The flames dissipated and the ice melted.

Only the sea breeze rolled up with the tide blew eboden, which was only broken.

Because of the last "backtracking" spell launched by corona before his death, all the abnormal conditions of the whole eboden - any existence infected by the force of emptiness - have been restored to the state of 130 years ago.

A hundred and thirty years ago... Let alone human beings, even elves could not have been born!

The blood sacrifice just completed also dissipated completely under corona's "amendment", leaving nothing left; Fortunately, there are no more people left in the city, so there are no people involved.

The only unlucky ones are a small number of Elven troops who didn't come and leave the city - because almost every Elven warrior has a certain void reaction, at least as good as a wizard apprentice.

Therefore, they were regarded as "abnormal conditions" and went back to 130 years ago with the body of evil gods

So now eboden is a veritable "empty city" - there is nothing left except ruins and ruins.

After experiencing the "dragon attack", "blood sacrifice" and "backtracking curse" in turn, the terrified elf army always stationed outside the city and dared not approach; It was not until the moon came that the disabled soldiers were gathered and officially stationed in eboden.

After some cleaning, the Elven warriors cleaned the ruins of the nine awn star wizard tower and the direct road from the port gate to the wizard tower. Finally, they really controlled the port and city of eboden.

But that's all.

When the eboden garrison retreated, it was extremely clean, leaving no excess baggage; The things that cannot be taken away have also become coke in the previous bombing.

Booty... There's really only one port and a broken city.

The bloodless little prince woke up from his coma, wrapped his warm blanket tightly, reluctantly opened his bloodshot eyes and looked up at the stars.

He lost too much blood, was sleepy and tired, and had to spend the night in such a cold and broken place

All thanks to the Duke of Byrne, Loren Turin.

I don't know how he is now. He's so tired that he should be a little worse than himself?

During the twenty day game, from the initial contact to the most intense confrontation, both sides kept playing their own cards, came up with unexpected tricks for each other, exceeded each other's expected plans one by one, and pushed each other to the edge of death again and again

It's true. Obviously, they all want each other to die, but they can't help but want to care about him for fear that something might happen to him.

This is probably... The tacit understanding and fetters between "old enemies"?

The little prince couldn't help laughing and frowning.

No... it's not care, it's reluctant.

Only when such enemies and opponents are defeated by themselves and watch him fall into the abyss of despair, can they give full play to their maximum value and reap the greatest surprise.

In case, in case he was careless and died of an accident; Or he was killed by other fools and stupid teammates and fell into the hands of one of his brothers

Isn't that a slap in the face?!

Just this possibility flashed in his mind, the little prince could not help shivering all over, as if he had eaten something disgusting.

"Your Highness rodria..."

The embarrassed chief Wizard of the imperial court, Anson ZAD, approached with his broken arm covered, hesitated and nervous. He looked like a little prince who was thinking about things and stopped talking.

"Say what you want."

The little prince still looked up at the stars, and his lazy expression was very impatient.

"Imperial court... And all your warriors..." the white haired elf boy with a broken arm twitched his throat and carefully considered the words that would not offend the Prince: "everyone's mood... Is a little depressed."


Slightly stunned, the little prince slowly lowered his eyes and looked at the elf boy in front of him like a smile; The strange eyes made Anson ZAD fall on one knee and lower his head.

"The mood is a little depressed... Of course." with an indifferent smile, the little prince whispered:

"Yes, we won the battle of eboden, fought with three dragons, and successfully killed one of them... Write a war report for my father. I dare say none of my brothers will believe it."

"We won, we won - with less than one tenth of the casualties, we almost defeated and wiped out four times the enemy in the siege, so why..."

"Such a victory tastes like failure?"

The white haired elf boy did not dare to answer or refute. He just lowered his head and closed his mouth tightly.

"Because our enemy is a guy who can turn things around in adversity - because our enemy didn't think about how to defeat us and block us from the beginning, but how to delay our time to seize the city as much as possible and cause greater casualties to us."

Tired of rubbing his eyes, the little prince whispered to himself: "because we once saw the hope of seizing the city nearby, in fact, it was the trap buried by each other, which made us experience the pain of being frustrated again and again."

"In this way, he kept us out of the city for 20 days while saving the lives of most of his soldiers and civilians... Ha."

"Well, if you don't count the dragon I tried hard to kill in the end - it should be an accident, at least for Loren Turin - our victory may not be worth mentioning compared with his."

"Because the goal at the beginning was completely different, we and he were both winners in the siege, but... His victory may be more dazzling."

The silent white haired elf boy could not help nodding slightly.

"It's understandable that everyone's mood is a little depressed. After all, everyone will feel depressed when they see the enemy's success." the little prince said disapprovingly when he gently breathed out his breath:

"But it doesn't matter, because the enemy will stop fighting for a while and won't dare to attack us. We have plenty of time to rest and spend the next cold winter - wait until the spring of the next year, and then march along the gem River to the enemy's capital."


Anson ZAD was stunned by the little prince's reply.

The enemy won't attack... Why?

Obviously, at present, the morale is low, and the weak elf army is unable to fight again and can't defend the port city.

But he didn't dare say anything more, so he had to bow his head.

The exhausted little prince didn't seem to want to explain, so he immediately shifted the topic to another thing: "by the way, royal court second XI Xuela... Did anyone find her?"

