On the street, latil and her four people trotted on their way. Although the original immoral guys saw it, they didn't dare to come out. Looking at the little girl with silver hair, they couldn't help thinking of what happened last night. Although they didn't know what magic it was, it can be confirmed that the other party was a magic tutor, and they didn't dare to provoke it. Novel network

At the moment, latil has a similar mood to their fear. It is estimated that Mr. Belen will scold her if she goes back at such a late time. It is clear that Mr. Belen asked to go back early yesterday!

"Leia, what should I say when I see Mr. beren?"

On the way, latil was nervous and asked Laiya for help.

"Ah? I, I don't know, but I can't tell Mr. Belen the truth now. He certainly won't agree with us to work, so try to muddle through?"

Leia didn't know what to do. At the moment, she reluctantly answered latil.

After hearing the speech, latil also smiled bitterly and muddled through? How can we muddle through? Soon they returned to the hotel.

The four girls stood at the door. Leia took out the key. She bit her teeth and was a little nervous. After taking a deep breath, she inserted the key into the slot, twisted it, and the door lock was opened.

After opening the door, Leia saw a figure sitting there as if she were doing something. She carefully walked into the house, and latil followed. After entering, Elia pulled the door handle to close the door.

Belen was rolling meat rolls in his hand. He thought he must be tired playing outside so late. Maybe he was hungry, so he prepared a night snack.

"Mr. beren"

Seeing beren's back, latil was a little nervous. She held her hands tightly in front of her. Some didn't know what to do. Do you want to make up a reason to explain?

Belen turned her head, put the meat roll in her hand at latil and said, "come back, come back so late, should I be hungry? I've prepared the meat roll. Do you want to try it?"

"Ah, yes!"

Latil responded subconsciously, then walked over under Leia's stunned eyes, sat opposite beren at the small table, and looked at the meat roll on the plate. As soon as she wanted to reach for it, she was stunned.

Leia's eyes were a little complicated. She also came forward and sat aside. Latis and Elia also came silently, and the two little girls sat in the same direction.

"Eat, eat, it's delicious."

Belen didn't ask the four girls why they came back so late. Although he cared, he didn't ask. He just felt that he should have bound them too much on weekdays. After all, he spent most of his time in commercial cars, traveling everywhere, but he didn't have much time to play.

As soon as latil's throat rolled, she swallowed a mouthful of water, then took a breath, stretched out her hand to take the meat roll, then opened her mouth, took a bite and chewed it in her mouth. Novel network

It is very delicious at ordinary times, but now it is delicious and tasteless.

Leia looked at rattier and sighed in her heart. She looked at the meat rolls on the plate. There were four in rattier's hand.

When they worked in the tavern, they had already eaten. In addition, they could also get some desserts from the wine table on the way to work. Now they are not hungry at all, even a little full, so they have no appetite without her.

Belen looked at latil who was eating the meat roll, then at Leia who was silent and bowed her head, and then at latis and Elia who were in a daze. The latter three didn't want to get the meat roll at all, which made him a little confused.

"Big brother."

Latis shouted softly.

"What's the matter, latis?"

Beren looked at the kitten.

"My stomach is so full that I can't eat any more."

Latis drooped her ears, one hand was still touching her stomach and cupping her small mouth. She seemed to be very full. She was originally a little greedy ghost. She didn't eat less in the pub. Now she has no appetite.

When she heard latil's words, Belen suddenly realized that she had no appetite. She had already eaten, and now she looked at latil who had stopped.

"Is there enough pocket money?"

Bellen remembered that he didn't give much pocket money. It shouldn't be enough for four people to eat two meals. What's more, when you go out to play, you should eat all the food on the stall.

"Ah? Me"

Latil was at a loss at once, but she soon calmed down, looked down at the meat roll and didn't know how to answer. They were all eating staff meals and didn't spend money today.

"It doesn't matter. You can tell me if you don't have enough pocket money."

Belem thought that latil felt guilty because he had spent all his money. He immediately comforted him, and then took out his few gold coins from the storage container and put them in front of latil. Of course, silver and copper coins can't be taken out. It's really embarrassing.

Latil stared at the gold coins on the table, pursed his lips, held his hands tightly on his thighs, and even couldn't help telling the truth.

"Ah, latile, you don't have to eat when you're full. I'm hungry. Give it to me."

Belen also knew that latil was forcing herself. Then she reached out and took down the meat roll in the girl's hand, put it on the plate, then picked up the plate and stood up.

"Rest early after taking a bath!"

Carrying the plate, beren went back to his room and brought the door. He sat down and put the plate on the small table. He looked calm. After a long silence, he looked at the meat roll that had only bitten two bites and shook his head reluctantly.

Latil is also true. She has to hold on when she is full.

However, beren knew why latil did this. His heart warmed up. Although he didn't know what latil did when they went out all day, he didn't intend to go deep into it, because he believed in four girls.

Then, Belen also reached out to pick up the meat roll and bit it. He didn't have been bitten twice. When chewing, he remembered that he hadn't eaten since he came back at noon.

So he solved the four meat rolls alone.

In the other room, the four girls had already taken a bath. At the small table, latil and Leia were silent. Latis had fallen asleep on the ground. Elia was sleepy, covering her small mouth and rubbing her sleepy eyes.

Leia also felt sleepy. She said, "go to bed first. I'm tired today."

After taking a bath, Leia and latil were tired after relaxing. Even their lower legs were a little sore. Latil nodded his head and went to get the bedding.