Heathland in the border is now covered by gunsmoke and war. Fortunately, with the help of the Holy See, most ordinary people have retreated to the Holy See headquarters for shelter, and the battle has begun.

Outside the gate of the Vatican headquarters, a figure covered by golden radiance is the guardian of the Vatican. Although it is shrouded in radiance and can't see clearly, it is a real girl, although few people know this.

The guardian of the Holy See, named grace, is now standing in mid air. Her eyes are staring ahead, where two beautiful women are confronting her.

One in red and one in black.

Flame Witch and devour witch.

The people below are also under pressure after seeing these two. You should know that these two are the core members of the "natural disaster". Compared with the rumors of swallowing witches, the flame witches are more famous.

The guardian of the holy see is a particularly mysterious existence for the magistrates. The person who rarely appears in front of the world, let alone his appearance, does not even know whether he is male or female. However, there is no doubt that since he is respected as the guardian of the Holy See, he must have great strength.

However, can the guardian of the Holy See resist the two core members of the "natural disaster" alone?

This is a worry in everyone's heart.

Grace looked at the two witches and said calmly, "you are really bold and dare to press the whole army to heathland. Aren't you afraid of falling down?"

"You seem very strong. Come and play with me." The flame witch YanLian Temple didn't answer Grace's words, but smiled and looked at the latter.

Devouring the witch, Osho Doyle smiled but didn't speak. Her body floated back, as if to make room for the battle between Yanlian temple and grace.

Seeing each other's two people like this, grace frowned under the brilliance. She always felt a little strange. Since she was going to destroy the Holy See, why not attack her together? It's the most correct to win the victory as soon as possible? Otherwise, the border will be broken, but they will definitely fail miserably.

Without waiting for grace to think more, YanLian Temple took the lead. She didn't use the flame truth from the beginning, which was also a burden for her. After all, it went beyond the human field. Moreover, she didn't know how much the guardian of the Holy See was.

First, test it.

The five fingers of Yanlian temple's right hand opened, and the flame gathered in it and turned into a ball of fire, and then gradually grew larger at a speed visible to the naked eye. She pushed the huge ball of fire forward, and then her five fingers closed together, clapped her palm on the ball of fire, and the ball of fire immediately flew out, like a meteor outside the sky.


The hot temperature assimilated the cold air around the fireball in an instant, and the nearby ice and snow were melted by this temperature in an instant, straight towards grace.

Grace raised her right hand, and the eyes engraved with the cross burst into amazing light, and then endless brilliance spread like a brilliant Star River, wrapping the huge fireball in it.


The brilliance stopped the fireball that came from the impact in the air, as if wrapped into a round ball, and then burst out amazing brilliance, dazzling, and the fireball also disappeared in an instant, as if it had been emptied of energy in the blink of an eye.


YanLian Temple looked at the light and shadow with great interest, and then laughed. She shouted, "your light, where is my flame burning!"

The voice fell, and the liquid magic flame immediately burned on the red dress of Yanlian temple. Her eyes turned red like fire in an instant, and the magic of her whole body broke out in an instant.

Flame truth.

The barrier of the border was rendered a halo by the red color, and Yanlian temple has begun to be serious at the moment. Now she knows that the guardian of the holy see is a strong man who can't be defeated if she is not serious.

Looking at the red color all over the sky, Grace's eyes coagulated. Then, her brilliance dispersed. She was wearing ordinary plain clothes instead of God's official clothes.

In the face of such power, even grace can't be distracted to do other things. She must gather all her mind to deal with it.

Everyone opened their eyes when they saw the guardian reveal his real body. Although there was speculation, they were still very shocked when they really saw the guardian's real body.

"It's really a girl."

Seeing that grace is a girl, Yanlian temple also shows the joy of a child after guessing the right answer. The corners of her mouth lift slightly, her beautiful face is smiling, and her red eyes are full of high ambition.

On the other side of heathland, a fierce battle is also taking place, and the opponent is the battle between antrina, the "sword saint", and gaiola, the snow witch.

Even with the ice and snow truth, gaiola was still at a disadvantage in the war with antrina, and she recognized the combat power of the world's top power for the first time.

However, it won't be easy for the other party to beat himself.

That's enough.


With a sword, Angelina divided the little iceberg falling from the sky, and then frowned. She stared at gaiola in the distance, her heart full of doubts. The ice witch seemed to have more obvious intention to hold her back than to defeat her.

"What on earth do you want to do?"

Gaiola's eyes flashed after hearing the sword saint's question. It seemed that she was aware of something. She said calmly, "destroy the Holy See."

"Look at the current situation. That's right." Angelina looked around at the ruins and smoke, and then looked at gaiola again. She said in a deep voice, "but you don't look like that now."

"Well, I really want to destroy this place." Gaiola glanced around coldly and said coldly that she had no pity for the loss of life and the cry of pain.

Angelina glanced over at the tower in the distance and said, "if your dependence is" the law of angels ", you may be disappointed. With that tower, even with that magic prohibition, you can't easily break through the Holy See."

Seeing that Angelina knew the "law of angels", gaiola was not much surprised. She looked at the "heavenly elephant tower". She said blandly: "indeed, it is difficult for us to succeed with that tower."

"So, what exactly do you want to do?" Angelina became more and more sure of her guess. The "natural disaster" had another purpose. She said coldly: "the war type magic prohibition should not be reused in a short time. If it failed once, what would you do next?"