Chapter 1135

Eboden coast, early morning.

The spring sunshine turns the cold sea water into golden waves. With bursts of Eagle horn, another warship flying the Azores flag berths in the elegant coastline port of eboden.

There are many simple docks built of logs and bricks for ships to dock and more than a dozen stone roads connected with Chengmen Avenue on the originally panoramic beach.

As for the original wall facing the port, it was almost completely demolished, leaving only the original towers and fortresses; All the building materials were transported to the coast and turned into warehouses, docks, observation towers and various port facilities.

The castle, the eboden dock and the big warehouse that were destroyed in the war and across the river from eboden... The elves repaired all the port facilities in only one winter, and there were more "Azores style".

Moreover, today's port of eboden is even more lively than any previous generation.

Thousands of warriors lined up in a loose but neat queue, left the warships and set foot on the shore of Shanghai, converging like a trickle along the stone path to the city gate;

By the dock, Elven soldiers wearing only thin vests dragged rough ropes and shouted neat bugles to drag the warships into the harbor;

The elves carrying shelves, lifting trailers and holding slings constantly unload wooden boxes filled with goods from warships entering the port, transport them to trailers, push them along the wooden rails on the wharf, and quickly run to small warehouses near the wharf; Then the next batch of elves are responsible for transferring them from the small warehouse to the distribution warehouse at the gate of the city, and then transported to the city and repeated;

After being transported to the dock, some of the warships had already been sent to their hometown, some searched and looted materials as much as possible along the gem River and the coastline of the Empire, and some were disassembled and turned into building materials for the construction of docks, ports and various facilities in the city;

Relying on the original reserves in eboden city and the logistical supplies of the ocean fleet, several large-scale robberies in eastern and Western Saxony and the imperial coastline... At this time, the materials in eboden city have been filled to the point of lacking everything. Even if it is completely blocked by the Empire, it can still maintain a stable supply temporarily;

The original ruins like city has become a "military camp" of cross roads and large and small brick and wood houses - a training ground, central square, camping, restaurants, canals, sewage canals... A city where thousands of noble wizards and tens of thousands of poor people live. After arranging the space as reasonably as possible, it is enough to accommodate hundreds of thousands of Azores.

The Azores did not stop here. What they wanted was not just a gathering place to settle down, but a brand-new capital of the Azores Kingdom... Even under the premise of scarce materials and tight land use, they still built the eagle court with the original eboden parliament as the core.

The towering five fold castle, the octagonal three fold viewing tower of the castle, the colonnade red wall built around the city, the pond courtyard with red leaves flying... The eagle king court built in full compliance with the specifications of the native land shows the great ambition of the Azores, vowing to rebuild their kingdom on this land and raise the flag of Azores.

Eboden, this is the beginning of ambition.

The bottom of the royal court hides the darkest corner of ambition.

The thick and cold stone wall was pasted with exquisite wood decoration, hung with bright fluorite chandeliers, tables, chairs and tea tables, and made use of the ingenious drainage technology of the Azores to turn the originally cold and humid underground space into a cool and pleasant living room.

The only thing that can't be changed is the dead silence.

After retreating to eboden, the elf Prince began to like this carefully built underground living room - the extremely quiet atmosphere and slightly depressed atmosphere, so that he could calm down and think calmly.

"The information just sent is about negotiations, your highness."

The young elf attendant knelt down beside the tea table, carefully opened a bloody note and turned his eyes to the other end of the living room - the elf little prince sitting on the ground against the wall was reading a book left by the nine awn star wizard tower by the light of the overhead wall lamp.

On his side, all the turned books and parchment were piled up like a hill.

"The imperial crown prince... Or the actual Imperial Emperor Brandon de saleon, agreed to your proposal; the two sides take the current eboden defense line as the border, and there will be no unnecessary fighting before the formal war. In addition, the other side has not put forward any other requirements; just..."

The elf attendant suddenly paused and his expression changed.

"Just... What?" the elf Prince didn't raise his head, as if he didn't care:

"Read it."

"Ah! Er... Yes, yes!" the awakened elf attendant quickly got up and trembled in his voice: "only, just the chief guard and his adjutant, who were responsible for the negotiation, were killed by each other. The means were extremely cruel!"

Looking at the description on the letterhead, the residual blood on the paper and the smell that didn't know what it was, the elf attendants were scared out of their wits and couldn't even speak quickly.

"Skinning... Beheading... Burning the body in public... The reply letter was tied to the heads of two adults and thrown into the barbed ditch by two imperial cavalry. It was found this morning... HMM!"

The elf attendant with convulsive expression covered his mouth, his eyes wide open, and tried his best to suppress the urge to spit out.

"Well..." Brandon's tone was still very calm, and he turned the page quickly without raising his head: "the process of execution... Was it seen by our soldiers?"

"... yes, there are almost tens of thousands of people, counting what they heard and saw." the elf attendant nodded flustered and didn't recover from his fear.

"Then bury their heads, um... Under the triple tower on the side of the king's court gate facing the port." rodriga Azores tilted his head:

"The funeral should be held with enough scenery so that all warriors will attend and hold a ceremony. At that time, I will go to the funeral in person... Do they have relatives or children?"

"Well, it seems... Yes."

"Let them be there, especially those who know them. Those who have a good relationship with them... Well, gather all the remaining warriors of the four courts."


The elf attendant bowed and took the second letter from one side of the tea table: "next is the information about the battle of lottel, which was brought by a court guard warrior next to his highness sikotus. He..."

