
Bending down, the black dragon spread its wings to cushion the ground. The strong wind swept the battlefield and rolled up a piece of flying sand and stones - centered on the dragon's body, an irregular ring of smoke and dust spread to the whole ruins.

On the dead battlefield, the great beasts turned their bodies at a speed that was not in line with their body shape, and a large area of ruins collapsed, and the roar of earth and rock continued to be heard.

Maybe it's the inherent fear, maybe it's the imperial people's worship and belief in the dragon, maybe it's the gratitude of the rescued to the Savior... All the eboden garrison soldiers "tacitly" kept silent, stood motionless in the shadow and looked up at the dragon's strength and elegant posture.

Imperial people may have different feelings for the dragon because of their different origins, but at least one thing is the same, that is, they fear the power of standing on the top of the world and integrating the seven countries.

It is precisely because they can control the dragon that the desalion family can have the qualification to control the Empire;

It was the awe of the dragon that kept the empire from splitting and large-scale rebellion for 13 generations.

This frightened everyone. The force like a natural disaster maintained the peace of the Empire for 13 generations - because there is still no force to compete with it today.

The solid scale is comparable to the city wall, and the soaring wings make people "look at the sky and sigh". The power of terror and unimaginable speed make all traps become jokes for it - in fact, any of these features can be found, but when they are combined

That is the perfect "being".

It makes people fully understand how ridiculous their power is, the king at the top of the food chain.

In this way, the giant dragons that can only be imagined not only appear in front of them, but also three at one time!

Facing the human beings staring at her, the black dragon mirassis showed a very "obscure" pride. The elegant dragon head dropped slowly, so that the man sitting behind her would not fall down and die when he "turned over and fell down".

As the Dragon bent over, a figure with red hair and red eyes appeared in front of everyone; The wounded Legion commander in the garrison was a smart one. He pounded his chest with his right hand and quickly knelt on one knee.

"Imperialists, pay tribute to his royal highness Brandon, Prince of East Saxony and crown prince of the Empire! Long live de sallion -!"

"Long live de sallion -!!!"

The disorderly shouting rang out, the soldiers in front of the nine awn star wizard tower knelt disorderly, and many wounded soldiers fell to the ground as soon as they knelt down and could no longer stand up.

Nevertheless, the eboden defenders present expressed their sincere gratitude to the "new crown prince" for his respect and saving his life... Although he himself did not adapt to this sudden enthusiasm.

"Er... OK, almost. Don't be so polite."

Brandon, who was proud of his akimbo the moment before, waved his hand in embarrassment the next second and climbed down from the dragon's back without any airs:

"And the crown prince... Gee, it sounds really uncomfortable. It's a little strange."

"Would it be more strange than the title of disgraced prince?"

With his mouth tilted and his tired black hair on his face, the wizard looked at Brandon who turned down the dragon's back: "if I told you a year ago that you could become the crown prince, you would be crazy?"

"If I don't know that Conrad became emperor - and I'm willing to!" Brandon rolled his eyes.

Loren breathed a sigh of relief, smiled and shook his head.

Only at this moment can I smile so easily.

"Can you hold on? You look like you're dying now."

Laughing Brandon frowned and looked at the dark haired wizard whose face was hard to see. He stepped over the body of an elf - where his eyes could reach, the remaining soldiers were almost injured, some more embarrassed than their wizard advisers.

In twenty days, there was a great disparity in military strength and combat effectiveness. The fortifications were like paper... How did these people persist?

"It's OK. It won't hang up in the next second." Lauren shrugged carelessly: "if the army... There are still 10000 troops that can continue to fight, but it's the last one; after playing for 20 days, the comparison with the enemy's strength has not been reduced, but has become larger and larger."

"The Azores are not good at fighting with the heavy infantry who form a square array, but their fighting quality and the cooperation between soldiers are far more orderly than us - on the premise of confrontation with the same forces, the front width of their sandal line will be twice that of us, so they can easily encircle and besiege us."

"In case of raid, pursuit and retreat, they can also respond quickly, change their formation, change the direction of attack, and never break up; anyway, there are only operations you can't imagine, and there are no operations they can't do."

"At present, the only effective way to defeat the enemy is to shoot weapons from a long distance, attack by cavalry, and create opportunities that the enemy can't get around by using terrain and fortifications - and then there are elite of the same quantity and quality."

"In my experience, unless we have the advantage of military strength, stronger long-range projection ability and cavalry, or occupy the right place... We must not launch a large-scale decisive battle with the Azores, otherwise we will suffer."

The dark haired wizard told the story in a joking tone, just like chatting with his friends about his experience in the past 20 days.

But every word he said, Brandon's heart was heavy.

There is no doubt that these intelligence were obtained by Loren with bloody battles and countless sacrifices - in 20 days, tens of thousands of military and civilian casualties, in exchange for information that is crucial to the next war of the Empire.

He also knows how much advantage he can gain by being the first to know these information.

Looking at the "Wizard consultant" who was clearly exhausted but still forced to support, some of his royal highness, who couldn't bear it, pursed his mouth and turned his eyes to the direction of the retreat of the elves in the distance.

"It seems that the long ears on the other side are frightened by the dear milaxis and her little friends. Will they attack for a moment and a half?" Brandon put his waist in and glanced at the black haired wizard as a joke:

"My wise princess, have you thought about the next counter attack plan?"

Loren was relieved and could not resist the temptation to make complaints about him.

"Er... There are still some basic plans, including if a 'Prince' fails to arrive in time." Loren still couldn't resist: "in short, let the Dragon deter the enemy outside the perimeter, push the enemy back beyond the wall defense, and strive for a rest time of about half a day."

