"Dang --!"

He tried his best to block the sword of the elf warrior in front of him. The panting silver blood picked up a shield from the side and hit the ELF's face hard.

With a bang, the ferocious Elf Warrior fell to the ground. Then he was trampled on his head by heavy iron boots, and plasma mixed with strange substances gushed everywhere.

The backhand snatched the other party's Azor long knife. The silver blood root with a tight frown could not breathe. Looking around the whole city wall battlefield, he hurriedly organized the veterans behind him to line up again.

If the last 15 days were hell, now the harbor of eboden is the deepest place in hell and the abyss entrenched by the devil!

The coastal blockade completely collapsed, and the enemy's fleet was finally no longer restricted. It could anchor in the port without scruples and launch an all-round offensive against the city wall and circular fortress.

Although Loren Turin blew up the connecting point between the castle and the wall on the other side of the river, temporarily limiting the enemy's attack direction to the coast - it is only a matter of time before the elves who have successfully landed completely surround eboden and even break through the remaining three walls.

The only remaining garrison in eboden will be hanged in the flesh and blood mill of the harbor wall!

Flames and smoke swept the whole city wall, and the towers and piers on the city wall almost turned into a sea of fire one after another; All the defenders and wizards who failed to retreat turned into coke in the tower.

The troops who withdrew in time immediately faced the Elven warriors who climbed up the wall and rushed with knives - the whole circular fortress and the whole outer wall. The bones left by the battle between the two armies even blocked the exit, and then they were directly kicked into the fire by the Elven warriors who rushed up from the back row.

With the passage of time, the remaining troops of eboden have been unable to defend the outer wall, and all soldiers who can still fight have retreated to the inner side - including thousands of armed citizens used to fill the gap - eboden port has been completely controlled and occupied by the enemy in essence.

At this time, the spirit army no longer had the posture of "closing when it's good", but frantically continued to think of internal promotion.

Every important defensive stronghold, every staircase and passageway were blocked by the weapons in the hands of the soldiers on both sides; Roar and scream are completely mixed together and can't distinguish each other.

In almost a quarter of an hour, these strongholds and passages were filled with the bodies of soldiers on both sides; The reserve soldiers on both sides stood at both ends of the channel and kept piercing the bones with their long guns and knives to kill the enemies in the back row.

This is the movement of blood and fire, this is the stage play of courage and death!

But on the face of silver blood, there was only nameless anxiety and some deeper fear.

According to the previously deployed plan, when the battle reaches this stage, it should start to retreat one after another, turn to the fortress and stronghold in the city and continue to fight, delaying the enemy's pace of seizing the city.

But up to now, Duke Byrne has not sounded the horn of retreat, and has constantly ordered all strongholds to continue to stick to it and not to retreat - this is completely fighting for human life to entangle the main force of the enemy, forcing the opposite elves to make no further progress.

Loren Turin... What the hell is he doing?!


"Never withdraw, at least not now!"

Faced with the confused Earl of fury castle, Eckert, struggling with fatigue and the void reaction caused by using high-order magic spells for a long time, the black haired wizard patiently explained while adjusting his breath:

"Reorganize the whole army, close up the remnants, and ensure that enough troops to contain the enemy can be left at each checkpoint - it is impossible for the current eboden garrison; they are now supported by a dead order. If we order the withdrawal, it is not a retreat, it is a rout!"

"There are five thousand armed citizens on the city wall, and there are nearly ten thousand auxiliary soldiers composed of unarmed women and children under the city wall. They are not soldiers. Once the withdrawal order is issued, they will collapse first and disperse the few soldiers we have left."

"Panic will spread like an infectious disease; they are neither Byrne Knights nor imperial legions. They are just civilians who defend their homes with their blood and mercenaries who kill with money!"

"Therefore, we must stick to it, even if the counter charge tries to recapture the city wall, it is better than letting them turn and retreat; we must stick to it and hold back the enemy's attack before being completely captured by the elves."

"We can't withdraw. We dare not withdraw. We have to let the enemy have no time for him!"

Count Eckert, hearing this explanation, finally nodded with a complicated expression.

But he always thought that Loren would do this for other reasons - otherwise, if he dragged the enemy at any cost, the casualties would not be much less than the rout of the whole line.

But this did not prevent him from faithfully executing Loren's orders without hesitation.

The Golden Lion Flag on a black background was raised directly above the tower. The only hundreds of Byrne Knights around Lauren gathered under the flag, holding their plastic tons flat and leaning on the knight's sword to wait for orders.

"Byrne people, guard all gates and channels, kill all cowards who dare to retreat without orders, listen to orders anytime and anywhere, and cover the retreat of the army if necessary!"

Count Eckert, who held the war flag high, took a deep breath and roared in a deep voice: "let the long eared elves on the other side of the sea use their flesh and blood to witness the bravery and glory of the Byrne people!"

"Long live Turin -!!!"

Accompanied by the distant explosions and screams, the unchanged Byrne Knights beat their shields and stepped into the battlefield. In the rustling rubble and diffuse smoke, the sound of neat iron boots sounded on the city wall.

Count Eckert also did not stay. He turned and left to command the auxiliary soldiers on the rear line. At the same time, he tried to pull another group of armed citizens out and prepare to cover the retreat of the army.

It is wishful thinking and even more impossible not to affect the civilians when the battle is so fierce. Without enough reserve forces to cover it, they retreat rashly in front of the enemy. Even in the eyes of the worshippers who advocate glory, this behavior is basically equivalent to an immoral suicide.

Knights from Byrne died bravely for cities that did not belong to them, and mercenaries who took money were working hard. Even the Wizards in the nine pointed star wizard tower began to fall with the city wall, resulting in very heavy casualties.

In that case, the civilians and nobles of eboden have no reason to watch others die and not take the initiative to protect their wealth and cities?!

