Just as crazy tooth hesitated, can Bao said another message that made crazy tooth chatter: "young master, he is still a sixth grade pharmacist, and he also knows the powerful mental attack of the soul clan. With his current strength, he is afraid that the God will not pose any threat to him. In addition, he has two protective spirit beasts, one is the sixth level medium level golden wolf king, and the other is the seventh level low level blue dragon, These are all obtained by the young master on his own ability, Tianbin. You know, he is only 24 years old this year! ".

Crazy tooth quickly asked, "he... He is not only the sixth grade pharmacist, but also the spirit attack of the soul clan, that is, the most rare kind of spirit teacher in the mainland?".

The remnant leopard nodded and said, "otherwise, how can he attack you and recover your mind?".

Although crazy tooth was shocked by Ling Xiao's various identities, he still said with doubts, "is it possible that he is the evil successor of a large family or an ancient family?".

Canbao shook his head and said, "if he is the successor of those big families or ancient families, he would not have made his own achievements. It's not worth our recognition. Canbao and xuanjizi agree that he is a disciple of bapinzong sect in Northwest China. Young master, his Tianbin is amazing, and his chance is beyond others' imagination. His future is absolutely beyond your imagination, Maybe... The emperor is not his destination.

Crazy tooth looks at the remnant leopard with complicated color. He is very curious about Ling Xiao, but he doesn't have the heart of submission. It must be that people of his strength level have pride that others can't imagine, and his mood is extremely tough. It won't change anything because of the remnant leopard's words.

Unless Ling Xiao can overpower him, maybe he will be convinced!

"Elder brother, maybe your vision is right, but I don't know how long it will take for him to reach that level. Why don't I talk to your young master and let you leave with me. After revenge, our two brothers will live together, sometimes practice and sometimes walk around. Let's have a taste of the leisure we didn't enjoy in our early years." Crazy tooth in turn persuades the remnant leopard.

The remnant leopard showed his anxious color and said, "crazy tooth, just listen to the elder brother this time. Follow the young master, we can go further in the future.".

He has promised Ling Xiao that he must persuade crazy teeth to chase him. If crazy teeth cross the river and break the bridge now, he really doesn't know how to explain to the young master.

"Brother, why do you have to do this? With my current strength, it's not a problem to find many resources for you to cultivate your peak strength. You may only waste your time following him," crazy tooth replied again.

"No... crazy tooth, you don't know the identity of the young master. He... He is the only disciple of the romantic evil emperor whom we used to idolize all the time!" The remnant leopard lost his cool and roared at crazy tooth.

"Whose disciple Guan..." crazy teeth disapproved. However, when he said this, he stopped and his eyes narrowed. "He... Is he the only disciple of the evil emperor?".

Can Bao nodded and said seriously, "yes, a year ago I saw the heroism of the evil emperor with my own eyes. Young master, he is really a descendant of the evil emperor.".

"Which... Which evil emperor is now what strength?" Crazy tooth old eyes flash essence light to ask a way.

As for the evil emperor, one of the four great legends in the central region, there are countless people who worship him, and the remnant leopard and crazy tooth are the servants and admirers of the evil emperor.

"I don't know exactly which realm you are in, but I've seen you fight with dileiyanhu. With your strength, maybe... I can't walk in front of the evil emperor. He has already gone to heaven. I think his strength has already reached the holy emperor realm!" Canbao really doesn't know the strength of the evil emperor, but with years of experience, he can feel that the gap between crazy tooth and the evil emperor is still very big.

In order to let crazy tooth stay at the young master's side, he had to carry out the evil emperor.

If that doesn't convince crazy tooth, he can't help it.

Crazy tooth sighed with emotion that "the evil emperor is really the emperor of heaven!".

"Well, even his old people have taken a fancy to the young master. Do you think his old people's vision will be worse?" The remnant leopard asked.

Crazy tooth said with a wry smile, "since you speak your young master so well, I'll try to follow him to see if he is as evil as you say. If I find it's just a straw bag, I'll take you away immediately.".

"Well... You'll know in the future that big brother didn't cheat you," can Bao said happily.

Crazy tooth raised his hand and said, "don't worry, big brother. I haven't finished my words yet." after a pause, he said again, "although he is a disciple of the evil emperor, I'm not a servant for him. I'll repay him for saving you and me. We'll set a time limit of ten years. I can protect his safety, but I won't do anything else for him, If he can make me submit completely in ten years, why don't I follow him? If he can't make me submit, how about you leave with me? ".Crazy tooth is very interested in the little one in the mouth of the remnant leopard. He didn't expect that the young master would be a disciple of the evil emperor, but it doesn't mean that he would lay down his dignity to be Ling Xiao's servant. The evil emperor is the evil emperor, and Ling Xiao is just an apprentice. Whether Ling Xiao can become the second evil emperor is not certain.