"Well, it's practical, and then."

"Then we need to spend half a day rectifying the whole army, treating the wounded and restoring almost one-fifth of our combat effectiveness, so that we don't have to worry about the enemy's raid."

"Well, very specific, followed by..."

"Then, with three giant dragons as a feint, the remaining troops left the city along the south gate from the sewer and gathered along the Baoshi River - the enemy controlled the Baoshi river ferry, but their boat draft was too deep to enter the inland river, but we can."

"Well, that makes sense. Finally..."

"Finally, the Dragon covered, the whole army boarded the ship, turned in and evacuated."


Brandon stared at Lauren motionless, with a stiff smile and a "you're kidding" expression.

The dark haired wizard looked cold and said he was serious.

The two men were deadlocked for a minute. The soldiers kneeling around didn't know what had happened. They knelt and didn't stand up.

"You know... There are three dragons on our side?" Brandon resisted the impulse to hit Lauren with his head, smiled and remained calm:

"Can you understand the meaning of this? In the battle of blood skeleton valley of Brandon, the sage, only three dragons participated in the war."

"We don't have enough troops to counterattack, and the rest of us will die." Loren shook his head. "The dragon can turn the war around, but it's not enough to defeat the 100000 elf army - besides, the enemy has projection weapons specially used against the dragon."

"... we have three dragons, three."

Brandon still didn't want to give up: "brother Connor's 200000 army is coming soon. Do you want to give him the credit for defeating the elves?!"

"But we still have more than 10000 wounded soldiers who can't fight and tens of thousands of civilians who haven't had time to withdraw from eboden." the black haired wizard said calmly:

"To attack immediately is to let them die in vain - to sacrifice tens of thousands of combat power and workers, farmers, wizards and scholars for a dispensable victory, I don't think it's..."

"Wait, wait..."

The stunned Prince quickly waved his hand and incredibly stopped Lauren who wanted to continue: "you mean... There are civilians in this city now?!"

"Yes." Lauren nodded and frowned slightly. "There are at least tens of thousands of people. What's the matter?"

"Nothing, I mean... They're all safe now?!"

"At least for now."

"And you insisted for twenty days while protecting these civilians and guarding the city?" Brandon's eyebrows were almost frowned.

"... otherwise?"

"From beginning to end, you didn't throw these civilians as cannon fodder to the elves... I mean, arm them to form a militia and prolong the attack as long as possible?"

"I did try - but in front of the elf warrior, those armed citizens with no combat experience can't hurt the enemy at all except blocking the gap with their bodies; twenty civilians are not the opponent of an elf warrior."

Loren shrugged: "so after putting in four or five thousand people, I gave up - the only chance to delay the enemy by them is to let the elf warrior opposite cut people, so that the blade is worn and exhausted."

"Unnecessary casualties should be reduced as much as possible; moreover, the strategic goal has been achieved, and there is no need to bury tens of thousands of people with eboden."

Brandon was speechless at the explanation.

The next second, the Prince "pa!" pressed Lauren's shoulder and looked at him with a very meaningful expression.

"What's the matter?" the black haired wizard was puzzled.

"Nothing, just a sudden sigh... Maybe it's because I'm no longer young?" Brandon began to sigh with a childish face:

"Loren Turin... Although I always know you are good at creating miracles, you can really surprise me every time!"

As the voice fell, Brandon turned to look at the soldiers who had not yet got up, straightened his chest and waved his big hand;

"Since there are still civilians who have not been able to evacuate, and the strategic goal of delaying the enemy's attack has been achieved, now immediately change the original tactical deployment - eboden up and down, and from now on, the whole army will cover the injured civilians in eboden city and evacuate the battlefield!"

"I, Brandon de sallion, in the name of the Dragon King family, promise you that all the living people will be brought back safely - all the soldiers who have persisted until now, you have completed your mission, you are all heroes of the Empire, and the Empire will not forget you!"

"I -- Brandon de sallion... Take you home!"

Resounding words echoed in everyone's ears.

First there was a dead silence, and then there was cheering like a flash flood.

"Long live your highness Brandon --!!"

The sudden burst of cheers came like waves, which almost made Brandon fall unprepared; Lauren, who didn't change his face, lost no time to help him behind his back.

From the knight of Byrne to the Wizards in the wizard tower, the soldiers who had just turned their face and were ready to give generously, were crying like children and stood in place.

They survived.

They can get out of here alive.

These eboden "disabled people" and soldiers are Brandon's first supporters from today, and they are absolutely loyal to him.

With the help of their "mouth", the "crown prince" who gave up his meritorious service and chose to protect civilians and soldiers will re-establish his image in the Empire - become a different emperor from connord in people's hearts.

One is to win the emperor by all means, and the other is to protect his soldiers and people, who can give up his honor.

Although it is still very small, it will eventually become an opportunity; An opportunity for Brandon to "inherit" Connor as the 14th emperor at the right time without being obstructed by Connor's supporters.

However, there has never been a time in the world when anyone can have a smooth sailing

"Hoo - - -!!"

A cold wind suddenly swept by, making the peace people of eboden Garrison who were just excited lie down or hide behind the shield and wall.

After decades of fighting, these have become their instincts.

Is it the sea breeze?

The black haired wizard raised his hand and stopped in front of him.

No, it's not the sea breeze, it's... Huh?!

The dark haired wizard, who moved his palm and raised his eyes, stared at the scene in front of him and was suddenly stunned.

The burning wall of fire was separated from the center by a "crack", that crack

White as snow!