Chapter 1211

Under the huge whirlpool of gray and blue, the Golovin hills are reduced to an ocean of blood and fire.

The giant dragons who block out the sun spread their wings and circled over the ruins of the imperial capital, dropping fire and rain; Pillars of fire fell from the sky. With the tide of demons surging to the hills, they continued to extend between the broken walls, devouring the ruins and drowning the streets, leaving only the golden red of the burning sea of fire in the world.

With the passage of time, the smoke rolled up by the flames covered every corner of the city.

Even if you are lucky enough to escape the fire rain falling from the sky, the endless tide of demons will soon be submerged by the spreading sea of fire, melt in the flames and smoke, evaporate into gas, and then dissipate.

The bloated and fat bodies of evil gods are even inaccessible to the Golovin hills. Most of them have just climbed out of the ground and have been surrounded by the sea of fire; The huge body became the best target for the dragons. One pillar after another fell from the sky, turning their bones and flesh into overflowing blood and pus.

Scattered in every corner of the city, nearly a hundred evil god bodies hardly resisted in front of the Dragon Legion led by the silver dragon Enzo. Most of them were immediately surrounded and strangled.

Even so, the dragons who tried their best to stop still could not completely curb the tide of demons spreading to the hills.

This is not because the dragons can't do it at all - although the capital Golovin is a huge city with a population of more than one million, the real urban area and the scope of organizational defense are not exaggerated to much extent, and the coverage area is even less than the size of the battlefield of blood skeleton Valley.

In such a narrow battlefield, it can be called a waste to invest more than a dozen adult dragons to fight - even if there are only two or three young dragons, they can easily cover every area of the battlefield in a quarter of an hour.

But silver dragon Enzo knows that this is very necessary.

The reason is also very simple. Among all the existing dragons, he is the only one who has participated in the war to destroy the country of the Dragon Kingdom and witnessed how niederhogg, who has nearly 100 dragons, thousands of powerful wizards and Dragon Knights, fell in front of the demon tide.

On the premise that the two barriers are opened, no one can really block the overwhelming tide of demons; The Dragon Knights can't do it, the dragons can't do it... Even the once arrogant Wizards of the Dragon kingdom can't do it.

For them and the material world struggling to resist, this is war;

But for the evil god black cross and the void world... It's a game at best.

In the face of an endless stream of enemies, it is futile to invest any more strength, so there is no need to think about completely annihilating the enemy; How to continue the battle as far as possible on the premise of maintaining the advantage is what Silver Dragon Enzo considers.

In the imperial capital city covered with flames and black smoke, the rotten corpse demons roaring like ice crack gushed out of the broken ground pit under the inducement of the almost substantive force of emptiness.

The gushing blood extinguishes the thick smoke;

The bones piled up into mountains are covered with golden red fire;

Broken limbs and arms, the empty force in the air awakens the dead evil god's body again and again;

The tide of demons dissipated in the flames, gushing out again and again from the darkness of the fire;

The burning earth, the surging tide of demons, the shadow of the Dragon blocking the sun, and the huge vortex hanging high in the sky... The war that once took place when the Dragon kingdom was destroyed is being staged again in the same way.

At the same time, in front of the sky Palace on the top of Golovin, the 2000 elite of the Empire and the remaining night watchman demon hunters following Brandon are fighting fiercely with the tide of demons crossing the sea of fire.

Although the walls behind us and the steps in front of us can't form a defensive fortification in any sense, the number of rotten corpse demons who rush up the hills across the sea of fire is still several times more than 2000 people; But the imperial people with high morale still controlled the position under their feet and kept the tide of demons out of the palace gate.

Under the roar of ice crack and spraying pus all over the body, the Legion soldiers fought hard to maintain the front; The extended halberds have long been broken in the battle, and the battlefield space is so narrow that there is no room to turn around that they are not allowed to draw their swords; The famous "black walls" supported the remaining shields with their whole bodies, striving for space for the Knights of Bain infantry behind them to wield sharp blades.

Brandon, who was still on the front line at the beginning of the battle, was dragged to the end by Carl Colin and Edward at the first time when the demon tide came up. Only his majesty, the disgraceful emperor, was allowed to wave the flag and shout in the back row.

After repelling the first round of the enemy's charge, Archduke lottel, who was hot headed and launched the counter charge, died without even a person and shadow, no matter how Brandon blundered, he did not stop allowing him to get close to any position in the first five rows.

Scream and roar and the most violent and direct collision sound ensemble. The demon tide that recklessly attacked the temple launched a round of attacks like the rising and falling tide of the sea and beating the reef; Even the most ferocious counterattack and the fire that had already lit the hills could not stop their pace.

Relying on their rich experience and combat skills, more than 2000 of the most elite veterans from all over the Empire also just kept the front from being completely broken;

Casualties, corpses, debris... Like reef fragments beaten by waves, scattered in the bones left by demons. Blood and water mixed with all kinds of unknown liquids, accompanied by flames and smoke, rolled up in bursts of stench and disgusting.

"Jiao Guang spear, prepare - Fire!"

With Carl Colin's roar, the flash of light suddenly repulsed the demon tide for a short time, like hitting an invisible glass wall, winning a little breathing room.

But this is just a breath... In the face of the tide of demons who have no morale and are not afraid of casualties, they can force the enemy to change tactics, and even avoid the bright spear in the front, which can only make the rotten corpse demons hesitate for a few seconds, and there is no space to fill in the shooting again.

"Hold on, they're almost over!"

Standing in the front row, regrell, the count of white horse peak, tried his best to stab out a big sword and shouted encouraging nonsense that he never believed; But this time there was no longer a second Earl of Lake City who would satirize and laugh in front of him.

