Chapter 1061

The world became quiet.

This is the first feeling of Loren in silence.

In fact, only when we are completely quiet can we deeply feel what a noisy noise it is when the first valve is opened and the force of the void that flourishes and is no longer limited by any restrictions and the limitations of the material world.

The force of emptiness, which can be controlled by one's own consciousness, reason and calmness, can no longer be restrained when the valve is opened; When you use forces beyond your control, you are also pulled by these "uncontrolled forces".

What is the essence of emptiness?

It is a pure and unreasonable spiritual world that exists because it does not exist and is completely composed of information and emotion.

Information and emotion constitute a pure and unreasonable world

No matter what level the "Logan with a hat" reached, he did wear the most real appearance of the void.

In this pure and unreasonable world, everything is no longer "objective existence", but a message, a symbol, a group of numbers, a rune... When you name it and give its meaning, it will "exist" whether it exists or not.

Even... At the moment you realize it, it "exists" - you can think that it was born because you "realized", or you can understand that because you realized it, it existed before you realized it and didn't appear until now.

It has no concept of time or space, nor is it limited by objective factors.

Vanity... Is so unreasonable, because there is no reason to speak.

A wizard explores through continuous learning and research throughout his life; You can gradually master and understand a certain amount of "information" and control your emotions; When he has the opportunity to open the first "valve", he can suddenly master and control the information and emotions, which will no longer be limited.

Opening the valve means that suddenly there will be no restrictions, and you can master ten times, a hundred times or even a thousand times the power far beyond your ability

And the consequence is to be eaten back by this terrible force and pay the price.

That huge to unspeakable amount of information, extreme and completely uncontrollable emotion; Enough to become a real power to completely destroy everything trying to control it.

If you want to wear a crown, bear its weight first;

A murderer must also have the consciousness of being killed;

All actions must pay a price

No matter how to blame and describe, in essence, they have mastered the power far beyond their own control, that's all.

In other words, if you want to really master the power of a higher level, the first thing to do is not to experience it again and again, but to really understand what you want to master and have the wisdom to match it.

If you can have such wisdom and ability, it is natural to master the power equivalent to it;

If not, then not; An inflated desire can easily surpass the limits of ability, just as a wild horse is always not controlled by the reins; It may be able to gallop freely on the grassland because of a short break from bondage, but when it wants to fly to the blue sky

It must fall from the cliff - because it doesn't know how to fly, and it has no wings, that's all.


The water drops in the middle of the eyebrows awakened Loren's consciousness, and the dark pupils gradually opened.

Dark, wet, dark... Heavy walls, solid iron fences, icy stagnant water under the body, and dripping water on the top of the head.

Like just waking up, the black haired wizard sitting in the cold water looked around, and his slightly stagnant thinking gradually began to become clear.

He came here.

It seems like a long time ago... Ancient wood forest... Big tree wall... Ogre... Elf and dancer... Leia


The wrists and ankles were shackled, the neck was shackled, and the cold chains sank into the colder, dark water - where Loren Turin sat motionless.

Clearly bound, detained and locked in a narrow world, it seems that it is still very comfortable, relaxed and indifferent; There are so many constraints, but I can't feel any pressure and shackles.

Loren knows why.

Shackles, chains and shackles are their own limitations. One world is the limit of their eyesight. The cold water keeps them awake all the time.

And if you break the shackles, drain the water, and destroy the prison... The unknown darkness outside is beyond your ability - only you know what you will encounter.

That will pay a very heavy price, and the consequences may not be as good as they thought at first.

Even... Maybe I just changed into a bigger, tighter, colder and darker prison; If so, what is the point of breaking everything at the beginning and striving for freedom?

No, this is not the most terrible; The most terrible thing is that once you realize the reality, do you still have the courage and determination to break the cage next time?

"Are you hesitating?"

Outside the cage, Dalton kand stood with his hands behind him, looking down at the dark haired wizard indifferently from behind.

The expressionless Lauren stared at the dark water without a trace of waves and nodded.

"You're hesitating, as if you still have a second choice now." mentor Dalton's words are always as direct as a spear blade: "but if you appear here, it proves that you have no choice."

"There are still... Right?"

Shrugging his shoulders, the black haired wizard tilted his mouth jokingly: "the big deal is just death, so it's no big deal."


Dalton asked rhetorically, as if mocking.

"Of course it's true, I said... What's the difficulty? Anyone will die. It's just a difference in time - and the biggest difference now is that I have choices, and most people don't have choices most of the time."

Loren narrowed his eyes and stared at the water. The dark water made him a little anxious: "it's just... The price may be too heavy."

"If you choose to die, the price will be heavy."

Mentor Dalton, standing outside the iron window, said coldly, "in the eyes of many people, you may just be evading responsibility with death."

"Who cares! Who cares, do I care?"

Some hysterical rhetorical questions made waves on the water.

After a pause, mentor Dalton's indifferent voice sounded again:

"So you don't care what the price is."

The dark haired wizard was getting more and more upset. He could already guess what the tutor was going to say next.

"Since you don't care, why do you care... The price is very heavy?"

it is as expected.

