"Lawrence was pretty active too, back when we were not still together, you know his past." 

"I don't want to hear it." 

"You should listen to me," Yanarym whacked Yazeno's head, "I'm talking to you, you've been very disrespectful every time we see each other. Is this what you've learned going to clubs and screwing women every night?" He pouted while rubbing his head. 

"Of course not." She rolled her eyes at him. 

"You will regret those times you fooled around, trust me. Law did." 

"I don't want to hear anything from your boyfriend." 

"Do you want to get hit again?" 

"I just don't want to hear about your sexual activity with that man." 

"Excuse me? I may be open-minded but my virginity is reserved for my husband." She angrily said and whacked his head again. "Don't turn me into someone like you who made sex a daily routine to have a life." 

"So, you… were not touched by Law?"

"We kissed, we made out, but we're not there yet. You should be like that too, find someone you cherish, and become a respectful person." A smile formed on Yazeno's lips hearing that, his mood was uplifted to a hundred times better.

Yazeno knew it, she was not a cheap woman. She's always been above anybody else. "I will find someone you like." 

"Silly boy, not someone I like but the woman you will like."

"Kuya, Cailly, sorry we're late." Yanarym gave them a bear hug as soon as they saw one another at the vacation house. 

"I just got here too," Cailly said with her luggage on the side. 

"You didn't invite Maddi?" Yanarym asked but she knew that Maddi wasn't here.

There was a big flaw in Maddi's existence. If she was an exact copy of Yanarym, they had the very same sense of living, that was to fulfill their purpose in life. However, Guide-sama wasn't sure what was Maddi's role to play so there was no purpose in Maddi's system.

Meaning she's aimless like Yanarym was when she lived her life her very first life. Her existence was not for Yashnile, but she must be aware that she was being used by him to quench his longing.

Since the graduation party on the island, something has changed about the relationship between Maddi and Yashnile.

They were no longer harmonious nor loving to one another. That will make her lose interest in him, and will eventually ask for a break-up. It was not good timing if Movu suddenly showed up. 

"She's busy at work."

Lies, Yanarym said in her head.

The reality was Yashnile was not that enthusiastic about being with Maddi too. They become nothing more than fuck buddies, they served each other in bed, and once they are satisfied they forget each other's faces. Sadly, Yashnile became interested in Maddi because of her similarities with Yanarym but now, he was disturbed and annoyed by that fact too. 

"How about Law?" Cailly asked, trying not to sound excited about it. "Is he coming with you?" She shifted her attention to her sister. Yanarym was about to answer but Yashnile cut in. 

"Don't mention that name." He said in awe. Certainly, after what happened on that assignment, Yashnile who was keeping himself quiet became an antagonist again with Lawrence.

"Kuya, it's not his fault." Yanarym defended her boyfriend that made Yashnile's mood turn sour. Before he could refuse her, Cailly who was listening decided to pacify the two. 

"Hey, we just saw each other after all these months, don't start fighting." 

"I'm not starting a fight," Yanarym said in a low tone and looked away from Yashnile. "Anyway, where's my room? I still lacked sleep." Yashnile sighed and noticed how tired her eyes were. He calmed down and decided to forget negative thoughts and enjoy this week with her and his other siblings. 

"Your name was written on the door on the second floor. Zen and I would be preparing the barbecue later when you both rest." He said and Yanarym smiled at him, walked to his side, and hugged him again.

Being the clingy little sister to make his mood better. It was effective. Yashnile smiled and pinched her nose.

"Thanks, Kuya." She gave him another peck on the cheeks before getting her baggage from Yazeno but he avoided her. 

"I'll help them with baggage first." He turned to their eldest brother. He took Cailly's luggage too before proceeding on the mini elevator of the two floors vacation house. Despite the fact it was smaller than their mansion, it was big enough as one of the vacation houses on the island.

"Okay, I'll head to the kitchen." Yazeno brought Cailly first to her room before going to Yanarym's room. The door was open and she was already in her bed, lump in the middle with her socks on. Yazeno walked to her side and took off her socks and put her shoes properly under her bed. Then, he opened her baggage and hung and folded her clothes in the closet. Ever since the time she came back from them, whenever they have a vacation in some places just going on resorts within Luzon, he was the one always unpacked and packed her things. 

A year where they seldom see each other because they are starting new pages of their lives. Yanarym applied for a job and was immediately accepted, she moved from the house to Lawrence condo before his college began. To not become lovesick of her, missing her, he decided to leave the home too. Because the memories were all over whenever he saw the corner of the mansion.

When she got into the accident, he barely left her side at the hospital unless she drove him away whenever Lawrence entered the picture. He always hated Lawrence's gut; there would not be a day where he would acknowledge his existence on entering Yanarym's life.. He was sure enough that it was not because he sees him as a love rivalry.