On this day, the current head of frozarno School Park issued an instruction. In the afternoon of that day, all main combat forces were dispatched and directly went to the transmission array leading to the "natural disaster" space, which was hidden nearby.

Earlier, last night.

Everyone was stunned when they heard celika's idea.


Serena added a piece of sugar to the coffee, then nodded slightly and said, "yes, Verny's magic array has been completed to the final stage, and Joanna has freed her hand. Before the" natural disaster "attacks us, we can attack their headquarters first, maybe we can catch them all."

"OK! How can we be passive all the time!" Amos had both fists and a grin. He wanted to rush directly into the nest of "natural disaster" and fight with those guys.

Puding sat on the sofa eating cookies, turned his eyes, then nodded and said, "yes, yes, but what if we happen to meet the brave?"

Hearing the speech, celika said, "if they really control the brave, they will let her appear first. We can ambush the combat power first and attack their headquarters directly after confirming the emergence of the brave."

Keller, who was eating dessert, smiled and said, "if the brave is controlled, something must be controlling her. We just need to destroy what controls the brave."

"That makes sense. That's it."

So I made this decision last night.

At noon, when all combat forces were hidden near the mountains and forests, three remained in the base camp. One was the head of the school, celika. She sat in the office as usual, while the other two were Bellen and Verny.

On the rooftop, beren and Verny are sitting against the wall. The latter is not in good condition. At the moment, they look a little depressed. It seems that they may sleep at any time.

Because she didn't know which route the "brave" came from, and the scope of the magic array was limited, Verny simply arranged dozens of them. Although most of them were with the help of Joanna's magic, as the array setter, Verny also had to contribute. Dozens of magic arrays were arranged and completed only this morning. Now her body is still empty.

"Verny, are you okay?"

"Do you think I look all right?"

Verny replied listlessly. Her eyes closed slowly. She leaned against beren's shoulder and whispered, "let me lean for a while. If you come, wake me up."

After saying these words, Verny fell asleep quietly against beren's shoulder, breathing evenly, but her face was not good. She was really tired.

Belen looked at the girl around him. He smiled and couldn't help recalling the past. He reached out to lift the hair covering Verny's eyes. It seemed that there had been such a thing.

In that teahouse, xiaohuahua is easy to get sleepy after drinking tea and eating snacks. When she is sleepy, she is leaning against his shoulder nearest to her. She has grown up a lot, but the feeling is still the same.

"Hard work."

Belen looked at the sky outside. The border that originally covered the teaching area had disappeared. Since they decided to take the initiative and they wanted to prevent the emergence of sisya, the border was in the way. Otherwise, even celika couldn't find out the situation outside.

Dean's office.

At the moment, Serena is staring at the countless surveillance images that can be seen in front of her. In fact, there is an important reason why she didn't help. She must stay here.

At this moment, I hope that the worst situation will not happen. As long as sisya is not controlled, there will be her and Belen guarding here, and there can be no mistakes.

However, as they guessed at the beginning, the worst happened, and the sudden occurrence was beyond everyone's expectation.

In the picture in the upper right corner, Serena saw a figure wearing red and white light armor slowly coming out of the dense forest, and her pupils suddenly shrank at the moment.

How did you show up here!?

Celika quickly took out a blue crystal and immediately said after inputting Magic: "Puding! Do you hear me? No one came out there?"

Soon, a voice came out of the crystal: "there is no situation, and the" brave "has not been seen."

Hearing Puding's words, celika's face suddenly became gloomy. Without hesitation, she gave instructions: "I have seen the" brave "here. It is estimated that they have sent the" brave "out long ago."

Puding on the other side also changed his face when he heard this sentence. From celika's words, he understood one thing, that is, the "natural disaster" was already in the school park!

At this time, Joanna suddenly raised her head and looked at several directions, and then she said in a deep voice: "Puding! I feel some extremely huge magic, which belongs to the core members of the" natural disaster "


Everyone frowned when they heard the speech. Do they have any conspiracy?

As the main strategist here, Puding immediately ordered and shouted: "I doubt what magic array they are arranging. Now go to stop them immediately. Separate several teams according to Joanna's directions. The student union will lead the students to stop those hidden witches and act immediately!"

Whew, whew, whew!

Everyone is scattered at this moment. Puding is most worried about what terrible magic array the core members of the "natural disaster" will arrange. Otherwise, why should they be scattered in several directions?

At the moment, on the side of the base camp, the voice of Serena's broadcast came from the teaching building: "next, all the school parks are hidden, Verny, start the magic array."

Hearing Serena's voice, beren immediately woke up Verny: "little flower, it's time to wake up."

"What little flower."

Verny woke up and heard the nickname. She rubbed her eyes. Although she was not tired now, she had to hold on for a while no matter how tired she was.

So, Verny stood up. She slowly closed her eyes and began to feel the perceptual boundary under her cloth. After getting the exact location, she took a deep breath, and then began to seal her hands in front of her body. It was the art of launching the magic array.

This magic array was completed by Verny relying on the magic of a variety of vast elements, and countless magic crystals were put into it, which can be said to consume countless funds. Although it was nothing for Verny, who was originally a big family, it took more trouble because of the number of things to be mixed.