Chapter 1137

"The old Sutra... How can you be interested in this thing?"

He raised his eyebrows and Isaac looked suspicious.

Weber, the little priest on the other side of the square table, looked at the black haired wizard inexplicably, and there was a trace of vigilance in his expression.

"What's the problem?" Lauren, who was stared at by the two for a long time, felt a little numb.

"Question... Er, is this enough?" Isaac scratched his head. "It's just too unexpected. To tell you the truth, if it weren't for the letter transcript of the old Sutra in the nine pointed star wizard tower, I probably wouldn't touch this thing in my life; after all..."

"That's the original Scripture. It's the proverb of the Holy Cross. Every sentence contains supernatural power beyond imagination!" before Isaac finished, little priest Weber couldn't help but rush: "ordinary priests and priests are not qualified to read at all. Only bishops and core members of the church are allowed to contact."

"It is only the Archbishop of each generation who knows the full text; this is not only because of its importance, but also because each of those letters contains the divine power of the Holy Cross; it is very difficult for ordinary people to understand its meaning, and it is impossible to know the full text!"

With that, the little priest couldn't help looking up at Isaac opposite his eyes - up to now, he couldn't believe that the wizard in front of him could remember the combination order of letters and words only by glancing at his eyes, and could read any text copied from the letters of the old Sutra without obstacles.

Many deacons of churches can write their names in the letters of the old Sutra at most in their life.

"Hardly once have I refused to help you, Loren, because we are friends, and because I believe you may really have a mission from the Holy Cross." the little priest continued:

"But this time we are talking about the old Sutra. If there is no reason, I..."

"Come on, bishop, we are not here to hear your admonition and preach the gospel."

The impatient waving of his hand interrupted the little priest. Isaac sighed, "I have only two questions."

"First, do you just want to know something about extracurricular reading on a whim, or do you have to master the old classics for a reason?"

"Second, how much will you have to master it - don't answer directly, tell me in a minute."

The voice fell, and Isaac looked at Lauren calmly and seriously.

A minute later, the black haired wizard raised his eyes and looked at the two people in front of him without changing his face: "I must master it, and... There may not be much time left for me to master it."


He clapped down the table, spread out his hands and took a deep breath.

"Then I think... We have nothing to ask." Isaac, who became serious, seemed particularly persuasive: "time is tight and the task is heavy. Let's hurry up!"

Weber, the little priest with a slight frown, opened his mouth several times, but finally stopped talking.

Yes, Isaac is right. There's nothing to ask.

Since we are friends and have absolute trust in each other, what else can we ask when friends need help?

When a friend fights for the Empire of the Holy Cross, he has little room to help himself. Is he reluctant to lend a helping hand even in such a small thing as he can do?

A heavy sense of guilt and shame spread in the little priest's heart; He greeted the black haired wizard's eyes and nodded solemnly.

Small tents and square tables became churches and classrooms at this moment.

"So... Students and teachers, the small class of the old classics has started!" Brandon, with a cheerful face, "Dong Dong Dong!" knocked the table with his index finger joint, imitating the sound of mentor Dalton knocking on the blackboard in the past:

"The first is the first lesson, the basic teaching course in charge of tutor Isaac Grantham - today's topic is what is the old Sutra and... The basic spelling principle of the text of the old Sutra!"

Sitting at the other end of the table, the dark haired wizard and the little priest looked attentive.

"Then, classmate Loren Turin, please tell your mentor what the old Sutra is?"


"Yes, you -- don't ask nonsense like 'it's not your turn to tell me'. Speed up the progress. There's a quiz before class. Weber and I have to score!"


Looking at Isaac dancing on his face, Loren felt that his mind was full of black lines: "the old Scripture is... The original Scripture, the proverb of the Holy Cross, and each sentence contains supernatural power beyond imagination..."

"No, no, no, no, no... That's the reference answer. I'm talking about your own understanding!" Isaac shook his head quickly. "You have to find out the difference. This is very important - it does have the correct answer, but there are some differences in each of them according to different views. You must really understand it before we can go to the next step, okay?"

The excited Isaac danced and the little priest opposite nodded very seriously... Obviously, he also agreed with Isaac's point of view.

"Don't use any metaphor or analogy, don't learn from others' ideas, and make the most objective judgment you can make according to all the information you have collected so far about the Holy Cross and the old Scripture!"

The most objective judgment I can make... Lauren's expression is deep in thought.

So far, how many people and things have you come into contact with the old Sutra?

The "sword of oath" and the unyielding "shield of defense" - their power is the most intuitive display of the power of the old Sutra.

So... The old Sutra can give mortals who make vows the power to refuse death and even fight against evil gods;

However, this power does not directly come from the words on the old Sutra, because although not many church members have read the old Sutra, they should also be many; Moreover, even Isaac can learn and master it, which proves that there is no direct link between the old classics and this power.

Ancient Runes and magic arrays written and engraved on objects can give an object the power of emptiness and produce an effect matching the meaning expressed by runes; But the old Sutra will not.

On the ancient sakran cross sculpture I met on the way to the Dragon King City, I compiled and engraved words written in accordance with the letters of the old Sutra, which did not give any power to the stone.

The contradiction lies in whether the shield of defense or the sword of oath, these oath knights who gain strength from the oath of the old Sutra, they have to recite the Scriptures every time they use their strength... At least, they have to recite it silently in the bottom of their heart.

