Chapter 1157

Outside eboden, the main battlefield.

The burning battlefield has been covered with corpses, and the ravines have been filled with broken limbs, broken weapons and armor, so that the trenches can ignite a long-lasting fire... It is still unable to prevent the soldiers of both sides from pouring into the battlefield one after another, making flesh and blood and fresh life an insignificant weight on the level of the war.

Tragic, ruthless, calm, numb.

The so-called "battle of fate", "battle of Empire"... Did not make Brandon feel any thrilling excitement or excitement, only numbness, long and endless numbness.

If there was a trace of warm blood at the beginning, then after the tragic fight lasted for several hours, the blood flowing in the body became cold and even could not feel any heartbeat.

In the past, when Brandon read that those "ancestors" were expressionless, "decisive" and "calm" to let an army die on the battlefield, he imagined how solemn and stirring the emotions of these ancestors were, and now

Just now, when a hundred men's team that had protected himself in the broken boundary mountain disappeared, Brandon de sallion didn't feel any emotional fluctuations. He even thought he was dead.

Realistically speaking, he almost felt that he didn't care much about winning or losing - following the plan, step by step, and implementing every step formulated before the war step by step - in a sense, he was eager to lose the battle and quickly put an end to this numb and cold nightmare.

It's all over when you die. The burden you have to bear when you live, the pressure to quickly make accurate judgments under tension all the time... Life is better than death.

Squinting and taking a deep breath, Brandon inhaled the air full of smoke and blood. The hot smell made his body colder.

"When... Will it end?"

Emperor Brandon muttered to himself.

"Your Majesty?"

The leader of the night watchman hurried forward and paid homage.

"Nothing, I'm just guessing if the eagle king opposite, or the guy named... Rodriya Azor, will be the same as I thought?" Brandon couldn't help but raise his mouth:

"Waiting for the opponent to make a mistake, waiting for the other party to play the last trump card first, waiting for the other party to never stick to it, waiting for the war situation to change... In the endless waiting, he becomes impatient and wants to go to battle and strangle the other party alive!"



"Loren Turin once talked to me. The elf Prince opposite is a person who regards war as a game - a person who loves games. He has too much persistence and tendency to win, and it is easy to do irrational things."

"Ha! It sounds like something I can do."

Brandon laughed at himself.

"It is true, but the only difference is that the other party's doing so is the same as seeking death, and his highness is the last trump card of the Empire... There is a world difference."

The night watchman turned his words and skillfully rounded them.

The most important thing is to get rid of Brandon's idea of going to battle himself.

"Don't worry, I won't do it myself until I have to." Brandon shook his head. "As long as the three dragons don't appear on the battlefield, the guy opposite will have scruples - the more crazy the guy is, the more afraid of death."

"Most importantly, I don't believe Loren Turin will disappoint me."

Edward's eyes twitched when he looked at the emperor's lazy and natural appearance - he knew long ago that Brandon, who was crazy, and Loren Turin, who was always cautious and calm, even felt a little afraid of death, were actually a kind of people.

An adventurer who disguises himself with all kinds of disguises.

Edward hated adventurers, and hated those friends who knew they had nothing to do with themselves, were in great danger and even died, but still had to be friends.

For Edward, who hates trouble, the reason why he is willing to be the leader of the night watchman is that he knows too much and needs to try to save his life. In addition, he uses this identity to protect his friends as much as possible.

He refused to compromise, but felt repression, tried to turn over in adversity, and longed for a crushing victory under the condition of equal strength... Edward felt big when he got along with such emperors and friends.

And the thought of Peter FASA and the secrets hidden in him... Edward's head is even bigger.

Without noticing the rich expression changes of his night watchman leader, Brandon, who was in a trance, stared at the direction of eboden city.

Look down on life and death, and take millions of lives and the battle of fate between two races and countries as a game... Rodriya Azor is like this, isn't he?

Whenever he thought of this, Brandon always felt like he was manipulated by something... Let the two guys who played the game become the rulers of the two races to determine the future and destiny of their respective races... Something like a joke was really realized in front of him.

Brandon firmly believes that the elf Prince opposite must have similar ideas. Just as he is waiting for the success of Loren Turin's plan, he must be waiting.

"So... What are you waiting for?"

Brandon, distracted, whispered to himself.


"What are you waiting for?"

Isaac, clutching the railing and cluttering in the strong wind, stared at the little wizard and shouted, "could you aim quickly, or we won't live like this!"

"Be quiet, don't disturb me!"

The little wizard with the same pale face clenched his teeth and leaned his eyes against the observation mirror as much as he could.

The roaring air pulled Isaac's mouth, making the originally ugly male duck's voice worse; The whole floating city fluctuates up and down in the strong wind, like a lone boat in the stormy sea, dancing with the wind.

There are countless golden red meteors rising from the gem River, and dozens of "enthusiasm" are rushing towards the floating city.

Relying on the tactics of dying together, the Empire successfully killed the Azores fleet and the fleet commander, but this does not mean that the Azores of eboden have no warships - it is not difficult to transform from a small ocean warship into an inland warship and install a torsion crossbow gun that can launch fire oil tanks and iron crossbows.

The floating city has consumed too much inventory because of the previous battle, and can't take any counterattack power.

Fifty meters above the gem River, the slow-moving horn Castle floating city did everything possible under the control of Isaac, but it was of no help in the face of the stormy stone guns and iron crossbows.

"Boom --!!"

An explosion broke the spell of "perseverance like ice" outside the floating city; The splashing fire flew into the parapet of the floating city, and there were bursts of screams.

