Chapter 1127

"It's almost fighting... Is there still no movement over there?"

In the east of the battlefield, the Female Elf standing above a hill stared at the smoke and dust in the distance. The killing sound was loud, and often flashed across the fierce battlefield of white light. Some were irritable and couldn't help but say.

"I'm sorry, baroness, the herald has just sent back - there's still no sign of an army attacking the camp, let alone any flag of ellemans."

The knight Aaron's long expression was also a little stunned: "they should... Still wait for the opportunity."

"Wait for the time?"

The female elf who didn't pay attention to her tone was full of ridicule in her voice.

Wait for the time... Wait for the time? If you wait any longer, I'm afraid Loren Turin will be killed. You and that guy have to continue to "wait" for it!

The irritability and unfamiliarity made the fairy distrust the grey eyed dwarf; In particular, another grey eyed dwarf, Lucian, made a harsh evaluation of his brother, which strengthened this feeling.

"Aaron, do you think it's the one opposite... Archduke ellemans is afraid and plans to wait until we do it..."

"Don't think so, Baroness!"

On hearing that the fairy began to doubt her allies, Aaron, who was stunned, quickly stopped and said: "Lord Yuli vilz was a close friend of Duke ruwen, and the friendship between Elman and lottel can be traced back to before the establishment of the Empire! Anyone can be, but Elman will not betray lottel!"

"And... Although I'm very sorry to say that, sir Yuli weiltz is a rare natural commander of the Empire. He is not only gifted, but also calm and calm. When necessary, he also has a determination beyond emotion, coupled with the unique sacrifice spirit of the elmans - in terms of commander-in-chief ability, he is far above Duke ruven."

"Of course, that means above you."

The fairy raised her little nose and snorted coldly.

But the knight Aaron turned his head:

"Of course, you are the one chosen by Reuven to save the future of the Empire, and you are the Lord of lottel, who controls the fate and future of this land." looking at the back of the Female Elf, Aaron said in a deep voice: "whether the hero of ellemans or Loren Turin, they are outsiders, and you are our master."

"You are not only the spirit of the ancient wood forest, but also the loctite, but also the master of all the morning star Forest Elves and loctite - your will is our will."

"If you think you should attack immediately, please give orders. Your knights and war dancers will swear to the death to carry out your orders!"

As the words fell, the knight Aaron bowed down and knelt heavily on one knee.

Looking at each other's resolute figure, the Female Elf turned her eyes to the motionless fortress camp in the distance, biting her teeth.

"Just wait another quarter of an hour... For the sake of the friendship between El mans and lottel, and the trust of ruwen and Loren Turin in this smelly boy." the Female Elf said coldly, as if she couldn't lose face, and didn't forget to emphasize:

"But we only give him another quarter of an hour... No matter what happens in two quarters of an hour, lottel's whole army will attack and do its best to capture the fortress camp, support Loren Turin and completely destroy these scum!"



"That, that... Throw, surrender, others surrender."

Skillfully and decisively threw away the weapon, and the elf girl squatting down with her head in her hands looked at the ellemans knights who surrounded her in the center with an expression of fear and forced smile.

Well, there are circle after circle pointing to her dagger, spear and crossbow. I wish I could turn her into a more petite hedgehog in the next second.

From the beginning to the end, the battle went on very quickly.

In a hurry, the elf girls with only thousands of troops, the warriors controlled by her and the bewitched elf soldiers were ambushed by the Armand army almost as soon as they entered the path.

The hunters of Mount ellemans, who are good at ambush, mobile warfare and surprise warfare, caught the elf warriors off guard and didn't even have time to react - first a wave of traps, and then a rain of arrows from the sky; Before the arrow rain stopped, the double handed swordsmen waving double handed short swords and battle axes poured out from the forests on both sides in all directions.

One on one, maybe the Elven warriors can win, but the combat power ratio of this raid is five to one - considering that the Azores are the party attacked and are divided and surrounded when they come up, the El mans army with concentrated superior forces has played a 20-to-1 effect.

The Elven warriors almost saw the robe beside them fall in the arrow rain one second, and the next second was completely submerged by the "crowd" pouring out of the forest. They didn't know how to die.

If it was the Azores in the camp, the whole army would not be the result, but the cautious (timid) elf girl was afraid that her plan would be noticed by the elves who were not under her control, so she thought she was smart and left first, leaving them with the order to act together with the army.

So she was a tragedy

Between the corpses and the pool of blood, the slightly frowning Yuli weiltz looked at herself, knelt on the ground, looked up at herself, looked pitifully like an elf girl, squatted down without saying a word, picked up the Azores long knife thrown to the ground by the other party, and then in her surprised and flattering smile

Gave the weapon to the aide behind him.

"Everyone listen, remember." ignoring the extremely wronged eyes of the elf girl, Yuli weiltz said coldly: "first, when capturing an elf warrior, especially the four court warrior, the first thing to do is to confiscate their sabres!"

"This, Lord, Sheila, Sheila is not a warrior at all!"

The face of the fairy girl surrounded by countless sharp blades was full of grievances, with an expression that I'll cry to you if you don't let go: "Shira is just a lovely girl. She was sent by rodriya to contact his brother. In addition, she doesn't know anything. She really doesn't know anything. If you don't believe it, you can ask and see!"

The wronged elf girl looked around in a hurry to prove her innocence - but she couldn't even find a standing Elf Warrior except the corpses everywhere.

"Er... It seems that there is no way to ask them..."

The expressionless Archduke of ellemans changed his expression only when the elf girl mentioned his name.

"Duke, it's ready." a word suddenly came from the crowd.

While the elf girl was still stunned, she saw Yuli weiltz nodding slightly. After the people on both sides dodged away, he also turned aside and revealed the source of the voice.


