?? When she heard the familiar voice, latil, who had been holding her sister with her head down, suddenly opened her eyes, and she suddenly raised her head.

?? The brown cat's pupils reflected Belen in black. The two sides had only been separated for a few days. How could latil forget the benefactor who had given to her sisters.

?? "Mr. beren..."

?? Her whisper fell into beren's ear, and he looked back at his slightly startled pupils.

?? Seeing this scene, the little hope in latil's heart was extinguished. She laughed at herself at the bottom of her heart. How can people help them if they have nothing to do with themselves?

?? Therefore, latil held her sister tighter. She lowered her head and dared not look at Bellen again. Because of her humble status, she had no face to face Bellen who had helped them.

?? "Big brother..."

?? Latis also raised her little face, which had no expression, and her bright big eyes had no expression.

?? "Yes, they are cheap slaves."

?? The fat woman looked at beren. She hesitated to look at the Duke of svari, and then answered with a clear and interesting heart.

?? She is also a person who has experienced a lot of things. She is good at observing words and colors. It is obvious that she will not be an ordinary person if she can stand beside the Duke so calmly.

?? Beren looked at the fat woman with a calm look. People couldn't see any emotion. He asked, "so, what did you bring them here for?"

?? "Because I got the news, it is said that the Duke of svari is looking for Asian servants. I think it will be very difficult. It will be easier for * two slaves. This is a gift to these two slaves."

?? Finally, the fat woman added a sentence that sounded like how noble she was, but in fact, she just wanted to make money.

?? A hypocritical person.

?? Then beren asked, "how many gold coins does that require?"

?? Hearing this, everyone present was stunned, especially latil. She listened very clearly. Somehow, her heart beat slightly faster, but she still didn't dare to look up.

?? Swari also looked at beren in surprise, but he didn't say anything, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly, as if he was smiling.

?? "The Duke offered a thousand gold coins to buy them."

?? The fat woman was also a little surprised and looked at beren. Could it be that the man was interested in the two slaves?

?? "Svari, did you buy them to be servants in the house?" Beren looked at svari.

?? "Not so. One of my nieces wanted two Asian servants, so she had the idea." With that, swari seemed to think of something again.

?? "My niece is very naughty. It may be difficult for Asian servants to come to her."?

?? Belen looked at svari, who looked at him with a smile. The meaning of the smile was very profound.

?? "So..."

?? Beren, who took back his eyes, walked to the fat woman. He seemed to shake something out of his sleeve and took the iron chain in the fat woman's hand neatly with his right hand.

?? The fat woman stared at the man in black in front of her. She couldn't speak for a moment, as if something had stopped her from speaking.

?? Beren didn't see the fat woman again. He held the chain in one hand, then turned around. He stretched out his hand and patted latil on the shoulder.

?? "It's time to go."

?? Hearing this dull voice, latil raised her head. Her little dirty face was confused and puzzled. Immediately, the cat's pupils showed incredible brilliance.

?? "Mr. Belen..."

?? Slowly, latil also reacted. She stared at the man in front of her, and then looked at the dull fat woman and the smiling Duke.

?? Click, click.

?? The two iron collars imprisoned on latil and latis' necks fell to the ground, and Belen threw the chain aside.

?? "I..."

?? "Let's go."

?? Without waiting for latile to speak, beren interrupted her and walked out of the house, as if what she had just done was insignificant.

?? Latil was stunned. She looked at the fat woman and saw that the other party didn't want to stop. Then she took latis's little hand and trotted up.

?? "What a gentle man, beren."

?? Looking at the three people who came out of the door, swari smiled. He didn't care that beren took away two Asian slaves he wanted to buy without saying a word.

?? This is the friendship between them.

?? "I'll pay for the two Asians."

?? "Ah? No, Duke."

?? "Why?"

?? Swari's face showed a puzzled look. Then the fat woman spread out her right hand with a folded gold ticket worth a thousand gold coins.

?? Seeing this scene, swari was a little stunned. He looked at the moving commercial car again, smiled and shook his head.

?? "Still the same."


?? In the first carriage behind beren, latil was holding latis, and the little girl seemed a little uneasy.

?? "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, Mr. beren. It shouldn't hurt us."

?? Latil was silent when she said this. Although beren took them away, she was still wary, or the other party just wanted to buy them.

?? After all, they are slaves.

?? Perhaps at first, Mr. beren just thought they were vagrants and gave them a little kindness, but slaves don't even exist as vagrants and beggars.

?? The other party can take them away so easily, which must have a deep relationship with the Duke. After learning their Asian slave status, they may be interested in it.

?? Asian slaves can be said to be more advanced slaves. Asian slaves with different characteristics from ordinary people or girls will attract the interest of many people with special hobbies.

?? Mr. Belen, is that the same person?

?? Holding many complex ideas, latil's eyes darkened again. The more he thought about it, the worse the outcome would be.

?? She simply doesn't want to. What will happen in the end is fine, but no matter what, she wants to ensure that her sister won't be hurt.

?? Thinking, latil and latis fell asleep.

?? I don't know how long it took to leave the city all the way. When latil and latis woke up, the sky outside was dark.

?? However, the reason why they wake up tired is a familiar smell. The charming smell intensifies their hungry feeling.

?? "It smells good..."

?? Latil and latis both heard voices in their stomachs. They looked at the light fire outside the commercial car and went out.

?? The first thing that came into view was the flame burning in the wood pile, then the iron pot supported by the wooden frame above, and finally beren, who sat on one side and exploited things.

?? "It's... Soup."

?? This familiar scene also made latil react.

?? Belen was dealing with the ingredients. He also noticed latil and latis, turned his head and looked back at them.

?? "Come and sit down. The soup will take a while. Be patient."

?? "Ah, good."

?? Latil took latis by the hand, then walked over carefully, sat down on a big stone, and then secretly looked at beren, who was preparing food. His calm appearance really made people feel no malice.

?? Yes, not bad.