Chapter 1141

Eboden, Eagle court, dungeon.

"They all know?"

The elf prince with his right hand on his back was holding a glass of eboden white wine. The swaying wine reflected the bright light and his expression as if talking to himself.

After tasting many kinds of wines such as sakran dry red, lottel honey, eboden white grape... Rodriya Azores found that Bain wine was the most suitable for his taste.

The best of them is the "red blood" he tasted once in the imperial capital - full of taste and a variety of different levels, from the tip of the tongue to the throat, constantly giving himself all kinds of surprises. The hot spicy makes him unable to stop, as if he was completely conquered by the bright red like blood beverage.

Unfortunately, even in the imperial capital, such top drinks can not be often collected; Now back in eboden, I can only make do with this light drink.

"Well... They must know."

With a light sip, the elf Prince cunningly licked his wet upper lip: "the imperial prince will probably be desperate to attack, but his advisers and ministers are not crazy. They will try their best to stop him."

"So they will certainly stop me... By whatever means, they will certainly stop me - well, they will pretend to attack, cover a very small number of people to rush into the city, kill into the king's court and stop me before the explosion."

"This time can't be too early, because it will expose my intention, but it won't be too late, because I must stop me before I decide to do it."

"They will attack madly and fill the battlefield with corpses recklessly; but they won't fight too much. They want us to feel that we still have room to win. Only in this way... I won't use this means of dying together."

"Of course, they can certainly guess that I will leave many traps and ambushes and try my best to stop them; but this is the most interesting part of the game!"

"You can't advance too fast, otherwise the defenders in the city will explode in spite of everything; you can't play too fake, otherwise the whole line will be defeated miserably, even if the people in the city succeed."

"As for who stopped all this... Ah, I think there should be no suspense... Loren Turin, it must be..."

"Bang --!"

Almost at the moment when his voice fell, a dark shadow hit the iron fence heavily, and the whole dungeon was shocked with a loud noise.

"Ah! Loren! Turin...!!!"

The little elf prince with a slight frown looked at Ogan, who was holding the iron railing and shouting hysterically, and looked at the wine spilled in his hand, showing a somewhat regretful expression.

"In a word... After experiencing setbacks again and again, I have probably figured out the way to defeat Loren Turin - absolutely, absolutely, absolutely not according to his ideas, but to let him complete the game according to my ideas and my rules, so that what he thinks can not exceed my grasp, so as to have a 100% chance of winning."

"Usually I like surprises very much, but this time... I prefer to let him die as soon as possible, even if it is a game that brings me endless happiness; one-sided games are not interesting, but at least... Hey, hey..."

The smiling elf Prince shook his head and drank up.



Looking at Charlotte with her back to the back of her head, the black haired wizard asked carefully.

The countess without saying a word calmly thumbed through the accounts in her hand. With the help of tax officials little Joad and Ayn Rand, she greatly reduced her workload. She can complete more than half of her work just by checking her daily expenses like now.

Elegant and slightly lazy sitting posture, calm look and heartbeat... Well, if the second valve didn't give Lauren the ability to detect other people's emotional changes, he might really think Charlotte was just working hard.


Took a chair, and the black haired wizard sat behind Charlotte without making a sound; While taking the wine pot and glass from the side, he considered his vocabulary:

"Charlotte, I know you talked to Isaac. Of course, it's not important. The important thing is... I mean... Well, that's it... There's nothing we can't talk about."


With a slight snort from the tip of her little nose, the countess looking back glanced at Loren with a trace of irony: "what are you talking about? My Duke, you have promised your highness Brandon de sallion. Can you refuse him again because of my words?"


"No, you can't refuse, because you put forward the plan, it's your plan." Charlotte interrupted coldly, "so in the view of the distinguished Duke Byrne, his so-called 'talk' is only unilateral persuasion. The only purpose of your doing so is to persuade me to accept it."

"You haven't considered my idea at all, otherwise you should discuss it with me in advance, rather than come and 'talk' with me now!"

"Charlotte, don't be angry. I didn't mean..."

"Angry, oh... Why am I angry?"

Charlotte, who interrupted again, slowly raised her head with a "smile" on her mouth: "maybe it's because I took some approachable people of the Duke as respect and mistakenly thought he would really care about my thoughts?"

"Uh... So you're really angry?"

"Of course I'm angry!"

Charlotte, whose face was tight, got up fiercely, and her cheeks were almost close to the black haired wizard's face: "even if I command, persuade and beg you again and again... Is it useful?"

"I tried again and again, tried again and again to get you out of danger... Has it ever worked, ah?!"

The narrow shoulders shrugged, and the excited Charlotte's body was constantly shaking, and her eyes were full of self mockery: "even if I use the most sincere tone to exchange everything for you to leave and let you return to the red blood castle... You will still come back, and you will continue to take risks with your own life, won't you?!"

"The past is, the present is, and the future is! Even in what capacity and with what tone and attitude, I can't stop you from doing anything. I even have to watch you die and smile. I pray for a smooth journey like my wife when she sends her husband out, right?"

"Uh... No."

"Why not?!"

"Well..." the quick thinking Lauren took a deep breath and showed his most sincere expression: "you know I'm a very cautious person. Unless I'm sure enough, I won't be willing to take this risk."