Almost at the moment of seeing, Shira's face was bloodless.

A bright spear on the shield was facing her head less than ten meters away!

In addition, there are two archers standing on both sides, one holding an alchemy bomb and the other holding a bow and an arrow - is this going to destroy the corpse?!

"Second, after capturing an elf warrior, don't have any superfluous fantasies!" Archduke ellemans's cold voice sounded again: "unless necessary, end them with the most effective means as soon as possible, and never leave any trace to avoid losing!"

"Yes --!!!"

The soldiers responded neatly in the woods.

Yuli weltz looked back and looked at the shooter "borrowed" from Byrne's Legion: "countdown, start!"


The shooter who answered the call opened the firing device expressionless.

"Hey, hey... Wait, wait! Wait a minute!"

The panicked fairy girl struggled desperately and screamed: "it is necessary and necessary to use such cruel means against a lovely girl..."

"Very necessary!"

The angry drink interrupted the girl's struggle. Yuli vilz said coldly, "shooter, shoot!"


"Wait a minute! Wait a minute! Wait a minute --!!!"

The screaming elf girl screamed recklessly:

"Others... Shira... Shira has very important information. All the troops in the fortress camp are coming this way... Ah ah!!!!!"


With a shrill scream, the elf girl rushed into the blood - the light beam broke her shoulder in the thunder.

Trembling on the ground, her eyes widened in pain, and a boot came into her eyes; When she slowly raised her eyes, the expressionless Ellerman justice stood in front of her.

"Just one piece of information is not enough to save your life."

Looking down at the seriously injured elf girl, Yuli vilz said coldly, "what else information?"

"Snow and Shira hurt so much. Can Shira wait a while..."

"No." Yuli wilz did not hesitate to extinguish her hope:

"You won't get any guarantee... Either speak or die."

"Ah... At least untie others. If it goes on like this, Shira can't even speak..."

"I don't care... If you want to say it, you can say it. If you don't say it, you can die." Yuli vilz sneered:

"And you're not a weak girl... Aren't you, Shira, the puppet play of the second seat of the imperial court?"

The elf girl's expression froze.

"You may remember that in the battle of eboden, there was a guy... Quite similar to me who once fought with you." Yuli vilz said in a deep voice:

"He told me that there are two guys who need absolute vigilance - the first is the chief of the imperial court, with sharp Sabre skills; the other is the second of the imperial court, who is good at acting."

"The only thing they have in common is that they are not tall and look young female warriors."

Duke Ellerman's expression became colder and colder: "so if your only choice now is to tell the information you can say as soon as possible, I'll judge whether it's worth keeping you alive."

"That's all."

The elf girl, who was trembling in the severe pain, stared with trembling eyes.

"Peter, Peter!"

Shira, who sobbed in a low voice, whispered, "Peter... He's still in that college, he's still alive!"


Archduke ellemans, with a slight frown, pressed the hilt of his sword and looked like he was going to draw his sword to kill.

"He is the dean of vimpar college! He is also the dean of lorun Turin, Duke of Byrne, and his friends Isaac and Ayn Rand, and the mentor of his teacher Dalton kand! He is still alive in the college and locked up by sikotus!"

The frightened fairy girl burst out extraordinary potential at the moment of life and death. She finished 82 words in just four seconds (without removing punctuation), and her voice was mellow, her words were clear and orderly.

Yuli weltz, who heard the speech, loosened his right hand holding the sword; The fairy girl breathed a sigh of relief and almost collapsed on the ground.

"Where is he?"

"In the castle of the camp!"

"I mean, where exactly?"

"I... Sheila is not an imperial. Sheila doesn't know the name of which room! I only know the approximate location!"

The fairy girl had cried out in fear: "don't hurt Sheila again, er... Please don't hit her face, Sheila is still a child!"

"Who else knows?" Yuli weltz changed the subject.

"Er... The warriors who came with me should know, but..." swallowing her saliva, the elf girl looked around awkwardly:

"They may not be able to answer this."

The face of Archduke ellemans was a little ugly.

"Hold her down first and send someone to take strict care of her - no matter what she wants, she can't be satisfied." ten seconds later, Yuli vilz made a decision:

"Her weapon will stay with me for the time being and be bound with chains. Pay special attention to sealing her mouth and eyes. If necessary, she can cut off her tongue and dig out her eyes."

"Oh, there's another one -- before tying it up, remember to cut off your hands and feet, and then burn it with an alchemy bomb!" Archduke ellemans, who gave the order, did not look at the fairy girl with a face of despair and screaming protest, turned his eyes to the direction of the fortress camp again:

"The rest of the people are ready to ambush the enemy's next main force according to the pre War deployment - this is not an order, but if possible, we must wipe out all the enemy here!"

"Yes --!!!"

In the roar, the assembled Armand army pulled out again. Without Yuli vilz's command, it began to quickly clean the battlefield to ensure that the enemy would not notice when they passed.

"Duke, do you really want to do this?"

Behind Yuli weiltz, the worried attendant couldn't help asking, "whether the Female Elf is telling the truth or not, if so, the Azores coming here next are afraid of tens of thousands!"

"Lottel is on the other side of the battlefield, and Bain's legion is engaged in a frontal battle with the enemy. They can't send troops to support immediately. Elman is equal to facing twice as many enemies alone!"

The more the attendant said, the more ugly his expression became: "besides, if she lied... We've delayed too long. If the Baroness of lottel can't wait, or if the Byrne army is frustrated..."

"If... Maybe... Maybe." Yuli vilz suddenly interrupted coldly, "this is a battlefield, not a test in the college. There will never be a standard answer; there is and there will always be only one thing we can do..."

"Believe in yourself!"