Chapter 1117

"Azores elf warrior, come out!"

"For his Majesty the eagle king ---- ----!!!!!!!!!"

Loud cries swirled over the highlands.

Accompanied by the roar through the battlefield, there was a whole dense black spot that filled the horizon.

In the next second, the black line swept down from the top of the highland, covering the whole front of the highland in an instant; Under the high noon sun, shining light spots are constantly shining, just like the Milky Way surging on the earth.

Only thousands of Azores long knives can show such a magnificent scene in the sun - only Azores elves can take out thousands of mirror like blades and thousands of warriors who know how to wave such blades at the same time.

After "pouring down" the slope of the highland, more than 10000 elf warriors immediately spread out to the two wings of the battlefield, and the flashing River turned into a long and narrow "thin line" in the blink of an eye, forming a depth of only a row of more than ten warriors.

"My holy cross, they are..."

Nolan ERD, who was staring at the battlefield, looked a little surprised.

"Is this a gamble?"

Holding his breath, Archduke Ellerman's face was also dignified to the extreme: "spreading the front as far as possible can really offset the pressure of Byrne Knight's charging on the wall - heavy cavalry can't sweep the loose line of formation like Hussars."

"If the front is expanded to the extreme, it can directly surround the bain legion with almost the same strength but good at dense square array." Archduke Arle said in a deep voice:

"With the fighting power of Byrne legion, it is almost impossible to lose this war, but anyway..."

"In any case, thousands of Bain elite will suffer heavy casualties!"

The suddenly interrupted Archduke ellemans turned his head and looked at Brandon, who was always silent and silent: "please order Archduke Sarika Jonah, who is lying in ambush on the flank, to let the Hussars sweep the battlefield!"

"The most important thing now is to sweep away the stubborn enemy and end the battle as soon as possible; don't care about your commitment to the enemy, your highness!"

While talking, the Azores Elven warriors who started the front had completed the rectification and stepped forward to approach the Golden Lion Flag on a black background.

A series of Byrne flags in the battlefield extend from the highland and gentle slope to the front of Byrne army array, like a corridor connecting the two, leading the enemy forward.

Anson ZAD, the chief Wizard of the imperial court with only one hand, held high the war flag and walked in the front of the center of the whole team; The blindfolded fairy girl waving the ancient knife followed him step by step.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom"

The messy footsteps approached slowly. Although it was far less neat and powerful than the army of the Empire, it was still quite shocking when the picture of more than ten thousand elf warriors advancing with swords came to their faces.

"I said, you warm-hearted Archduke..."

Brandon, who was always silent, suddenly opened his mouth lazily: "even Loren Turin, who is going to meet the enemy, hasn't opened his mouth. What's the strength of your panic first?"

"Your Highness, we..."

"We'll... Wait here. I know my Duke Byrne. He's not a dead face - since he's determined to give us a performance, enjoy the grand performance."

Brandon, who robbed Archduke ellemans, stared at the battlefield and the silver light of thousands of samurai's long swords, and crossed "if I were you, I wouldn't care about such an insignificant matter." Yuli vilz hummed coldly and was a little hostile to Archduke Arles:

"It has a long range and powerful power. It is a projection weapon driven by the void and controlled by wizards; a shooter who can accurately aim at 1000 steps away... These are the strengths that Loren Turin wants to show, which are different from the traditional strength!"

"Expand the battle beyond 500 steps, greater deterrence range and more powerful projection weapons... This is a change, which is no less than throwing guns and arrows. It means that the past experience will no longer be used in future wars."

With that, Yuli vilz, who snorted coldly again, turned his eyes to the battlefield again, and the gravity in his eyes still didn't dissipate.

But... That's not enough,

Powerful and accurate projection weapons may be an absolute weapon against dense formations, but the damage they can do to the Azores' long and thin sandal line is not enough to defeat the powerful elves warriors.

According to his understanding, after a round of long-range projection, Byrne should send elite Ranger knights and Hussars to sweep the army line and force the Elven warriors to assemble; After that, the task of breaking the array was handed over to the Byrne knights, and finally the phalanx Legion and the infantry knights were responsible for the end.

This is the traditional way of fighting Byrne's Legion... But obviously, this is not what Loren wants to show them.

So, Loren Turin

What do you really want to show us?

"Boom, boom, boom, boom!"

There was another loud noise, and five white lights swept neatly across the line of soldiers pushed by the Azores - where they passed, only the burning or smoking, dark Azores long knife was left.

The Elven warriors holding high their swords walked through the land where paoze fell without changing their faces, quickly reorganized their formation, filled the gap and continued to press on the position of Byrne's legion.

Five hundred steps, it's very close.

Anson ZAD could even see the soldiers in the front row of the Byrne Legion spread out the front line, tried to pull the line to the point where they were side by side with the Elven warriors, erected a shield, and set up a spear like weapon on the shield.

What's that, a new Heavy Crossbow?

Almost at the moment when the line stepped into the 500 infantry line, five meteors swooped towards the Azores again.

This is really

"Don't underestimate me --!"

At the moment of roaring, the elf boy who threw down the war flag pulled the pendant from his neck, shook his hand, and a silver beam rose into the sky and rushed towards the "meteor" falling from the sky.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom!"

In the roaring sound, the light beams intersected and burst in the air, and the brilliant "fireworks" flashed and bloomed, and then disappeared without a trace.

The only thing standing in front of the Azores Elven warriors was the thin crossbow line of the Byrne Legion.

However, such a thin crossbow front with only two layers of troops is wishful thinking to stop the attack of the Elven warriors!

"Azores Elven warriors -" Anson ZAD, surrounded by a silver beam, roared again:

"Draw the knife -"

"Meet the enemy --!"

"For his Majesty the eagle king ---- ----!!!!!!!!!"

In the next second, the roaring Azores warriors stepped forward, and the whole front rushed to the Byrne Legion at the same time.

In the roar of the sky, the sound of running steps like a rolling wave, with an irresistible momentum, shocked the hearts of every Byrne Army soldier.

"Finally come..."

Feeling the murderous spirit, Carr Colin, who stood in the front row with a "bright spear" on his shoulder, was not nervous, but more and more excited.

"Shooting army -"

Holding the "Jiao Guang spear" tightly in his arms, the roaring demon hunter almost put his cheek on the simple aiming setting on the bronze tube:

"Ready to meet the enemy --!"