The Countess of red blood castle, who snorted, obviously didn't mean to believe it.

"Yes, I don't know anything about magic, nothingness and... Evil gods; but my friends and advisers -- Dalton kand, Lina desallion, Isaac Grantham, Ayn Rand, and the top wizards and elders of the bain wizard guild and the nine pointed wizard tower, they know this."

With a sneer, Charlotte sat back in her chair: "I talked to all of them about your plan - and according to them, even if we assume that everything is going well, you can succeed, it is not without risk; the wizard tower has a record of 'Logan with a hat', and he had an impact on his body because he used a huge void..."

"Yes, it's like the impact of eating too much lunch. I don't think literature of this degree..."

"Don't interrupt me, and don't argue there!"

"... yes."

"In a word, for your plan, the final conclusion is half to half - the second valve is almost the same thing as a legend for wizards, and your time to master this power is too short. Most of them don't think you can skillfully use it, which means that you have to take a higher risk to use this power than Logan in a hat."

After a pause, the countess asked with a very positive voice, "therefore, your so-called 'low risk' is just a lie that you deceive yourself and others. It is untenable."

"Let me retort that the people who said these words, including Isaac - I'm not saying they were wrong - didn't open the second valve and didn't understand what it meant."

"This is not just to master a new power, but my whole person has become different from before... In short, even if the whole eboden has been blown up, I won't be hurt by its explosion..."

"Why don't you understand?"

With a scream, Loren looked at Charlotte who suddenly got up and looked at her eyes with a little disappointment.

"Why is Nolan ERD the first person to tell you this? Why does he have to tell you this in front of you and Archduke elmond? Why does he tell you this before Brandon discusses it with you... Tell me why, and don't tell me you don't know!"

"I know..."

"Of course you know! Any guy who is not a fool can think of a selfish hooligan and bastard. Why did he suddenly become extremely loyal to the Empire!"

Charlotte gritted her teeth: "for the Arles and Erdes, Turin and Byrne are the key to restricting their development - as long as the Turin family is alive, they must always curl up in their garbage dump like territory. They can't get out, they can only be our allies and appendages, and there will never be a future!"

"So every rise of Byrne is an unimaginable disaster for them, which they must try their best to avoid and prevent; and the key link to prevent Byrne's rise is to kill her Duke!"

"That's you, okay?!"

"I understand."

"No, you don't understand! If you understand, you won't fall into this rogue's trap so easily and let him succeed!"

"Will he succeed?"

"The Holy Cross, of course not! He won't with me. I swear I will strangle his unrealistic ambition in the cradle!"

"Since that's the case..." the black haired wizard who raised his mouth slowly got up and looked straight at Charlotte: "what else can I worry about?"


Charlotte, who was "counterattacked", clenched Bei's teeth and said nothing... Of course she can't take back or change her words.

"Charlotte, remember this. It's not me... It's you who let Byrne embark on the revival and glory." the black haired wizard looked at her very seriously: "no matter what others say, you are the one who has completed this great undertaking and will continue it, and only you can do it."


"You are the one who decided to form an alliance with Brandon in the imperial capital of Golovin." the black haired wizard snapped, "you are the one who dealt with the imperial governor in the red blood castle and finally cut everything off."

"Take back the initiative from the round table Parliament and let the Turin family become Duke again without restriction; be determined to support Boye and restore Bain's glory and past alliance;"

"He is good at dancing and establishing contacts with one principality after another, but he makes the heavenly palace speechless; he takes bishop Byrne and breaks with the Holy Cross Church, so that Byrne's church can be truly independent and under Byrne's rule..."

"Abide by the agreement with Brandon, send reinforcements to support the imperial capital, let Byrne gain unprecedented reputation, and let the sound of Byrne Knight's iron boots reverberate on the steps of the heavenly palace again..."

"The one who did all this... Is you, Charlotte." the dark haired wizard said in a deep voice, "so there's nothing to be afraid of, let alone worry about."

"Nolan ERD... He found the wrong enemy. He thought killing me would bring Byrne back to the past, but the fact is that Byrne will never go back - because our Countess of red blood castle, she won't allow it."

With a smile, looking at Charlotte who finally calmed down, Loren turned and left with a sigh of relief - next, we have to find a way to convince Isaac, Ayn and mentor Dalton. Time is really

"Wait a minute."

The moment before one foot stepped out of the tent, the countess suddenly looked back at the black haired Wizard: "who allowed you to leave?"


Before Lauren could explain, the countess who stepped forward had already taken the first step to block the curtain door that dragged the tent to death.

Looking at the provocative expression on the other party's face and the blush on his cheeks unconsciously, Loren instinctively felt a trace of danger.

Being skinned and cramped, stewed and roasted, squeezing out oil and water, and then swallowing and stripping alive.

"Yes... Uh, what's the problem?"

"You're really a cruel villain, aren't you?" Charlotte's face smiled when she said it was extremely mean. "You want the person I care about most to take risks, bet on his life, his future, and even everything... But you don't want to make any compensation, and then leave so openly?"

"My Duke, are you too self righteous?"

The dark haired wizard, who was unconsciously retreating, was gripped by the countess's collar.

"If you step into this door, don't think you can leave without any left."