"Stop, don't read."

"Pa!" the elf Prince casually threw his books on the "hill" next to him and interrupted his entourage: "I have probably guessed what happened to lottel."

"Your Highness?"

"Don't understand? It doesn't matter. I can explain it to you." looking at the confused expression of the entourage, the elf little prince seemed to be suddenly interested and said happily:

"In fact, it's very simple. Don't you think it's inconsistent that Brandon de sallion, who is opposite, agreed to my proposal and killed my envoy in front of me - willing to be peaceful and provocative?"

The elf attendant nodded in amazement and looked at the little prince's increasingly playful smile.

"The answer is simple... There is no contradiction at all - and there is only one reason why he dares to do so, that is the victory or defeat of the battle of lottel."

Only the victory of the battle of lottel can make the opposite Imperial Emperor have the courage to do so.

The respected King brother sikotus was completely destroyed, even dead; The Azores in lottel's front line are completely destroyed... Only in this way can Brandon de sallion safely and boldly provoke himself, and he doesn't have to worry about being stabbed in the back when he is retaliated by himself.

As for the reason why he agreed to his proposal... That's even simpler. He had to wait for the army going to lottel to come back and meet him, bet the last chip on the scale of victory, and push himself forward with the high morale brought by the great victory of lottel.

Maybe... That's it.

Of course, I don't rule out the possibility that he is also gambling. I believe that the army he sent will win in lottel, at least it must be a disastrous draw. I dare to do so only when I ensure that there is no danger behind me, otherwise

Although he has seen how impulsive and crazy the "new emperor" can be, the elf Prince still doesn't think he is the type who is keen to die.

The commander who can be trusted by the other party and will win the battle of lottel... Well, nine times out of ten, it should be Loren Turin.

"The tragic defeat of the battle of lottel is not only the loss of an army of tens of thousands of warriors, but also the direction of attack, a reinforcement that can cover us and distract the enemy."

"Without lottel, we will have to face the attacks from all directions of the Empire on such a small battlefield as eboden; we may win the first, second and third time... But as long as the war situation does not change, as long as we are still trapped in this small port of eboden... Failure is only a matter of time."

"Even if we win in the end, we have lost the chance to completely destroy the Empire; maybe a hundred, two hundred, three hundred years... We will confront the enemy separately until one of them is destroyed."

"This is the situation that we, the whole Azores, are facing right now - the hope of victory is very slim. What we have to seize is the hope of surviving and ensuring the continued survival of the whole race."

"For this hope, we must win, we can only win... By all means, at all costs, bet everything... Victory!"

The crazy tone echoed in the dead space, making the already frightened followers look more nervous at the back of the elf little prince.

As if there were no one else, rodriya Azor faced the wall, desperately suppressing the crazy rising corners of her mouth and more and more twitching expressions.

Bet on everything, decide the fate of the first war, the final gamble... That is, the final game.

Only he himself knows how long he has been waiting for this day!

Fighting with his life could not make him feel a trace of blood; The gushing plasma has long been unable to stimulate his nerves... Rational judgment and winning games have numbed him for too long, so that there are a little variables, or even failed games, which can make him feel a little excited.

Now... The fate of the whole Azores, the fate of the Azores royal family, and even the future of the world... Are decided in their next game. Their victory or defeat is no longer related to the next 100, 200 or 300 years, but the life and death of a race and a country

Is there any more interesting game than this?!

no This is not a rhetorical question, because of course not!

He picked up the books he had left on the "hill", and the elf little prince hit the corner of the living room with his back hand.


The clang sound seemed to touch some mechanism... The elf attendant couldn't help guessing.

The next second, the suddenly opened "wall" verified his guess.

"Dong --!"

With a loud noise, the original wall opened to both sides like a sliding door. There was a cold iron fence on the wall and darkness.

"Ah, ah --!!"

With a shrill scream, a dark shadow "Dong!" hit the iron fence, and the frightened elf attendant trembled.

Not because of the figure, but because of the face.

Chief inspector... "Idealistic celestial phenomena"... Ogan!

He's still alive?!

The eyes glittering with gray blue light, something like a beast, without a shred of rational expression, crazy movements, chains and shackles from head to foot

But there is no doubt that in front of him is the former chief inspector Ogan, the warrior who had long died in the battle of eboden!

Why is he here? Why is he still alive... No, is he not dead, but has been locked up here all the time? Then why does his highness rodria do this?!

The spirit attendants were confused and didn't know what to do.

"It's very simple. You don't have to do anything." the elf Prince looked back slowly and glanced at his stunned entourage: "I'm walking you here for the last insurance."

"Insurance... Insurance, insurance?!"

The elf attendant stammered at his Highness the prince.

"Yes, that's why I want to share my plan, my... Victory... Plan with you." the first hand stuffed Ogan's head into the cell, and the elf Prince tilted his head and looked at his entourage:

"As you can see, I resurrected our chief inspector with the help of a second royal court; in that case... Guess what else I resurrected - hint, guess right, there is a reward."

What has been resurrected... What needs to be resurrected... Secret weapons in eboden... Er


The entourage inquired tentatively, "you... Resurrected the dragon you killed?"

The elf Prince's eyes lit up.

"Oh, you're smart!" Rodriguez Azores nodded and looked at him meaningfully:

"So the last question... Guess... I have to try my best to hide the plan of building the king's court to open up the eboden underground transportation network..."

"And for what?"