Chapter 1027

Duanjieshan fortress, on the road to blood skeleton valley.

The time gradually advanced to the end of winter, but the weather not only didn't get better, but began to get worse - the rare sunny sky seemed to have never existed, covered by continuous dark clouds and wind and snow.

In the cold wind, a huge cavalry regiment followed the ancient road from "give this map to count lanmalos of Lake City and count regrell of white horse peak, and order them to lead their subordinates and cooperate with the imperial rangers to start reconnaissance near the marked position."

"Don't let go of a cave, don't miss a trace; once you find a trace of the enemy, report it immediately, and don't organize a battle without authorization!"


The messenger who took the map directly stuffed it in his arms, pulled up the flag and rode along the queue to the next station.

"Reconnoiter the enemy, is this to prepare for war with the eagle king of Azores?" looking at the messenger who had run away, the attendant behind Eckert couldn't help asking.

The expressionless anger Castle count looked back, glanced at himself, took an excited attendant, and couldn't help frowning.


"On the contrary - we use cavalry for armed investigation on such a large scale, and pretend to clean the battlefield and prepare for war, in order to avoid immediate direct conflict with the eagle king."

Looking at the top of the horn castle tower in the blood skeleton Valley, he still looked confused, and Loren explained in a deep voice.

The grey pupil boy standing behind him said nothing, but his face still couldn't hide his curious expression.

The dark haired wizard did not answer him immediately, and his eyes were always staring at a desolate valley of blood bones; Less than an hour after the clarion castle was anchored, 2000 imperial legions and Byrne Knights began to build ring fortifications and camps in the snow against the cold wind.

It must be admitted that the "black walls" of the Empire are second to none in terms of endurance or adaptability; Even in the frozen soil of the wilderness, they have the means to dig trenches with shields and spades, and even build "walls" with the already built snow.

With the help of 2000 Legion soldiers, in just an hour, a circular camp built around the castle had taken shape; With the simplest parapets, trenches and camp areas;

Even in the "inner ring" near the castle, the Legion soldiers reserved a large area of excavated "open space" to be used as a material distribution center for the time being. In the future, it can also be used to build grain warehouses, military barracks hospitals, ambulance homes, weapon reserve rooms and blacksmith workshops for repair. According to the progress rate of excavation, simple roads were built while the project was progressing.

According to the regiment commander who reported to Loren, they almost followed the standard of "semi permanent barracks" to build this "temporary fortress";

According to the current project progress, the most basic construction can be completed in one day and can be used normally in a week; In two months at most, the barracks will be able to exist "semi permanently".

The Earls who came with Loren were almost silent when they heard this reply.

A fortress can be built in a day and night... It would be impossible for Byrne's knights.

As for the reason - apart from the fact that almost all the Legion soldiers came from farmers and craftsmen, it is because the military system of the Empire was unified as early as 12 generations ago; Except that there may be differences in accent and uniform, the soldiers of East Saxony and West Saxony are the same, from boots to armor, from weapons to training.

Loren did not expect Byrne's knights to be like the legions of the Empire, nor did he need them; He only needs these people to understand their purpose and painstaking efforts to unify the military system and no longer oppose themselves.

Although the division between the two generations did not alienate Byrne's territories, at least there was a situation of semi independence - the poorer areas were better, and the richer earls expected to only serve and pay taxes to the principality, deal with the rest of their affairs on their own and no longer accept the interference of the Principality.

In the distant wilderness, the marching cavalry could be seen within the control of horn castle; Several horsemen were galloping towards the fort.

"It's the messenger who went to contact the Hussars. They're back!"

Looking at the flag in the cavalry's hand, Lucian turned his head and glanced at the black haired wizard on his side: "it's possible that he found something so soon - Lord Loren, we really... Won't fight with the Azores immediately?"

"This is not our decision, but the decision of the commander of the Azores."

Loren shook his head, but his expression was very calm: "we should consider it from their point of view - if I were the eagle king, should I immediately eliminate the enemy who tried to station in blood skeleton Valley?"

"This... Should it?"

Some self doubting grey pupil teenagers looked very uncertain: "once we set up camps and fortresses in Xuegu Valley, it will greatly threaten their existence. At the same time, it is also the biggest obstacle for them to attack the fortress of duanjie mountain - if we don't destroy us, we will be attacked from both sides!"

"Yes, but this is our wishful thinking, not theirs." Loren smiled and sighed. "From the Azores side, this may be the result they want."


Lucian's face was unimaginable.

"Think about it like this - they eradicated all our reconnaissance strongholds, so we sent reconnaissance cavalry; we found their trace, so we sent a cavalry army to try to catch them; they eliminated this cavalry, so we mobilized a stronger army to directly control the blood skeleton Valley to all areas near the fortress of duanjie mountain."

"Think about it this way. Is it particularly logical?"

Lucian nodded, but not understanding, but the expression of "although I don't understand, I feel particularly reasonable".

"In short, every move of the empire is a unilateral response to the stimulation of the elves, which is very passive and predictable." Loren explained:

"After the complete annihilation of count braha's cavalry, the Empire had two options - either shrink in the fortress and die hard, or take the initiative to expand its control to ensure that no similar situation would happen again;"

"Any kind is within the eagle king's expectation; so their goal has been achieved. What they have to do next is to avoid our control and continue to do what they have been doing before; and at the same time..."

"At the same time, the empire can waste a lot of manpower and material resources to maintain the existence of blood skeleton Valley stronghold?!"

Suddenly awakened, Lucian broke out directly.

The dark haired wizard nodded in agreement.

"So I think the other side will try to avoid fighting with us in the short term, and even deliberately release some bait to interfere with our attention, so that we have something to do and don't think about the trouble of 'where are they in the end'."

"So when the enemy really appears, I'm afraid we don't have any preparation at all." Lauren's face smiled more playfully:

"The last thing they have to do is destroy our fortress with low morale and lack of supplies."

Obviously it was a joke, but it made Lucian swallow his saliva with some fear.

"So... What can we do to avoid this?"

Ruthen asked with difficulty.

"Simply put, it's to take the initiative in this battle - of course, it's not easy to do this," Loren guessed. "We must hurry to find their location and find out what they want to do."

"This is the real top priority at the moment, so Connor promised us to let the Azores capture 'escape' - although it seems hopeless, as long as there is a chance, we should not let it go."

"And we control the blood skeleton valley. Although it will consume a lot of human and material resources, the elves whose activity range is compressed will also be very simple; their supplies are very limited. If they can't capture the fortress of duanjie mountain before it is consumed, they will be wiped out."

Between their words, Dalton kand, with a gloomy face, had walked to the top of the tower, and his cold eyes stared at the black haired wizard's face from beginning to end.

"Bad news?"

Loren asked instinctively.

Dalton nodded slightly: "our Rangers found count Seth braha, Knight Naze and the battlefield where the Hussars were annihilated, less than half a day away."

"Except for the traces on the battlefield, all the Azores' bodies, weapons and broken armor - if they really existed - disappeared without a trace, except the bodies of the cavalry."

Lauren sighed, "what's the... Good news?"

"We found the knight of Naze."

"Is he still alive?"

"He's not dead," Dalton stressed

"As for whether you are still alive... It depends on what you think."