These days, nit has been buried in swari's study. He needs to know what has changed in this era compared with his own era.

This seems to be purposeful for Ben Lun, so he will understand it, but nit is a happy look and integrates into it. It seems that he just wants to understand it.

Although Ben Lun thinks so, he doesn't take care of nit. I don't know why. He doesn't think nit will do anything evil.

Sitting on the sofa, some idle Bellen was preparing to read the daily newspaper. She didn't know when Angelina would come back. At this time, a figure suddenly came in through the door, and Bellen also looked over her head.

Seeing the cat eared girl, Belen was also stunned. He asked curiously, "latil? Won't you go out with everyone?"

Because yelihua happened to go shopping outside, the girls also asked to go with them. They haven't taken a good tour of the city yet. Yelihua didn't refuse. She also liked these girls.

Latil walked up to Belem and shook his head when he heard what he said. He pursed his lips and remained silent for a while, and Belem also noticed latil's hands hanging on his waist.

"Mr. Belen, I have something to say."

Hearing the speech, Belen also looked at latil again. He nodded and said, "sit down and say what you want to say to me."

These days, latil's state is very offline, and his smile is much less. He also cares whether something has happened.

Latil sat on the sofa in front of beren. She looked a little gloomy and looked still in a bad mood.

"Mr. beren."


Latil lowered her head and whispered, "if I have only one year left, but there is no way to save it, will you be sad if I hide it and I leave in the end?"

"What nonsense?" Belen was also stunned after hearing the speech, and then showed a very serious expression. He said: "I will never let latil encounter this situation, absolutely!"

"Mr. beren is always so gentle." Latil whispered, holding her hands tightly on her thighs. She bit her lower lip and endured the sadness and pain that had sprouted in the bottom of her heart.

"But I wanted to say before that Mr. Bellen is a fool! He has never cared about himself, but he is so selfish! Mr. Bellen is hopeless! There is only a gentle fool left!"

Latil's voice grew louder and louder, so that she finally shouted out. Tears couldn't stop flowing out of her eyes and began to choke and cry.

"La... Latil? What's the matter with you?"

There was no doubt that latil was very angry when he saw that latil was so excited. Belen was also shocked. He didn't understand what had happened. How did it happen all at once?

Belen stood up, walked to the girl in some panic and squatted down. He couldn't see latil and them crying.

"If I do something wrong, please remind me, because I'm a fool, so I can't notice. I'm very sorry if I make you unhappy!"

Hearing these words, latil also trembled. She looked haggard at the flustered white haired man in front of her.

"Mr. Bellen is so kind to us that he has to hold on to himself even when he may be dying, just to make us think why things haven't happened." Latil looked at her dark blue eyes and slowly stretched out her hand and put it on her snow-white hair. She said again: "I don't know how many times I've put myself in danger, because I'm not even busy in this regard, so I always hate myself who can't do anything."

Hearing this, Belen could not help interrupting latil. He shouted, "no, it's not! Latil has always helped me. No matter what, it's because everyone is here that I can hold on until now!"

"Obviously, I was saved by Mr. Belen, but I haven't helped much so far. This is my incompetence." Latil said to herself in some pain, and she was very sad: "but even if I am incompetent, I have always been very self righteous and regard myself as Mr. beren's important family. I don't want Mr. beren to come back with a smile after suffering great harm every time. I don't want it! I'm obviously hurt all over."

When she heard the girl's sad words, Bellen never thought that latil's heart had been paying attention to these things. She was guilty, but she didn't do anything for a minute as a big family.

She has been under great psychological pressure, but what happened recently to make her pressure break out?

Just when beren was confused, latil suddenly said, "Oh, Mr. beren, how long do you want to hide?"


Beren was stunned, but the next moment he suddenly realized something. His pupils gradually opened at the moment. Obviously, he already understood, but ah, he couldn't be frank in this matter anyway.

"Did I hide anything? No, No."

Seeing that Bellen denied it, latil's eyes were burning with fire. She gritted her teeth and shouted angrily: "obviously, Mr. Bellen has already done so, and she still has to hide it!"

She... Knows.

When did you know?

Belen stared at the girl who was already crying. He gradually restrained his mind, then took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, so as to calm his mood.

"Was it the conversation I had with swari on the balcony that day?"

Latil nodded.

Sure enough

Belen sighed and shook her head. Anyway, she has decided not to hide it. Now that she has been found, she can only confess.

"I didn't mean to hide it, but ah, I can't say it frankly anyway. I can't imagine how you look."

Belen got up slowly, then reached out and rubbed the crying cat ear girl. He said softly, "it's all discovered by latil. Isn't it very smart?"

"No, no, I just heard it. I'm so stupid. How can I..." latil wanted to deny that she didn't think she was smart and couldn't do anything. However, before she finished, she was held in the arms of the person in front of her.

Belen gently hugged the girl, stroked her head with one hand and said gently, "no, latil is actually a very smart and gentle child. It's a proud thing to endure so much and for so long. Latil is a very strong girl, there's no doubt."

"But... I don't want Mr. beren to leave."

Latil couldn't help her tears again and gushed out like a spring. She cried very sad and distressing. She was afraid that this important person would disappear quietly at some time. What would she do then?

"Ah, I won't leave." Beren felt the trembling man in his arms and was deeply distressed. He said softly, "as long as you don't want me to leave, I will never leave."