"No problem, ten years is ten years." the remnant leopard readily agreed.

He wanted to believe that the ability of the young master would conquer crazy tooth sooner or later. How could he willingly follow the young master at the beginning, but now he is still with the young master?


Can leopard and crazy tooth after reminiscing, can leopard will crazy tooth decision a word to tell Ling Xiao.

Ling Xiao is very casual about this, to "ten years, ten years later I want him to follow or unknown.".

The remnant leopard listened to Ling smile this words, in the heart can't help but feel worried for crazy tooth, he to young master's words but completely believe.

Ten years may not be much time for a powerful warrior, but it is full of unknowns for Ling Xiao. However, the remnant leopard can imagine that his young master can create many miracles in this time.

"God stick, is there still a month to go before the battle of emperor list begins? Where should we sign up? " Ling laughs at the Xuan Yao way of one side.

Xuanyao said, "the north water boundary is the territory of the black devil gate, so it's not suitable to be too popular here. We can choose Lanyang City, which is close to the north water boundary, to register. Lanyang city belongs to the city directly under the Lanyang sect of Sipin sect, and only the City directly under Sipin sect or the big family gate valve which is comparable to Sipin sect can register to participate in the competition for the imperial list, And each city decides the top ten, and then goes to the designated place to compete, and then there to decide the top ten, and so on. After layer upon layer elimination, the last 100 or even the top ten will be decided, and finally there will be the fight for the top ten. ".

"I see. It shouldn't be too late. Let's go now." Ling nodded with a smile.

Ling Xiao and others rush out of the precipitous mountains of bixiong mountain and return to Ming City immediately. Then they pass the transmission array of Ming City to other cities. After three successive transmissions, Ling Xiao and others arrive at Lanyang city.

Although Lanyang city is not as big as Fengdu, it is also extremely prosperous and bustling, especially after the ten-year dispute over the imperial list. In other words, the young talents of the cities near Lanyang city are coming one after another.

These young talent riding powerful spirit beast constantly swagger through the market, face with a very proud color.

They are all family heroes in each city. They also have the new generation of disciples of Wupin sect and liupin sect. They also have some powerful mercenaries and sanxiu.

These people are all under the age of 100. Compared with the strong, they are all young.

Generally speaking, the degree of aging will slow down a lot after people get to Dihuang.

Ling Xiao, Xuan Yao and others break through the Dihuang in their twenties. They seldom look old when they are 100 years old. If they can break through at a very fast speed, when they reach Tianzun level or Xuandi after 100 years old, their appearance will not change much. They will still be young.

The stronger the strength of Bijing, the more exuberant its vitality is. The earlier it can break through, the more it can ensure that its appearance will not age.

It has been tens of thousands of years since the dispute over the imperial list began.

Of course, its originator is Lingwu hall, the largest hall in Central China.

Lingwu hall is always supreme in the central region. Even the most powerful black devil gate dare not easily provoke people in Lingwu hall. This shows that Lingwu hall is powerful.

Lingwu hall proposes the battle for the imperial list to promote the martial arts of the central region. At the same time, they will take advantage of this opportunity to attract young talents to Lingwu hall.

Every time he entered the top 100, three levels of people would choose to join Lingwu Pavilion, while the rest would return to their own power development, and some of them were invited to join by some big powers with high chips.

This is also why the dispute over the imperial list has been approved by all major forces.

Every ten years, there are three layers of talented people who join Lingwu pavilion to replenish their fresh blood. After tens of thousands of years, we can see that the real details of Lingwu pavilion are terrible.

It can be said that the dispute over the imperial list is a stage for talents from all sides to gather, and it is also the focus of attention of all forces. They will find out some good ideas to make them the representatives of the new generation of forces or the representatives of salaries.

Those talents from all over the world try their best to show their strongest side, or win glory for individuals, clans and families, or struggle for more cultivation resources.

The name list of the emperor list of each term will be made public, and every local emperor who has made good achievements will have the opportunity to be famous in the central region.

Even if they fail to make it to the top 100, they will become the targets of various forces.Therefore, since the emperor list contest was held, every session has been very lively. The local emperors from all sides will gather and fight with each other as hard as they can, hoping to spread their fame to Zhongyu one day.

Ling Xiao and others are preparing to fight in the blue city