Chapter 1129

Blood flows to the ground, and the iron horse roars!

From the two wings of the battlefield, 3000 Byrne knights with a wall mounted array rushed into the battlefield like a revolving door, and went straight to the side and rear where the Azores had no defense.

No trot, no step-by-step acceleration - coming up is a sprint with all your strength!

"Cavalry, the cavalry of the Empire!"

The first Elven warrior who was aware of the earth shaking shouted at the soldiers on his side with all his strength: "the cavalry of the empire is coming!"

"Assemble the formation and prepare for defense!!!!!"

On the battlefield of scuffle, the tacit Elven warriors were quickly divided into two parts - the former army continued to drag Byrne's front square, while the latter army quickly turned and gathered in the direction of the Knights' attack.

They put up their shields, stood closely together, protected the robes on their sides with shields, and stretched out their long knives like spears from the gaps between the shields to form a thick shield wall.

The shields stacked like scales are like layers of vegetables. The Elven warriors in the front row keep a certain distance from the back row - they don't intend to block the cavalry by the shield wall, but use the "human wall" to interrupt the cavalry's charge with their flesh and blood, so as to win time for the robes behind them.

But the Byrne knights, 200 steps away from them, saw the "shield wall" at first sight, only a ruthless sneer.

"Shield --!"

The roar of war broke out in the mouth of every Knight leader in the front row.

The roaring shadow came from the shield wall of the elves, but the arrows did no harm except making a tinkling "note" on the knight's armor and shield.

"Raise your gun --!"

Lin's long gun was held flat, and the colorful swallow tail flag was rolled behind the tip of the gun in the wind.

The Elven warriors held their breath, and their faces were more decisive - they had experienced the heavy cavalry of the Empire once in Shenlin castle.

The frontal charge is very powerful, but only once. As long as they can stop their first round charge, slow them down and drag them down from the horse... They will no longer be the opponent of Elven warriors.

One second before charging, they could even see the angry expressions of the knights, and even had a little more confidence in their shields.

Yes, with such strong shields and so many layers of shield walls, there is no reason why it can't stop only one third of them

"Dong ---!!"

The terrible noise was the sound of the shield being broken by the flag gun, the sound of the war horse hitting the flesh and blood body, the sound of the iron hoof trampling on the bones and broken meat, the sound of the knight hitting the shield and being pierced by the blade through the trunk, and the sound of the gun tip breaking in the warrior's skull

When all these voices were calm, only a straight "blood line" was left on the position held by the Azores Elven warriors, and a few survived and stood in place.

The Byrne Knight's charge still showed no sign of being stopped, blocked or even delayed, and still spared no mercy and rushed to the back of the Azores elf army.

Stop the Byrne Knight's wall charge? Slow them down?

Byrne people can prove a thousand times, ten thousand times, this kind of thing

It doesn't exist!

"For Byrne, for the Holy Cross, for the sakran empire!"

Laughing, lanmalos arrogantly raised his right-hand flag gun and rushed out of the wall array alone: "for the black Duke, go!"

"Long live the black Duke --!!"

Amid the neat shouts, the Byrne Knights put down their guns again and launched a wall mounted charge.

There is no doubt that the Elven warriors who dare to fight the heavy cavalry charge with their flesh and blood are not heroic, but their efforts are doomed to be futile - layers of defense, fragile like thin parchment, and the futile battle is meaningless except breaking the Knights' long guns.

These "good at learning" Elven warriors, their armor is not enough to protect their flesh and blood in front of the Knights; On the contrary, heavy armor made them lose the most critical flexibility and could not avoid the edge of Byrne knights.

The Byrne knights who broke their flag guns pulled out their two handed swords from their saddles, and rushed forward to the Elven warriors who came to block them. Then they dragged their swords and smashed forward without looking at them.

Whether they hit or missed, the Knights did not stop, but continued to charge forward - the big sword waved at will is like the sickle of death harvesting life, and each wave brings a blood color.

Facing the charging Byrne knight, the Elven warrior who could do nothing could only fight with flesh and blood for a little delay; A very small number of court guarding warriors who master the way of samurai can only barely protect themselves in the face of hundreds of cavalry charging. They are powerless to watch the robes fall one after another and become broken meat splashed in the blood pool.

"Loren Turin... Loren Turin..."

Looking at the Byrne knight who had rushed up from behind, Prince sikotus's eyes twinkled with excitement and waved a knife to smash a demon hunter who tried to sneak out.

"Well done, you really didn't disappoint me!"

In less than a quarter of an hour, the casualties of 30000 Azores have exceeded one tenth. The balance of victory is rapidly tilting towards Bain, but sikotus is not angry but happy. He can't even restrain his emotions and shows his excitement.


At this stage of the battle, Byrne's legion, who first bet the last card, has lost the remaining strength of resistance - don't even think about it. He must have taken all the remaining troops to attack the fortress camp. He can't even have a reinforcements.

And the role of 60000 elite themselves, only 30000 more... No! Another twenty thousand armies quickly joined the battle from behind, so that they could annihilate the Byrne Legion and turn them around to destroy the Armen and Lothar troops fighting hard outside the fort.

In the first World War, lottel will be in his bag, and the land ploughed by rodriya when he defeated Byrne's Legion will no longer be effectively blocked;

As for the Imperial Army... Let them fight with rodriya to their heart's content. After they have swallowed the land along lottel and the gem River, their dear brother will see the reinforcements who come to save him and the fate of the Azores kingdom.

In the name of the eagle king!

"Dang -!!"

The impact of the sharp blade sounded in the ears of Prince sikotus. Holding a knife in both hands, he barely blocked the "dawn" sword.

The strength of the horse charging and the sword chopping nearly knocked him away. The prince sikotus who stubbornly resisted was dragged out for more than ten steps before he stood firm.