"We have to climb, climb! Fifty meters is too low. If we go on like this, we will be beaten down!"

"No! Absolutely not!"

Isaac, who was still frightened one second ago, changed his face and scolded another frightened wizard the next second: "now there are only eight of us running the floating city. Once we climb, we have to consume more empty power, and the power of Jiao lightsaber has to be weakened!"

"But, but..."

"No, but! Or do you want to experience the pleasure of falling from a high altitude? I don't want to anyway - Ayn, what are you waiting for, waiting for us to be beaten down?!"

The little wizard who turned a deaf ear to Isaac's roar closed his mouth and tried his best to calm himself down. His blue eyes stared at the battlefield covered with smoke and dust.

She was also waiting anxiously.

To kill the elf warrior Ogan, we need to meet two conditions at the same time - eliminate the void reaction on him, and then completely wipe out the body.

In order to achieve this goal, she must cooperate with the demon hunters on the front line, accurately hit the target at the moment when the "dumb dream" is opened, and must not be avoided or blocked by the other party, because most demon hunters can't persist in the "dumb dream" for a long time, and the empty power in the floating city can give her at most three shooting opportunities.

It's hard to do this.

In the face of the fierce demon warrior ogen, most demon hunters can hardly even get close. A very few elite demon hunters who have successfully narrowed the distance often have no time to open the magic array and turn into ashes in the flames.

The strength difference between the two sides is too far. No one can stop the crazy Ogan. It's useless even to rush up, or even cause him a little trouble.

This is no longer the difference of "quantity", but the gap of "quality".

The little wizard with his eyes close to the "observation mirror" almost watched one after another disappear into the sea of fire - almost all of them had studied in the wizard union of red blood castle. She knew most of them, and even two-thirds of them were named, but now

In just a quarter of an hour, two-thirds of more than 100 demon hunters have been killed.

Ogan... Unharmed!

The little wizard with his teeth clenched could almost feel his heart dripping blood.

"Magic array, start!" roared the iron faced Ayn.

The stunned Isaac was startled by the little wizard's sudden determination: "are you sure?"


The little wizard repeated again gnashing his teeth.

She knew that doing so would add more burden to the Wizards in the floating city, and even cause casualties... But even so, she watched the people she used to know die one by one

That's not what Ayn Rand can do. She can't.

"Well, since you insist..."

The muttering Isaac shrugged, as if he had forgotten that they had only three chances to hit, and waved to the Wizards around him with a helpless look:

"Everyone - magic array, must..."

"Boom --!!!"

Before the voice fell, there was another loud noise. The floating city hit by dozens of stone guns and iron crossbows shook continuously, and bursts of mourning came from the heavily damaged parapet.

"Magic array, prepare --!"

Isaac, who was bruised and bleeding on the wall, climbed up without changing his face, dusted himself off and raised his wand over his head:

"The launcher starts, and the magic array starts to charge the 'Jiao lightsaber'!"

"Adjust the angle, the shooter is ready, aim!"

"Ready, launch --!"

"Boom, boom, boom, boom!"

The white light beam crossed the sky and swept to the battlefield with the power of destroying the sky and the earth.

When the dazzling light dissipated, the stunned lanmalos and the surviving demon hunters stared at the area just covered by the white light.

There was nothing left except a long Azor knife dyed black.

A group of people gathered around and stared at the broken long knife - not to mention the body, there was no residue left.

The tumultuous battlefield was quiet for more than ten seconds... Not only Byrne's soldiers, but even the Azores were stunned, staring at the land where Ogan was standing and the long knife with black smoke.

Is it... Over?

That's it?

"No, he's not dead!"

A demon hunter suddenly exclaimed and looked anxiously at the people: "Lord Lucian reminded us that we must use 'silent dream' to completely erase his empty power, otherwise..."

"Boom --!!"

The golden red light burst from the blade, and the flame spread around like a wave of air; The four demon hunters standing in the front row had no time to escape and were swallowed up by the fire.

"Ah, ah, ah --!!!"

The roaring Ogan got up slowly with a long knife from the sea of fire. His gray blue pupils looked around like fierce animals, as if looking for prey.

He stared straight ahead, holding a long gun and a broken sword... The only prey that didn't retreat afraid of himself.

The expressionless lanmalos was staring at the ground, trembling all over, and couldn't help spitting at himself.

"The Holy Cross... Thought he could live two years longer than that bastard regrell."

"Ah, ah, ah --!!!"

The animal howled and swept away the flames, waved a long black knife, and Ogan turned into a remnant to attack lanmalos.

"Dang --!"

The sound of sharp blade collision burst in his ears, and lanmalos, who had closed his eyes and waited for death, was awakened in an instant.

A great figure stood in front of him.

The shabby Knight waved his broken sword, but stood there like an unshakable iron wall. His messy hair and dirty robe could not hide the breath of perseverance.

Most importantly, he has only one arm.

With the only remaining arms and the broken sword full of gaps, the ragged Knight blocked the fierce beast Ogan's raid.

"You, you are..."

Staring at each other's side face, lanmalos vaguely felt as if he had seen this guy somewhere.

But the knight ignored him, glanced at Ogan's ferocious face and whispered:

"Holy Cross, your light will light up the humble us;

Your will will walk on earth as it walks in heaven;

May the light shine on the earth, penetrate the darkness and shadows, and let the unbelievers embrace and cry;

At that time

All living beings... Will loudly praise the name of our Lord! "