgrading before you can get the final reward."

"The first task content: the system has marked another enchanter for you. He is on the 239th level."

"What is he doing?"

"He's doing what the fire demands."

Gu Qingshan nodded.

That man must be looking for a chance to kill.

"Kill him, get to the ground, and the first mission is done."

"Please name this mission."

Gu Qingshan had some accidents. He thought about it and said, "birds."

The Ares system immediately replied, "the first mission: birds, has been released."

Task delivery is scheduled.

Lines of small characters on the Ares interface also dissipated.

The void is clean.

Both systems fell silent.

Gu Qingshan drew out his sword and looked at the door.

This is the moment to fight.

Gu Qingshan was about to open the door, but was stopped by Lola.

"What's the matter?" Gu Qingshan asked.

"This is for you." Laura.

She handed Gu Qingshan a brass telescope.

She used the telescope once before.

Thank you very much

Gu Qingshan took over the telescope.

On the Ares interface, all of a sudden a line of firefly small characters appeared.

"Long lens."

"Strange objects."

"Function: to carry out various degrees of perspective according to your mind."

"Note: any treasure from the strange area will automatically get the title of strange item."

"On top of exotic items, there are epic level items, and more rare treasures are named legend level items."

Although the introduction of this telescope is very brief, Gu Qingshan has been deeply shaken.

He weighed his binoculars in his hand.

A heavy cold feeling came from my hands.

Holding up his lens, Gu Qingshan looks at the gate.

Without any hindrance, Gu Qingshan immediately saw the scene behind the door.

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