The dark haired wizard frowned.

No, it's not contradictory at all, because

"The old Sutra is the record of the Holy Cross and the way of communication with the Holy Cross."

In the face of Loren's answer, Isaac and Weber looked at each other with different expressions; From their empty reaction, Loren could clearly detect the little priest's amazement and Isaac's surprise.

"Uh... I was wrong?"

"No, not wrong, but... Too fast, a little faster than I thought." Isaac shrugged. "And I said that all answers are based on the understanding of the information I get, so... There is no standard answer in the strict sense."

"And I must ask you to say the reason for your understanding is that the course can only be carried out based on your understanding, otherwise you will never be able to master the letters and spelling principles of the old Sutra in your life, and our course will go on forever!"

"Yes, not to mention Loren, you are not a servant of the Holy Cross. There is no need to really master it according to the norms of the Church... On the contrary, it may restrict your thinking."

The little priest nodded approvingly: "based on your own understanding, finally master the method of using it - just like whether it's walking, riding or riding, the way is different, but the end point is the same, and the key is which is more appropriate."

"Therefore... We will follow the theory that the old Scripture is the record of the Holy Cross and the way of communication with the Holy Cross to understand its letters and spelling."

Isaac's tone became much happier again: "tell me, how much impression do you have of mentor Dalton's course on Ancient Runes?"

"Well... Basically a word."

"Very good, worthy of being my younger brother!" Isaac smiled very "treacherously":

"Now, my good student, please immediately forget all your knowledge about Ancient Runes!"


"Yes, the first step in mastering the text of the old Sutra is to forget the annoying ancient rune."

Looking at the black haired wizard's stunned look, Isaac's smiling expression was more happy: "that thing has no auxiliary or reference value, but can only interfere with your understanding of new knowledge - these are two things that look very similar but are completely different."

"Er... How can you understand it as soon as possible? Let's say, Ancient Runes are like our oral slang. You don't have to worry about pronunciation and methods. Sometimes it doesn't matter if the word order is reversed, or if the pronunciation is wrong... Anyway, as long as you can understand and I can understand, there will be no problem!"

"But the old Sutra It has a very complete, rigorous and standardized use system. It is clear that there are standards for how to say every sentence, because if you delete any symbol or letter, it is possible to turn one sentence into another. The slightest difference is a world of difference; and you can understand the meaning of each sentence only when you read the last letter What! "

"The difference is so great that it is almost equivalent to the difference between the imperial people and the Azores. It has reached the level of changing."

"Therefore... We must bid farewell to rural slang, master the official standard spoken language and correct writing norms, wash all the lead, and become a qualified city man from today!"

"..." Loren Turin.

At the same time, the little priest Weber silently took a roll of parchment and his water pipe pen and copied the letters used in the old Sutra.

A total of 76 letters were arranged by the little priest according to the standard of 15 lines, and then the first letter was listed at the beginning of the full text.

"The words used in the old Sutra... Are different from any we use, but as Isaac said, it has a great similarity with Ancient Runes, that is, each letter can express one to five or six meanings, and will change due to the context."

"I don't understand the logic of the use of Ancient Runes, but the use of letters in the old Sutra is clearly standardized. It is strict to every word structure, and there are very strict standards for the change of context... It's not strange that even archbishops of all dynasties have written wrong characters and sick sentences."

Hearing this, Isaac nodded again and again, a look of deep understanding.

"Loren, remember what you just said about what the old Sutra is?"

"Of course, it's the record of the Holy Cross and the way of communication with the Holy Cross."

"Good, so you can understand why this thing is so complicated." Isaac began to speed up: "because it... Is specially used to record and communicate with the Holy Cross."

"Its preciseness is because there can be no error in the content of the Holy Cross, let alone any misunderstanding among readers;"

"Its standard is to let us' believers' have a set of norms for normal communication with the Holy Cross, so as to prevent the Holy Cross from communicating with us."

"Its complexity stems from the communication and communication between two levels or even two concepts of existence - I don't know how evil gods understand and communicate with human beings, but the Holy Cross must be much higher than them."

When Isaac said this, the little priest beside him couldn't help frowning slightly.

"This thing is like 'regulating written language' and 'official documents' - it is a pile of tools used to explain meaning and avoid any confusion. The only value is to enable the Holy Cross to establish normal contact with you."

"The general understanding is that you write a letter with 'official document', convey the content completely and correctly to the holy cross through prayer or any way, and the Holy Cross will decide whether to allow the execution according to its judgment... Well, it's almost the function of official document."

"Of course, it's conceivable that 99% of the 'official documents' can't get any response; I guess the Holy Cross should have a special mechanism to distinguish which should be responded and which don't need to look at at at all."

"Really, does that sound worldly?"

"Of course not, I said it was just my guess, but..." Isaac leaned forward slightly, put his hands on the table and hid his eyes under his raised hands:

"Seriously think about it, Loren, for a farmer who lives in a field and never leaves his village; kneeling in the Holy Cross Church to pray to God, and kneeling in front of the Lord's horse to beg... What is the difference between the two?"

"The noble who wantonly exploited these poor people, and the Holy Cross who blessed him with increased land income, improved disease and the well-being of his family... What is the difference between the change and influence of the two on his destiny...?"

"Isn't it all that he can't change and can only bear silently?"

"Is there really a difference between the Lord and God for him?"