Chapter 153 - (D) MARRY

Yanarym tried moving her body on her own while she's mid-air but the one who had the total control of the situation was Lapil. 

"La-lapil..." She moans louder as he kisses her neck and rammed Coy. She was used to the face-to-face position but standing face to face and lifting her body like a feather while he enjoys everything… she just couldn't help but sigh, she's enjoying his big cock now… damn.

Hara Kaliya rarely leaves the puod, however, today, she had traveled the seas for five hours to venture to Datu Pita's island. After hearing that Lapil will be secretly marrying someone she left the puod without the Rajah's knowledge. Though even if she wanted to inform her husband, the Rajah was not there to approve her voyage. He's been busy about something she doesn't know and doesn't care about. The only thing she does know was him and Tala were stuck like glues to each other. 

"Iloy," since she informed Lapil beforehand that she was arriving to purposely have him fetch her, here he was, greeting her on the shore, "Why did you come?"

"My son is getting married, isn't that enough reason?" She trailed off a breezy smile, with a whimsical tone. "I see that you've grown, ready to get married and all, huh? Did you consult your father regarding this matter?" 

"Marriage? Iloy, where did you hear that? I am not getting married yet." Lapil lips formed into a thin line. Wakan, he told his Iloy about Yanar? What if his Iloy was one of the enemies? He cannot even trust his father, what about his mother? 

However, he could still remember how she wept the day she told him about Yanar's death. And Lapil was also aware how she cherished Yanar, maybe he could let her know… but he still doesn't trust her, he could kill her if things don't go along with what he ought to happen. 

"Oh? Then, what did Wakan tell me? You found the woman you fancy and even followed her here, wasn't that true?" She said teasing Lapil, and Lapil sighed in response.

"... we should head back to Baba's balay first." 


"Yes, Datu Pita's my Baba." 

"... what?" The smile on Hara Kaliya's face faded and her face wrinkled. "He's not your father." Then her eyes widened in realization, "Are you marrying his second daughter? You and your father are being too inclined with that girl! She doesn't seem like good news to me. I don't agree with your marriage with her." She scowled and Lapil grinned. 

"Iloy, it's not her."

"Then, who? It's not like Datu Pita has three daughters. He only had two, and unfortunately became one." Her eyes droop in sadness. 

"Let's go Iloy, Baba is waiting for you." 

"If Datu Pita is waiting then we should hurry." Hara Kaliya signaled the men of her palanquin to move. Lapil led the way and they sauntered quitely. 

On the balay of Datu Pita, Yanarym was staring at the window together with Maki. They were watching the birds on the three. While she was eating the fruit, rambutan, a hairy red fruit similar to lychee, that Maki peeled for her. 

"Maki you should eat too, the taste is sweet." She said as she noticed that he wasn't eating anything and just fed her continuously. 

"No, I'm fine," Maki replied and fed her again, Yanarym opened her mouth and gnawed at the rambutan. "You should eat plenty, you're too light." She shrugged her shoulders and redirected her eyes outside. These past few days, she was bored as stone. Because these men were doing everything for her, she doesn't do much. Also, she can't practice her swordsmanship with her father's provision. 

The window became her television and nature became her shows. Sometimes, she would leave to go on the cliff and watch the ocean do its thing. Which soothes her nerves from the headaches. 

However, these days, she can't go out. She's been hiding since Achis came back to his banwa and keeping an eye on her. Fortunately, he did not find her and Tala was still on her expedition with the Rajah somewhere. Also, she heard from Guide-sama that Tala and Rajah Basi were already lovers. 

She sighed after hearing the news, why female leads resort to doing it like that? Getting sugar daddy if they can't get the male lead? Alyana did the same thing in the first world. What's with the character of a female lead that must have the support of their male lead or just men in general to be successful? Though she had to admit, she's benefiting from the favors of these men. She wasn't that thrilled. Despite appreciating them, she was aware that favors don't last long. Somehow, there would be a time that she had to be on her own. And mark her word, that if that time comes, she won't be begging for a man.

They heard commotion that disrupted their solemn moment. Yanarym shifts her eyes to the door and chews the rambutan Maki put on her mouth. "That must be Hara Kaliya," she mumbled and Maki did not say anything, so she turned to him, "Should we greet her?" 

"Is that necessary?" Maki replied nonchalantly. 

"Well, she's a Hara." 

"I don't care." He uttered in a low voice, like a kid grumbling about the situation.

"You hate Lapil don't you?" Yanarym smiled and muffled his long hair. He looked at her and did not stop her from treating him tenderly. 

Yanarym couldn't help it either. Since both of the men were acting like kids. She was treating them like kids too. Debating and yelling at each other, getting possessive to her, trying to hide or sneak to one another. Adorable but dangerous if triggered. 

"He is unpleasant, that's why I hate him." 

"Oh, right." She just laughs at him. "Come on, let's say hello to my Dada. It has been such a long time since she visited here." Yanarym stood up, jumping out of the bed. 

"Be careful!"