But he had no time to rejoice, because at the moment of blocking, the figure wielding the sword had rushed to him.

"Show me!"

The spark bloomed in the middle of the collision between the two sharp blades.

"I don't know who you are, but my intuition tells me that you are the Duke of Byrne, Loren Turin..." between the sword blades, staring at the black haired wizard's face, a slightly trembling voice with uncontrollable excitement:

"The imperialist who defeated rodria, my dear brother... Twice."

"I really don't know what to be proud of."

At the moment when the dark haired wizard spoke coldly, he pulled the "dawn" sword of fire and quickly rolled all the way from the blade of Azor long knife. At the same time, he took a left step forward and suddenly picked it up.

At the same moment, the ecstatic sikotus completed his turn at the same time. The shadow of the long knife suppressed by the big sword turned and roared to the back of the black haired wizard.

"Dang --!"

The big sword picked up fell back with Loren's turn, and collided with the swept blade again.

"No... You should be proud." sikotus's smile became very ferocious:

"Beating Rodriguez will be the second proudest thing in your life; and the proudest..."

"Died by my... Sikotus Azor's knife!"

He drew his knife and stabbed it straight, and the tip of sikotus pointed at the dark haired wizard's face; But it was just a cover. At the moment when Loren raised his sword to parry, the sikotus blade that turned around picked and split into Loren's jaw, and then


Blood gushed... It was not the black haired wizard's neck that was torn open, but sikotus's left wrist.

Sikotus changed his expression and stared at the sleeve sword stretched out under the left wrist of the black haired wizard.

"Dang - Dang!"

The light of the knife flashed and quickly blocked the sleeve sword stabbing at the neck and the "dawn" falling head-on. Some embarrassed sikotus retreated again and again and retreated ten steps away before he stood firm.

The black haired wizard who raised his big sword has rushed forward again.

"Protect your highness --!"

Seeing this scene, the Elven warriors screamed, roared and rushed forward with knives.

"Bang --- ---!!"

With a roar of white light flashing, the Elven warriors who had no time to respond fell down one after another; The demon hunters who waved bright silver swords rushed into the battlefield under the cover of the shooting army.

"Wings of the sky, cover the Duke!"

The grey pupil boy who danced with double swords was the first to join the battle. He shouted coldly: "surprise these bastards!"

The gray blue sword and the mirror like blade are hanged together and entangled with each other - no matter how anxious the elf warriors are, they are no longer dominant in number, and they can never break through the "ring defense line" composed of demon hunters.

As the Byrne Knights rode the wall and charged impolitely again and again, the war situation has gradually evolved into a one-sided situation... The Azores elves army with rapidly expanding casualties is about to collapse.

Deeper in the battlefield, the elves hanged with the infantry Knights of the spear array are still fighting tenaciously. However, as the enemy's combat power becomes less and less, the square infantry with the advantage of quantity have regrouped and formed a hundred person team scale spear array to encircle and suppress the elves warriors.

Divide, disintegrate, break and annihilate.

The resistance of Azores is getting weaker and weaker... The messy battlefield is coming to an end.

"End the curtain?"

The sneering sikotus hung his bleeding left arm and held up his body with a knife: "in your eyes, you are about to win... Right, Loren Turin?"


The black haired wizard was expressionless and dragged the "dawn" sword closer and closer: "I'm not about to win."

"I'm sure I'll win."

Sikotus grinned even more.

Loren sighed.

"Forget it, I'd better let you die more clearly."

"Die to understand?"

"Yes, otherwise you may not even be able to explain when you see your father."

"Father... You?!"

Sikotus, whose face suddenly changed, only felt a chill in his heart.

"Yes, i... and by the way, why do you think I didn't hesitate to let the cavalry charge and even stand in front of you?"

"Think about it, knowing that you still have at least 60000 troops, what is the reason why I do this without hesitation... I don't want to die and don't want to live? Or... There are other reasons..."

"Come on, guess, or bet - maybe I'm wrong. Maybe you can turn defeat into victory in another quarter of an hour and kill me and my army here."

"Who on earth can be the existence of this battle to reverse the situation?"


Sikotus, who was shocked, thought quickly - who could make the remaining Elven warriors refuse to execute, even disobey their orders, delay sending troops for support, and sit here and watch themselves defeated by Byrne's Legion?

Who... Has the courage and ambition

A petite, lying on the ground shivering, looking at her elf girl with weak and flattering eyes, involuntarily emerged from sikotus's mind.

"Shira -?!!!"

The ferocious sikotus's eyes shrank suddenly, and his angry pupils seemed to tear an elf girl to pieces in the next second.

However, the black haired wizard was not surprised at the moment he heard the name, and even showed an expression of enlightenment.

No wonder it's like this... If it's her, she can really do something so immoral to pit her own people.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha..."

The shocked sikotus suddenly burst out laughing, and his face was filled with self mocking expressions: "good... Loren Turin, I lost. You are the lucky one in this battle."

"You won, congratulations."

The black haired wizard did not finish, but still approached sikotus step by step, watching him hold the handle of the long knife and drop the tip of the knife.

"But... You seem to have forgotten that I am not only the descendant of the eagle king, but also an Azor Elf Warrior - unless I die, never think of really defeating me!"

At the moment when the voice was about to fall, the expanding force of emptiness quickly spread around with sikotus as the center, and the purple fire poured out from the tip of the knife and surrounded them.

"See my warrior way!" sikotus smiled wildly:

"The pole of the sword is hidden in..."


At the moment of blood spilling, there was the sound of sharp blades tearing bones and flesh.

Sikotus, whose blade was broken, looked in horror at the big sword that hit his chest from his shoulder and the figure waving the big sword opposite.

"Sorry, not interested."