At the moment, in the cave connected by the stone walls, Belen was leaning against the cold stone walls and concentrating on calming his strange mood. After a long time, he finally calmed down.


At this time, the sound of water suddenly accelerated the calmed heartbeat again. He felt that his nose was hot. He quickly pinched his nose, and the exciting picture came to mind.

The one exposed to the fog

Compared with her childhood, Al has grown into a beautiful girl enough to impress countless men. Even beren, who once slept and bathed together as a child, now has to admit her charm.

Now he is not a child. When he grows up, he won't think about it, but he can't feel nothing after seeing that behind the scenes.

It's not a child like latis!

No, you can't think!

Belen began to take a deep breath and exhale, forcing himself to calm down. After repeating this action dozens of times, footsteps came from his ears and a figure came to him.

The girl in purple and white official clothes stood three meters away from him. Her blue and purple eyes looked at beren and moved away. It seemed that she couldn't look directly at him.

The beautiful black hair hung behind him like a waterfall, and the slender posture protruded forward and tilted back. It may not be full, but it has a slender beauty, which makes someone's heart beautiful.

Belen also didn't open his eyes. He explained awkwardly: "that, yes, I'm sorry. In fact, I didn't see it very clearly, really."

He doesn't like to tell lies. He speaks so smoothly at the moment.

He saw it very clearly.

Al stood there, her blue and purple eyes swept over the man's red side face, her cheeks were also slightly red, and then pursed her lips.

"Come to me. What can I do for you?"

Hearing the girl's question, Belen also turned around. He looked at the girl and looked around. He smiled awkwardly and said, "otherwise, say it somewhere else?"

Al also gave a dry cough, then answered, and then went out of the cave with Belen, who followed the girl to a small tent.

It always feels better to say that cave.

At the moment, beren and Al are sitting face to face in the tent. The distance between them is less than one meter, and their eyes never touch each other.

Because of what happened in the cave before, the situation of both sides is very embarrassed. Compared with beren, Al is actually the one with the most complicated mood.

Finally, Al broke the silence. She asked, "what do you want to say?"

"Ah, that's it." Belem woke up and swallowed. He took a deep breath, then bent down and lowered his head.


Seeing beren apologize, Al was not surprised. She looked at the white haired man in front of her, and her mood had temporarily recovered.

"Why apologize?"

When Al asked, Belen had organized his own language. He said, "indeed, I have such an attitude because of gayer. I'm really sorry that I ignored your feelings. I apologize for this."

"Why because of Gaye?" Al continued to ask.

Beren thought for a moment, then hesitated for a moment before he said, "that guy likes you."

"He likes me. It's his business." Al looked at the childhood sweetheart in front of her. She said, "why do you keep avoiding me because of this?"

Indeed, it's not only that beren didn't see al those days, but even when Al was looking for him, he subconsciously avoided it. Al had already known this kind of thing, probably from the population of silver bird.

"Sorry, I don't know why." Belem bowed his head and he couldn't give an answer.

Hearing the speech, Al's eyes twinkled slightly. She looked at the man in front of her, and her voice trembled slightly, but the next moment it recovered its smoothness.

"Do you really care that he likes me?"

After asking this sentence, the atmosphere in the tent was silent again, and the wind and snow outside the tent could be clearly heard in their ears.

Seeing that beren didn't respond, Al raised her eyes again. She said calmly, "so, what's the matter?"

Belem held his hands slightly, then slowly raised his head. He felt that he should give his own answer now. He had to do so.

"Yes, I care about it."

Hearing Belem's words, Al's eyes widened slightly, her fingers trembled, she opened her mouth slightly, but before she could speak, the former was one step ahead of her..

The white haired young man showed an embarrassing smile. He grabbed the back of his head and said, "I'm not willing to be taken away by others after living with him for so many years. Maybe this is my inexplicable vanity and possessiveness?"

Say these words, will it annoy al? But nevertheless, Belen didn't take back his words even if he regretted it at the moment. This was his subconscious speech of his mood. This was his true words and couldn't be rejected.

After saying these words, beren lowered his head and didn't dare to look at the girl's expression. He was afraid that he would see his frightened expression, so he simply lowered his head and accepted the trial, which could make him feel better.

At the moment, the girl sitting in front of beren had a dull expression. She looked at the white haired youth with her head down in front of her.

During beren's very nervous period, Al finally recovered. Her eyes gradually became soft, the corners of her mouth slightly hooked, but she soon disappeared.

"So you think so."

When he heard al speak, Belen also swallowed his saliva. He was very nervous, even sweating on his back. The white haired strong man who killed the demon family general with one sword seemed very embarrassed at the moment.


Hearing his gentle response, Al also made a deep voice. She seemed to be thinking. Finally, she had decided the outcome of the trial.

"I'm not very happy these days. Do you want to make up for me?"

"Of course!"

So al thought about it. Finally, she said with a smile, "well, then punish you. These days, you have to chat with me with colorful candy every day. It's your atonement. How about it?"

"Is it okay to be so simple?" Belen hesitated.

"Do you want to refuse?"

Beren shook his head quickly. He shouted, "I accept it!"

"Well, you go out. I'm going to rest. I'm so tired." Al waved her hand. She turned and began to get her bedding. She didn't see Belen again.


Belen retreated tremblingly. After leaving the tent, he was relieved. He always felt that the punishment was too simple!

In the tent, El was sitting there with a quilt in her arms. Her cheeks were a little ruddy. She pursed her lips and her eyes were shining with a faint luster. She had a happy or helpless smile on her face.

"You are too cunning. If you don't make it clear, I will misunderstand."