"Poof --!"

The rotten corpse devil's claws penetrating the shield swept over the black wall in the front row and pierced regrell's eyes through the gap of his helmet; The count of white horse peak, who struggled for a while, wanted to support his body with a long sword, but he still fell into a pool of his own blood.


Almost in the next second, the white light beam flashed over the floating city and drew a straight line extending to the foot of the mountain in the tide of rotten corpse demons.

"Well done, but can you hurry up next time?" the pale Isaac gasped in the middle of the magic array in the hall of the floating city. "You know how much this thing takes, right?"

"This is the fastest, you heartless, arrogant!" the same small, witch faced wizard, make complaints about Tucao when he retorts.

"The situation is critical now. If you have any good plans, speak quickly, or shut up and maintain the magic array there quietly!"

"Ha! That's easy. You know I almost hung up, right?"

"You are lucky to be alive now!"

"Don't you think I know? But now Loren is fighting with the black cross. Whether we can continue to live depends on whether he can win!"

"Now no matter what we do, we can't have any impact on the battle between them - it has nothing to do with wisdom. It's a battle at different levels, and levels... You don't understand what I said!"

"You can't explain it. You're afraid of losing face in front of me!"

"Ayn Rand, I warn you, if you slander me without evidence, I will..."

"So what? If Loren really loses, everything will be over!" the little wizard suddenly turned back and clenched his teeth: "so even if it's to revenge me, please think about whether there's any way to help him, you arrogant!"

"I... I'm not... I..."

Isaac, with a red and white complexion, stammered and his head turned quickly under his straight eyes.

At the same time, in the vault of heaven behind them, Lucian, who was seriously injured, looked at the white haired evil girl who was also dying and called herself "Ariel" in amazement.

"I'm dying."

Dying, the bloodless Ariel said blandly, and her voice without a trace of emotion seemed to be talking about other people's things.

"Asrell... The little fool took the last step and gave all the remaining power to dear Loren through the mark of the evil god; there is no evil god named asrell in the world except the memory in your mind."

"Whether it's the body of a vampire or the body of an evil god, since the little fool has died, maybe I can't hold on for too long."

Lucian, who frowned slightly, didn't know what expression to show. After all, it was a little

"You too, don't you?"

The dying girl's words stunned the grey pupil boy.

"It's also relying on the strength of Asriel. Up to now, both body and soul have been eroded to an irreversible point by the power of emptiness - it's no surprise that they die or mutate immediately."

"In the final analysis, this is your purpose - 'born for Loren, die for Loren', that's what you intend, right?" the white haired girl paralyzed in her own pool of blood looked at the silent gray pupil boy with four eyes:

"Obviously, you can live longer as long as you escape, but your self-esteem, shame and loyalty to Loren drive you here to fight like suicide."

"Why did you come here, why did you fight, and clearly you have more choices... Your friends, relatives, Loren... Should have asked these questions, right?"

Clenching his teeth, the silent Lucian said nothing.

There was no way to refute, so I simply looked at each other and protested silently. Anyway, I won't live long.

"Do you still want to fight?"


The grey pupil boy was stunned.

"Dear Lucian, I'm asking you..." the girl's lips trembled slightly and her voice hung like a hairspring:

"Do you want to continue... Fighting for Loren?"

Lucian didn't speak. Silent and gnashing his teeth, he raised his eyes, stared at the direction of the temple and nodded hard.

Ariel smiled with relief.

She can see from the eyes of the grey pupil boy that the other party is willing to pay any price for this goal; Even if he has to pay more than he imagined, I'm afraid he will accept it calmly in the end.

Sure enough... In addition to Ariel, there are so many people in the world who are willing to give up all their existence at any cost for Loren

That's... great.

In this way, Ariel can leave at ease.

The delicate little hand was raised from the thick pool of blood and extended to Lucian with plasma.


Without hesitation, the silent grey pupil boy grasped the evil girl's hand.

Along the palms of the two people's clenched hands, blood beads seemed to come alive and penetrated into Lucian's body from the wound.

Soon, it was no longer just the blood on the body. The dried and solidified blood in the pool of blood came alive again, flowing along the girl's body and into the body of the gray pupil boy.

Then there are the surrounding of the two people, the corridor columns, the floor of the whole Tianqiong palace hall, the corrosion demons falling to the ground, and the bodies that have been dead for many days

A steady stream of plasma converged into a stream between the cracks of the floor. Snakes generally meandered between the floor, ceiling and wall, coming to the body of the gray pupil boy.

"This... Is the last thing I can help you." the girl's pupils grew gray and dull:

"This is a curse, the curse of eternal life. You will live worse than death. You can no longer be a man. You can never escape from pain and the malice of this world. Only complete death can give you real relief, but... You will have the power you need to fight for Loren."

"So... Lucian vilz, the son of ellemans who has been changed by Loren... Accept the gift of blood and become a vampire!"

"Uh, ah --!!!"

The shrill scream echoed in the hall of the heavenly palace with the sound of gurgling "blood".

The gray pupil boy with his head raised and wailing had violent convulsions. With the influx of plasma into his body, every blood vessel was soaring, covering his whole body like a cobweb, and every inch of his skin was swelling, red and purple from head to foot.

Every drop of blood is mixed with unimaginable forces of emptiness - Ariel, serliol, or the unimaginable forces gathered by Isaac... The unimaginable forces reshape and transform Lucian's body in the most crazy way, completely trampling the already fragile spiritual palace into slag and crushing it into powder.

In the whitened pupil, the blood spreads in the whites of the eyes bit by bit;

Until those silver gray eyes completely turned into blood scarlet!