"I see. Go down."

After hearing the statement of Knight Byrne who sent the letter, Charlotte, sitting in front of the round table, stroked her forehead with an expression of irrecoverable fatigue.

"By the way, go to the wizard's Union and invite your excellency Ayn Rand to come and say there's something urgent to discuss."


Knight Byrne was ordered to leave. Before leaving, he couldn't help glancing at the letter on the table.

Four identical letters were as like as two peas, from Poe, Arles, Alleman and Emperor's University.

At the moment when she learned that Loren Turin had become commander-in-chief of eboden, Charlotte's first reaction, in addition to being angry, was that this was not a private compromise between Loren and connord, but an agreement reached by all forces.

Because of this, the other dukes and the heavenly palace of the imperial capital must have known about eboden earlier than themselves; If Loren can promise this, it means that these people should also have made commitments such as "providing reinforcements".

So the Countess of red blood Castle immediately sent messengers to these four places in the name of Duke Byrne - not only could they not see that they had just received the news, but also urged them to send reinforcements to support eboden as soon as possible.

The first news came from the Duke of veltz of elmond and the Archduke of Bowie's machete.

On the day before the letter was sent, seven thousand elite foot soldiers of El mans had set out from the capital of the principality and embarked on the journey to eboden - unlike other principalities, there were almost no cavalry in El mans with many hills and mountains in the territory, and the small El mans were also a nation that was extremely bad at riding horses.

The Archduke of El mans did his best to quickly assemble 7000 troops from the fragmented mountains of El Mans.

While Sally Ka Jonah nodded quite forthrightly and agreed immediately. Five thousand Hussars led by little Boye rushed across East Saxony to help Loren.

The information of the heavenly palace is very treacherous - according to the information collected by Lina desallion and Dalton kand, the imperial Legion has actually been reorganized, but there is no sign of development.

On the other hand, Connaught I has built a complete logistics system along the entire route of the gem River, which can supply 200000 troops at any time, not like he is ready to give up eboden; I'm afraid only he himself really knows what he wants to do.

The information from Arles was not beyond Charlotte's expectation. The brazen and ungrateful bandit leader of Archduke Arles had no sign of preparing to send troops for rescue at all; The reason is that Arles broke out civil strife again. He must put down the rebellion first.

Even if he was willing to send troops, Charlotte did not dare to do so - the Arles were a gang of robbers, allowing their troops to pass by Byrne was not enough to add chaos!

As for lottel, it was the only principality in Charlotte that did not send envoys; She also knew a little about the relationship between Loren and Duke Reuven Fred, the private alliance between the two principalities.

Moreover, eboden is connected with lottel, so it is also the only principality that will definitely send reinforcements. Otherwise, eboden will be finished. The next stop is yingshou castle!

All the reinforcements that can be found have been found, and the rest are either unreliable or can not be expected at all; Under such circumstances, Charlotte naturally thought of her own army.

The 100000 Bain army had been reorganized before Loren set out and could be assembled at any time - it would not be impossible if the conscripts of the principalities were added in the follow-up, and the whole country would contribute 200000... It is not impossible.

But after several round table meetings, all the suggestions of everyone except the youngest earls were very positive.

There are two reasons - from Byrne to eboden, and from the southernmost to the northernmost end of the Empire, it is absolutely too late to start at once.

It is useless to mobilize only a few elite to rush for help. Moreover, the 2000 Bain knights and demon hunters who went to the imperial capital with the Duke of Bain are the top elite forces of Bain.

The other is who leads the army.

Although Loren has been trying his best to bring Byrne's military system closer to the imperial Legion system, there is no time to change much in just three years - the only thing that can make all Byrne Knights loyal is the Lord of Byrne, and no one else can!

Of course, this is not absolute. When necessary, some count with high prestige can also be recognized by other knights - for example, Eckert, count of fury castle, as president of the knight college, can barely restrain others; Or Charlotte, the successor of the Turin family, can temporarily obtain the power of unification in the name of the family.

But count Eckert was far away in eboden, and Charlotte herself had a fatal defect - she was a woman, and the Byrne Knight never believed in a woman on the battlefield.

Moreover, if you leave, you will abandon the principality and live up to Loren's trust in yourself.

Duty and responsibility struggled in Charlotte's heart.

On the other hand, bishop Weber, Lina desallion, court steward Charles... Even Dalton kand, did not agree to send troops to eboden.

The reason is similar to that of the round table parliament, but it is more out of trust in Loren - since he has not disclosed it from beginning to end, it shows that he does not want Byrne's power to be invested in the war.

To prevent Byrne from being forced to join the war in his own way; On the other hand, if Byrne was worried about his Duke and gave up his power in a hurry, he would be used by Emperor connord.

Compared with the wrists of Eckhardt II, the "strategies" of emperor connod I still belong to the category that can be seen through. Most of them are simple and crude, full of conspiracy of Legion style.

According to Dalton kand's understanding of his apprentice, since he refused to say, it proved that he wanted others not to know - or pretended not to know, at least try to remain silent until he made his next decision.

From this point, Dalton's "self righteous" evaluation of Loren is not too much.

The corner of her mouth overflowed with a bitter smile, and Charlotte shook her head.

But what about yourself?

No matter how high sounding words are, they are the same hypocrisy when facing themselves - in the final analysis, it is just that Byrne's position in his heart is higher than that of Loren Turin.

