Chapter 1175

"Boom --!!"

Purple lightning illuminates Golovin in the dark; The deafening thunder awakened the fallen queen of ten thousand cities.

This ancient city, which was born on the day of the destruction of the Dragon Kingdom and has experienced 14 generations, is experiencing its darkest and longest night.

The huge gray blue vortex ruled the dome of the imperial capital, shrouded the whole city and shrouded the city in darkness under the exclamation and gaze of countless people.

The endless force of the void is pouring out of the vortex and covering the whole city - the terrible, invisible and unknown force from the void is swallowing the whole city like rain, huge flood and waterfall, swallowing every corner, every land, every living and dead thing in the city, Every wind that rolls up and the air that can be breathed in the wind.

The purple thunder fell from the vortex and raged in every corner of the city like the punishment of the gods.

The roaring thunder drowned the shrill scream and frightened cry, and the burst fire turned the tall and magnificent buildings and rows of houses into ruins into a burning sea of fire and choking smoke;

People who are completely driven crazy by thunder and the virtual force of reality scream and fall to the ground, or cry and laugh madly, or pray piously... Their faces blackened by fireworks tell what madness is with expressions and eyes.

The fanatical people fell into madness, and the rest fled recklessly - at the foot of the sky palace, the aristocratic area decorated with manors and courtyards and the peripheral rich area, the aristocrats dressed in luxury but without any dignity, or yelled at them at the top of their lungs, letting the slaves risk their lives to clean up for them; Or holding the guard's thigh and begging the other party not to leave themselves and be kicked to the ground.

In the periphery of the rich areas, in the civilian areas and dilapidated slums that really occupy two-thirds of the imperial capital, the crazy fugitives did not forget to do more "mutually beneficial" things and showed their greedy eyes.

Under the huge vortex enveloping the imperial capital, under the darkness, thunder and chaos, these small citizens who may have been timid and hardworking have turned into crazy and greedy beasts. Waving sharp blades and torches, the chaotic city has completely become a huge hunting ground.

And they are hunters.

They screamed and roared in the dark, smashed the doors of one shop after another or rich people, hysterically robbed everything they didn't dare to think of at ordinary times, ravaged the aristocrats who were mortal crimes in the past, and turned the disaster into a carnival of their own.

At first, they were timid and tempted, but when they found that there was no soldier or guard on the wide marble Road, and even the patrol Corps in the city disappeared, they completely indulged.

Taverns, hostels, shops, buildings, theatres... Markets, churches, casinos, baths, arenas... The huge, stable and unshakable pyramid built by 14 generations completely overturned without even using it overnight.

Incarnation of the devil, they did not realize that the real devil had poured into the world with the open door of hell.

Dark and narrow alleys, open sewer entrances, killing fields full of dead bodies... Densely packed, hundreds of rotten corpse demons were born in lightning and thunder and the gathering power of the void. Ant colonies appeared in groups from the corners of the city and poured into large and small streets.

When the roar of the demons sounded like ice crack, all the crazy people who were still crazy, running away, killing and looting... Enjoying this moment fell into the abyss of fear together with a very tacit understanding.

Golovin is the capital of the Empire, the holy land of the Holy Cross, and the city protected by the iron wall composed of giant dragons and tens of thousands of legions - the rotten corpse devil roaring like ice crack, the body of the evil god condensed from blood and flesh, and the evil god from the void

All these monsters, which are clearly recorded in the hymn of the Holy Cross and imperial documents, are just legends for the civilians and nobles of the city. They are the existence of another world. They are ghost stories that will be taken out to frighten children who are unwilling to sleep and eat obediently.

There is nothing that makes people really feel what "fear" is more than the fact that their ghost stories come true.

The perpetrator who brutally killed a noble who dared to resist, ravaged his wife and daughter, and enjoyed all the good things robbed, found himself surrounded by dozens of rotten monsters like corpses the next moment.

He wanted to escape in a moment of soberness, but he was grabbed by the little girl who had just been bullied wantonly, and the rotten corpse demons flooded the perpetrator.

The gushing plasma dyed the lottel bear skin blanket red, the flying broken bones smashed down the Byrne fluorite chandelier, and the "can't wait" rotten corpse demons smashed one holy cross statue after another, sharing the bodies of the perpetrators and the master servants in the room.

The desperate little girl desperately hugged the body of her family. In the sound of heart-rending crying, the luxurious house was completely crushed by hundreds of corpse demons and turned into ruins.

The same or similar "tracks" are constantly performed in every residence, every street, every alley and all corners.

The hunters in the last second became the prey in the next second, and this time they faced those who could not hear their screams and begging for mercy, and had no interest in their belongings... The only thing that could make them "interesting" was themselves.

The flowing blood, muscles and bones... Have the value of being bitten, destroyed and wantonly destroyed by the ice crack howling rotten demons.

The flaming city was filled with rotten corpse demons pouring out from all directions, and the howl of ice crack even overshadowed the roar of thunder; They rolled on the ground like a tide, turning one street after another into ruins, destroying, destroying and tearing all the living and dead things they saw into pieces.

People in fear and panic began to resist, so they tasted more profound fear... The surging tide of rotten corpses devoured the desperate capital like a flame.

The ruined tavern under the ruined city gate, the chapel with constant bells, shops smashed by thugs, burning baths, messy theaters and casinos, and the market with only debris

Before the end of the crazy track, a more cruel and terrible climax has resounded through the audience.