"Dang --!"

The long and narrow Azor long knife barely blocked the two handed sword chopped head-on. The elf warrior from the Weiting instinctively stepped back two steps to avoid the cross cutting mixed with the smell of death.

Then the elves saw that the human beings who had just nearly taken their lives had rushed past them, the cold blade had brought a piece of blood light, and one after another filled with ferocious and unwilling Elven heads.

Wait, that figure... Why does it look so familiar?!

Black hair, black eyes, thin back, secret silver sword waved with one hand, and the fire gushing from the palm

Duke Byrne?!

"Stop him, he's Duke Byrne! Commander in chief of the garrison!" the elf warrior from the guard court shouted wildly and waved a long knife and jumped up first: "that's him! Killed the chief inspector!"

"Avenge Lord Ogan!!!!!"

"Kill him -!!!"

Excited or angry shouts came from all directions. Dozens and hundreds of ELF warriors abandoned their enemies in front of them. They would rather expose their backs than rush in the direction of the black haired wizard.

The front was in a mess!

"Show me!"

At the moment when the long knife came face-to-face, Lauren, with a calm expression, immediately pulled out "bright silver", and the gray blue sword awn pulled a string of sparks on the blade of the long knife;

With a backhand stab, the sword awned out of the back neck of the elf warrior.

The Elven warriors on both sides attacked him at the same time. The black haired wizard, who did not look at it, clenched the handle of his sword with his right hand and cut head-on straight ahead.

"Boom --!"

When the sword fell, the surrounding bricks and walls trembled; In the huge smoke and dust, the two elves who hurriedly retreated had no time to parry. They were torn open by a gray blue sword.

Blood spray.

But the enemy continued to pounce on him angrily and madly, filling the gap left by the dead robe in front of him.

The sword cut off the spear stabbed at him, dragged the "dawn" sword behind him, swept across the battlefield with blood and broken meat, and the first three steps of the black haired wizard were empty.

The cold black haired wizard looked dignified, but his reaction was much faster than before.

This is a very bad sign.

In countless previous battles on the verge of death, Loren has experienced this feeling - just like the body no longer belongs to itself, and can fully rely on its own initiative to complete the actions that originally needed calm thinking and judgment in an instant.

But after opening the second valve, he finally realized that this was actually a manifestation of the power of emptiness beginning to erode reason - after excessive consumption of spiritual power, the spiritual palace had been unable to protect its own consciousness.

Although Asriel was there, Loren didn't have to worry about ending up like fascism or chakar; However, he has always been skeptical about the "credibility" of an evil boy.

"Boom --!!!"

It was another Turin fire. The red fireball expanded outward from the feet of the black haired wizard and instantly blew all the Elven warriors within three steps into coke.

But this did not reduce their morale at all. The red eyed Elven warriors almost rushed to the figure waving two handed swords.

Bang -!

The dark figure rushed out of the flames and ran straight into the first Elf Warrior facing him; A tall "dawn" sword, straight from the center of the ELF's slightly thin trunk!

A foot on the face door of the fallen corpse, with the help of the leaping Loren's backhand holding "bright silver"; The gray and blue sword awned hard to open the other party's Azor long knife, and the sword awned through the heart.

The landing black haired wizard knelt down on one knee, opened his left hand behind without looking, and hit the "force impact" directly to fly the Elven warrior who tried to sneak attack.

In the distance, the Elven warriors who heard the movement and noticed it were also coming in this direction; Even if a few elves detect something wrong, they can't stop the action of the big army and can only drift with the tide.

Take a deep breath of the sea breeze mixed with smoke and dust. Looking at the mess of the city wall battlefield, Loren's indifferent face finally added a smile.

Yes, come on, all of you, you long ears, come and kill me, and then die obediently.

As long as you stand here, you are the best target for the whole eboden Garrison - accordingly, the pressure on each stronghold and fortress can be reduced, so as to win time for the next retreat.

On the narrow wall, the enemy who can surround himself at the same time is also extremely limited; As long as they attack with the scope of "Turin fire" several times, they don't even dare to rely on themselves too close. They can only attack themselves continuously.

In that case

"Loren! Lord Loren!"

Lucian's cry came from his back and interrupted the black haired wizard's thinking.

Turning his head, he saw that the anxious gray pupil boy was trying to break through the blockade of the elves and close to himself.

"Lord Loren, blow the trumpet!" while parrying the enemy's attack, Lucian shouted impatiently: "the south wall, an army is approaching here!"

The south wall, has the enemy completed the siege and launched an attack from behind during this period of time?

It's impossible. All the main forces are tied up in the port defense. Even if there is a small army, it can't get close to the tower in the south.

Therefore, it will not be the enemy's army

So whose army will it be?

The dark haired wizard subconsciously stood up and looked back at the direction behind him - although it was very vague, there was a large army approaching the south of eboden.

Moreover, the flag of a long blood stained sword crossed into the shape of a holy cross was held high.

Lottel... The flag of the Fred family!

At the moment when Loren was stunned, the elves who had just surrounded the south wall of eboden suddenly looked back in shock and stared at the army that suddenly appeared from their back - the dense figure was like a black line, overlooking them from the highland.

The Knights of lottel, armed with armored horses and high spears, swooped down from the highland like a steel wall and rolled up billowing smoke;

The fast running archers rushed to the high ground, pulled dozens of arrows from their backs, inserted them in the soil in front of their feet, and opened their Eagle Shooting bow.

The cavalry attendants dressed in light chain armour, wielding nail hammers, battle axes, heavy cutting swords and woodcutters, and holding shields followed the charging cavalry and jumped directly behind the elf front... The fight was coming soon.

On the 15th day of the attack and defense of eboden, reinforcements arrived as promised.