Byrne and Turin cannot lose another Duke, but they cannot lose the opportunity to rise again... At least, they must not lose it in their own hands!

With some complicated emotion, Charlotte got up slowly and looked around the empty round table hall.

"Huh? Ain... Why haven't you come yet?"


"What the hell are you doing?!"

Charlotte exclaimed.

Standing in front of the floating city of horn castle, looking at the little wizard who is "fully armed" and packing her bags, the Countess of red blood castle can no longer keep calm, and her face is full of disbelief.

"Well... I didn't do anything either." Ayn smiled calmly and continued to be busy with her work: "Charlotte, you see everything - I'm packing up and starting the horn castle."

"I'm going to drive her to eboden."

The stunned Countess of red blood Castle suddenly lost her tongue and was stunned for a minute before she spoke.

"But, but you're the only one! This floating city doesn't mean that you need more than a dozen wizards and craftsmen to operate..."

"I got in touch with several Wizards of the wizard Union and the dwarf leader of silver helmet mountain. They are also willing to go with me in their own name."

In Charlotte's surprised eyes, the little wizard smiled and replied, "well... In fact, if it's just moving, it doesn't need too many people... Isaac, he's just too careful."

"No, but..."

Tight lips, Charlotte's body trembled slightly, desperately trying to squeeze words from her teeth to let her give up.

"But what if you can start the floating city - at her speed, no matter what the battle on the front line turns into, it's definitely too late when you reach eboden!"

"What's more, even if you arrive? You have no army, only yourself! Even if you fill the whole castle with soldiers, it won't help Loren. What he needs is not reinforcements, but an army that can compete with 100000 elves!"

A sharp voice echoed in front of the trumpet castle.

The little wizard finally stopped his work and looked back calmly and slowly.

Seeing ayin's expression without waves, Charlotte, who realized that she was serious, swallowed her throat, but her constant pride made her unable to say an apology.

"I... I'd better answer your first question first, Charlotte." the little wizard who noticed the embarrassment of the other party, very considerately eased the atmosphere between the two people, pointed to the horn Castle behind him and whispered:

"Although Isaac participated in the core of this floating city, I participated in almost all links - on the premise of lifting the safety mechanism, the linear flight speed of horn castle can be increased by at least twice."

"I've calculated the distance. It should only be about four to five days later than Boye's Hussars to reach eboden."

While talking, the little wizard smiled calmly: "as for your second question... Yes, I really can't play too much role alone; even if I get there, it may only make trouble for Loren."

"But..." she raised her head and her eyes changed: "this is not the reason to sit and watch."

"It's not the reason why I can't help watching Lauren fight alone."

"Even if I really can't do much, I can at least become a soldier and bandage his wounds when he is injured - even if it's only so useful, I must go."

"He is my friend. He is fighting to protect me... Protect us. We must protect him, even if we can't do much!"

Silent Charlotte slowly lowered her head... Although she still refused to give in.

"What's more, I'm not unprepared at all." as if I suddenly remembered something, the little wizard took out a drawing from behind:

"I copied Isaac's design drawing of kyauk lightsaber and took it with me. There is also a test object that is almost completed - if I'm lucky, I may be able to complete it before I arrive in eboden."

"The arrogant's drawing says that the maximum range of this thing is two kilometers; in that case, I can help him."

Looking at the twinkling light in Ayn's eyes, Charlotte sighed and glanced around.

The bow and arrow on his back, the caster on his left hand, the magic wand on one side, the mountain like manuscripts and drawings, and the test sample of the "Jiao lightsaber"... Obviously, the little wizard has been fully prepared.

In other words, the little wizard must be ready to help him after the day he got the news.

In contrast, his mouth and actions seemed to be desperately trying to find a way for him. What did he do?

The silent "irony" cut Charlotte's heart.

"Loren... Is the kind of guy who never takes the initiative to ask others for help; so if you want to help him and keep up with him, you must 'make your own decisions' like him." the little wizard holding the drawing said in a trance without noticing the countess's expression:

"Wild dog village, Gumu Town, Shenlin castle, morning star forest, eboden, duanjie mountain, Golovin, big green sea... I tried my best to keep up with him and Isaac; when I was at vimpal college, I knew that I might not be able to achieve their success in my life."

"They are... So special that even if they are very close, they seem to be separated from a world. They can only look at them like looking at the stars - maybe some people are born to change the world."

"But even looking up at the stars..."

"I also hope that I can stand higher near the sky - if you really care about him and care about him, you must take the initiative to help him, even if it will go against his will."

Beichi bit her lower lip, and Charlotte looked at Ayn silently.

Two pairs of clear eyes looked at each other for a long time.

"I'm sorry... But I can't go." Charlotte, with a complicated expression, almost tried her best to say this sentence: "I can't leave the red blood Castle - round table parliament, imperial capital, Bain... I, I can't leave Bain, that's all..."

Her tone was close to begging.

As if, is begging each other's forgiveness.

"Yes, you can't go, and I agree - Charlotte, Byrne can't live without you." the little wizard nodded solemnly: "only you can keep Byrne's everything on track when Loren leaves, and let the big villain have a home to go back after he finishes his work."

"But I can, I can appear anywhere he needs... Even if he never speaks, it's a lie, and he never learns a lesson afterwards."

"Maybe it's the same this time?" after thinking about it, Ayn couldn't help laughing angrily:

"So I went to him, helped him, protected him before he let himself go to the edge of life and death again, and then..."

"Teach him another lesson!"