Loren's mouth twitched.

"What really makes you hesitate is not the price." mentor Dalton said faintly:

"The real key is that after taking this step, you will have a real connection with the world and can no longer leave."

"You will completely become what you are now, become 'Loren Turin', become 'existence' belonging to the world - traces of events will be wiped out!"

"So it's time to decide who you are."

Who am I... The dark haired wizard recites in his heart.

Am I a jumper?

Am I a stranger who has nothing to do with the world?

Am I a "risk taker" who deals with evil gods and regards the world as an amusement park, a game and an exciting performance?

In my eyes, those people around me, those who shout all kinds of slogans, have self emotion and consciousness, can make rational judgment and make "individuals" in line with personal thinking and choices... Are they just specially intelligent NPCs?

Their existence, life, body and all the feelings they bring to themselves... Are they just very complex data, maps and models?

Even... Just a few lines?

All this... Is it just a dream that I had in my last life after I died or at the moment of dying?

The black haired wizard's breath began to become rapid, and his anxious mood made the cold water around him no longer stable and began to "boil".

He clenched his teeth and kept pulling the chains.

"No... yes."

Two voices, one front and one rear, simultaneously low channel.

He remembered the expression of the little wizard when he first met, and Isaac's self righteous.

He remembers the dean's concerns, freswalker's free and easy, corona's plan, Asriel's "innocence", Brandon's boundless limit, Eckhart's foresight, and salina's unrestrained

He also remembers the touch and temperature of Ayn and Charlotte

It is by no means a symbol, not a few lines, not even a few words can describe and describe.

"Then tell me..." mentor Dalton whispered again:

"Who are you?"

The dark haired wizard slowly raised his head, his breathing gradually subsided, and his expression was not so anxious.

Who am I?

I am a transgressor, an orphan picked up by the knight Leonardo, a wandering knight, a wizard, Brandon's wizard consultant, and a fake but jointly elected Duke Byrne.

I am not only a friend of many existence, but also an enemy of many existence; I am their companion, sworn enemy, opponent, follower, subordinate, leader and collaborator, and their unique "existence".

The most important thing is... All my connections, shackles, symbols and labels are inseparable from the world. I am no longer a "passer-by" or "bystander".

The world has deeply engraved my traces.

Am I fighting for the world that has nothing to do with me?

No, even if I do not intervene, the world will not be destroyed; What I protect is the world I "know" and "have a relationship with me";

I am fighting for my traces in this world and protecting the existence I care about;

I'm... Fighting for me!

What else to hesitate about?!


"... impossible?"

A strange smile hung on Asriel's mouth, and his scarlet eyes glittered with playful luster: "my dear Diabo, do you know what you're talking about?"

"And you... Traitors and cowards, do you know what you're doing?"

The blonde smiled happily, especially happy, like seeing an interesting play, a wonderful picture, a funny accident.

"Of course."

Diabo, the mean "terminator", said coldly, "you... Asriel, although you hate us so much, it proves that you are no different from us."

"You hate us because you see your own shadow in us - your relationship with Loren Turin is just a relationship of utilization and utilization."

"So this time... You lost."

"Well, you're right." the blonde nodded seriously. "I hate you because I see my shadow in you."

"Perhaps to be exact... It should be the shadow of 'once'."


Diabo, aware of something, suddenly looked at Asriel; And looking at him was a pair of extremely joking eyes.

"Guess?" the blonde smiled and half a month later.

"You madman, do you know what you do?!"

The atmosphere suddenly changed.

"What did you do? It's very simple." Asriel grinned and smiled innocently. "I just handed over the power of decision to the object I trust most."

"So I'm sorry, the loser... Is a shameless and selfish you!"



The water drops fall and set off light ripples on the dark and cold water; The dark haired wizard slowly dipped his left hand into the water along the ripple trace.

"So... That's it."

Talking to himself, Loren Turin turned his head and turned his eyes to the iron window behind him.

The figure and appearance of mentor Dalton standing outside the iron window gradually changed into another "self".

Messy black hair, ragged attendants' clothes, and an old dagger on his back... Under the Obsidian pupil, he is smiling at himself.


The accumulated water in the cage suddenly gushed out of the iron window, and the dark water gradually sank until it dried up, exposing the cold floor under the water and locking the chains of Loren's body

There is also a huge and complex magic array.

The black haired wizard is sitting in the middle of the magic circle.

The twisted shape, strange runes, unclear meaning... Almost every part is talking about how terrible and frightening it is.

Without hesitation, Loren pressed his left hand completely in the center of the magic array; Turn the palm in the center of the magic array like twisting the turntable.


Suddenly a faint blue flame burst out, burning the chains and shackles that bound Loren's body; Except for the shackles, they were "cleverly" avoided by the flame.


Looking down, Loren stared at the magic array under him and whispered behind him.


The "dark haired Wizard" outside the cell smiled and shook his head: "we... Won't see each other again."

The dark haired wizard closed his eyes.

The blue flashing magic array first lit up the whole cell, and then the uncontrollable light swallowed up everything and swallowed up all the darkness.

"At this moment, it is farewell."