"No," Anson ZAD replied, "we sent two teams of warriors to search - Wizard tower, fortress, city wall, ruins, sewer... All the places we can find have been searched, but we still haven't found it."

While answering, the elf boy was still secretly paying attention to the little prince's expression.

To be fair, he is the last one who wants to see Shira come back... This elf girl who always pretends to be "simple and lovely" is actually a hundred times more terrible than Meade, the former second seat of the royal court.

This is not to say that she is inferior to her, but midell has a bottom line and scruples, and prefers to solve problems by non violent means; And Shira... Just the opposite of him, there is no limit at all.

Such a guy, even his own, is a great threat.

"Oh, forget it." the little prince waved his hand carelessly, as if he said something worthless: "anyway, our lovely Miss Shira is very good at hide and seek. She may be hiding somewhere to scare us."

hide-and-seek? Probably

Anson ZAD couldn't help but smoke the corners of his mouth.

When I think of the "high-level curse" that detonated the whole eboden and wiped out the blood sacrifice, it's hard to imagine how the sinister and vicious girl could escape.

"So, before Miss Shira returns to join us, let's do something more meaningful." yawning, the little prince pointed to the direction of the gem river ferry in the distance:

"For example... Salvage a dragon I killed."


"I see. Go down... Well, send two more people to stay. Be sure to take good care of him."

"Yes --!"

Standing outside the dark haired wizard's room, the prince with a frown pinched the bridge of his nose to keep himself sober.

When he was returned by the red dragon grumto, Loren had passed out and was unconscious. After 20 days of hard work, he was exhausted physically and mentally. Brandon couldn't even imagine whether he could hold on for so long.

After Loren was unconscious, Brandon immediately took over the retreating eboden defenders and civilians; For this result, whether it is the Earl of Wrath castle, Eckert, or the Wizards of the wizard tower, there is no objection.

It's better to say that after losing their only commander, their Royal Highness Prince of East Saxony, who saved them as a Dragon Rider, is their only hope.

Not only that, on the road of retreating all the way to the south, there were also rout soldiers around the town, refugees fleeing the war joined in, and further expanded the scale of the team. It was nearly 100000 in one afternoon.

Brandon had worried about whether so many people would lead to the pursuit of elves, but finally found that he was worried too much - the elves army was exhausted, morale fell to the bottom, and he was unable to fight again.

Next, as long as he took the 100000 people out of the Principality of eboden step by step, the retreat was a success; It is not difficult for the wizard family with anger Castle Earl Eckert and wizard tower to appease the people.

The real trouble is the price paid in the battle of eboden.

The nine star wizard tower is fragmented;

Lorenz corona died in an untimely death;

The dark blue dragon Elliot... Became the booty of the Azores.

I'm afraid Brandon couldn't even think of such a thing before.

The good thing is that the death of Elliot will certainly offend the dragon people in Jufeng mountain and make them join the full-scale war of ELF invasion;

Giant dragons are very careful, especially when they hurt members of their ethnic group, which will easily lead to strong retaliation of the whole family.

The disadvantage is that they will also hate themselves - just like Brandon I, the "sage" of the sixth generation before, because he sacrificed his giant dragon in the battle of blood skeleton Valley, which led to the hatred of the dragon family in Jufeng mountain. The two grandchildren lost their qualification as dragon controllers and almost lost their throne.

I... well, my own son and grandson (if they really exist), will probably become an unpopular object of Jufeng mountain?

At the thought of this, Brandon couldn't help sighing. He approached the edge of the parapet of the floating city and looked down. His lonely expression suddenly softened a lot.

The retreat camp at midnight is a spark; The people spontaneously built their own temporary camp around the military camp. The boa Hussars on war horses and the few remaining garrison soldiers explored the way around and searched for all the supplies they could find.

Although there are many sacrifices and heavy casualties, at least you don't get nothing... You have to pay first if you want to get it, don't you?

Become a "diametrically opposite" emperor to Conrad... Brandon couldn't help laughing when he thought of this sentence.

It's really... After getting along for so long, this guy is still as cautious as ever, for fear that he will abandon him immediately after becoming the emperor.

It's a friend... What can friends worry about?

"Your Highness."

While Brandon was stealing music alone, the observer in the floating city suddenly interrupted him: "the Hussars below have heard that they have met the light cavalry of the imperial outpost and are coming this way."

Oh, so fast?

Brandon's expression was a little surprised. He thought that brother connord didn't want to care about the life and death of eboden people - it seems that he is still a little human.

"How many people... I mean the total force and where are their main forces?"

"This... The other party didn't say, but ordered us to stop immediately and prepare for the reception and wait for the Legion to arrive." as he said, the observer's expression suddenly changed and paused, as if he was summoning up courage:

"Besides... His majesty Connor I, he... Is also among the sentinel cavalry!"

Brother Huang is there?!

The stunned prince could not help looking back at the direction of the cavalry - the forefront of the temporary camp under the iron crown flag. He could hear the soldiers and peace people cheering for the arrival of his majesty.

"It's really..." Brandon couldn't help laughing, but sneered: "the cry of killing on the battlefield hasn't stopped, and the peach pickers can't wait."

The observer lowered his head and pretended desperately that he didn't hear.

"Now that we are here, let the soldiers open the road and welcome our great lord Connor I." Brandon shrugged and added as if he suddenly remembered:

"Oh, your highness... Prince of East Saxony is too busy to meet him personally. I hope your majesty will forgive me, and then..."

"Please ask him to come up to me!"