"All, aim - Fire!"

"Bang --!!"

The silver light beam flashed past, dozens of rotten corpse demons rushed through the gate fell down, and the rest were blocked out by a translucent, light blue "wall".

While they were still pounding the invisible wall, dozens of lit alchemy bombs fell from the sky; In the roar, dozens and hundreds of terrible figures dissipated and melted like ice crystals.

Only the residual flame is still burning.

Looking at the enemies destroyed by themselves, before the wizard apprentices with bright spears could be happy, a harsh voice had sounded behind them.

"What are you doing here? Can you stop the rotten corpse demon in a daze?" gray sell, the first tutor of the Royal wizard college in Golovin, scanned the apprentices angrily and grabbed the bright spear of an apprentice in the first row:

"Apprentices who have just fired more than ten times immediately go back to meditate and rest. If they don't line up again ten times, those monsters will rush over at any time!"

"All the apprentices who have not reached the limit go to help carry the alchemy bomb; ask the instructors who maintain the ice barrier how they are, and report any problems to me at the first time."

"Remember, we are not safe now. We can only live together, okay?!"

"Yes --!!!"

The apprentices, whose faces were full of fear, shouted loudly to keep themselves calm and carry out their tasks and missions in an orderly manner.

"Apprentices, array --!"

Holding up the bright spear in his hand and maintaining the serious first mentor gray Sal, he turned his eyes to the outside of the gate. The scene that had become like purgatory was finally revealed with the color of fear that he tried to hide.

No one knows why, no one knows what happened... The moment the gray blue vortex appeared in the dome, hell had come to the world.

Relying on the ice barrier left by master elbird before leaving and a large number of alchemical weapons built in response to the Azor elf war, the Golovin Royal wizard college has become a lighthouse in chaos and darkness. The slightly bright blue light of the ice barrier is the fire light of the lighthouse.

Gray Sal, who reacted for the first time, quickly opened the ice barrier and armed the apprentices with inventory weapons - as the leading alchemist college, gloven college has a high degree of discipline that ordinary wizard colleges absolutely do not have, so that they can protect themselves in chaos without external forces.

In addition, many wizards instinctively fled to the college after the incident. Most of them were killed by rotten corpse demons, mobs or fugitives before they arrived at the College

However, many extremely lucky guys escaped the fate of death again and again, and successfully arrived at the college with several other companions who fled together; Gray Sal also warmly accepted them and made them part of the Protection College.

There are even a lot of guys who are not wizards - thugs who are scared to wake up, wealthy businessmen and nobles who run for their lives, servants in the church or noble families... Many of these people are extremely disgusted with wizards. Gray Sal also took in the guys who have been in trouble with the college more than once.

In front of hell, all the contradictions are no longer contradictions. Everyone is just ordinary people struggling to live.

But... That's it.

There are few hands and weapons in stock, and there may be hope for self-protection. Once they leave the protection of the ice barrier, they will find their own way to death - the huge vortex above their heads and the power of emptiness are enough to frighten them.

And what really scares gray SAL is far more than that.

Yes, all this happened suddenly and abruptly. There was no sign of anything, as if hell had come overnight. Even the emperor was powerless in the face of such a crisis, and even the fall of the enemy was not impossible.

But... No resistance.

Within sight, the emperor capital... Did not make any resistance!

In the sky palace above the Golovin hill, there is a Royal Guard Corps composed of 5000 veterans, no less than 100 night watchmen with various spells and special abilities, and groups of nobles and their elite guards

But so far, he didn't even see any movement from the hill, as if there were only dead people in the sky palace, quietly watching the whole city turn into hell, still sitting idly by!

There is no Legion shield wall holding high the war flag to suppress the streets, no night watchman sweeping the city and suppressing the rioters, let alone any person or army fighting against the rotten corpse demon

No, not at all!

The de sallion royalty and nobles in the sky palace seem to have forgotten that their city is under the hill; In the quiet Golovin hills, you can't even hear the voice of the army in action.

Of course, it may also be because in order to protect the royal family, they decided not to take action when they were completely clear - trying to protect themselves in the face of incomprehensible fear and watching others die; Although angry, it is not incomprehensible.

After all... I think so.

By contrast, the reaction of the Holy Cross Church is the strangest one.

Gray Sal clearly remembers that as early as a few months ago, the door of the Holy Cross Cathedral in the imperial capital was closed. Not only the priests directly under the cathedral, but also all the sworn knights were recalled - even during the defense of the imperial capital, the church still closed the door and did not contact the outside world.

Strange reaction, closed door... If these priests who believe in the Holy Cross and know as much about nothingness and evil gods know nothing about tonight, ten thousand gray Sal don't believe it.

With such complex emotions, gray Sal slowly turned his eyes to the direction of the Golovin hill and the Holy Cross Cathedral - from the perspective of the wizard college, the two places are exactly on the same line.

On the same line

"Boom --!!"

With the roar of the earth breaking apart, a huge vibration came from gray Sal's feet. The strong tremor made it difficult for the surrounding apprentices to even stand firm and fell to the ground.

The strong masonry parapet heard a howling tremor, and the rotten corpse demons blocked by the ice barrier roared like blood thirsty and ice crack.

In the disordered voice, gray Sal stood frozen in place, and the motionless eyes of the Zen practitioner exuded the breath of surprise and fear.

He stared at the end of his sight, at the towering gloven hills, under his gaze... Rising slowly!