"Chief supervisor of the court... Well, and you, your expression seems to be a little depressed."

The smiling little prince held a glass of wine and looked at the Elven warriors on both sides of the table with some "curiosity": "isn't it uncomfortable, or is the food not to your taste tonight?"

Not to your taste?

The embarrassed ogen frowned and the knife clenched in his left hand stabbed on the table, with his green veins exposed.

The same ashen Alexandra, the chief adjutant of the court, bowed her head, held the glass in her hand and said nothing.

Facing the full table of delicacies, the Elven warriors with different faces closed their mouths without a sound.

Fiasco... This word with terrible power turned into a terrible ghost and floated in the restaurant of the spirit flagship, making the atmosphere dull and dead.

After Ogan issued the order of "retreat", thousands of elves in the port still did not lose their fighting spirit, but stuck to their positions and retreated orderly.

After several charges were intercepted by the brave Elven warriors, the eboden garrison finally gave up the plan to pursue the defeated soldiers and continued to drive and harass them with catapults and catapults, trying to sink the retreating boats.

The Elven fleet immediately dispatched and responded to the retreating army in a very orderly manner; The launchers of the twenty warships fired at the same time, once again turning the fortification position into a sea of fire into burning ruins.

The eboden side did not have any obstacles this time and allowed the enemy to "vent their anger"... Anyway, it was only a temporary fortification, which was damaged and did not hurt at all, or even better - because the terrain became more complex and rugged.

Two thousand Elven warriors, in order to cover the remaining robes and evacuate the battlefield safely, stayed on the coast of eboden forever.

When they died, they were able to survive... This idea tortured all the retreating Elven warriors all the time, especially the guys sitting at this table.

After paying so much sacrifice, I watched paoze die and fall one after another... Only I survived the hell and experienced the humiliation of defeat.

"I am fully responsible for the failure of this war, your highness Rodriguez!"

Alexandra, who could no longer restrain herself, got up from her chair and knelt down on one knee: "it was my hesitation in charging that led to the loss of support on the front line and the success of the enemy's ambush! In a word..."

"Get up." the little prince smiled at her.


"I said, get up." the little prince smiled and pressed the fairy warrior's shoulder: "chief adjutant of the court... You, how many times do you need me to repeat?"

The fairy warrior twitched her throat, stood up honestly, bowed her head and dared not say a word.

"Well, well, the defeat in this battle is not because you are not brave enough, but because our enemy is ready... In a sense, heavy casualties are expected."

The little prince shrugged and couldn't help laughing: "it's really stupid and stupid to think about the guy who can win eboden with a frontal attack!"

One side of Eugene's face was gloomy, and his iron blue face was hard to see.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we can no longer despise our opponents; they are also long-term and powerful warriors; we must put them in the same position as us in order to recover the defeat."

"Besides, today's tragic defeat is not meaningless - your bravery has fully exposed the weakness and incompetence of the enemy. You can only defend the port by relying on various urban defense measures and traps, and you don't dare to confront the heroic Elven warriors." sipping the wine, the little prince turned his words:

"But this also proves that it is extremely unwise to attack eboden port from the front, and will fall into the trap set by the enemy... Am I right, Miss Alexandra?"

"... yes," said the low headed elf warrior with difficulty.

On one side, Ogan's face was a little darker.

As the commander-in-chief of the raid, he was naturally the main person in charge of the defeat; The little prince's words were no longer pointing at mulberry and locust trees, but beating his face naked.

And let his adjutant and apprentice admit it personally. It's a great shame!

But Ogan is helpless... The other party is the son of the eagle king, and is the one who is most likely to inherit the throne at present; As the chief of the court, he could not refute a prince.

No matter how painful and humiliating... He has to bear it!

The left hand clenched the knife had oozed blood, and Ogan, with his head down, remained motionless and silent.

"Have you heard from the rear fleet?" the little prince who pretended not to see waved his hand, motioned to arishadra to step down and turned his eyes to Lori ZAD, the chief of the royal court who was always silent: "how long will it take to meet us?"

"We haven't received information yet, your highness rodria!"

Anson ZAD, Lori's younger brother and chief wizard, who was sitting behind the elf girl, quickly got up and replied, "at the time of last contact, the fleet of the second echelon was still preparing on yingxiao island. It would take at least two or three months to meet!"

"Two or three months..."

There was a glimmer of disappointment on the little prince's face. It was definitely too late.

"Er! If your highness wants, my sister and I... The chief Lord of the imperial court can go as messengers to urge them to speed up..."

"No, no, it's better to say so." the little prince shook his head and smiled at the corners of his mouth:

"I don't think you want to be robbed of our war achievements by those guys behind us?"

The Elven warriors present nodded their heads and said yes.

Anson ZAD bowed his head and covered up his disappointment.

His view on following his highness Rodriguez is the same as that of his sister Lori - he should keep a distance anyway and avoid becoming chess pieces and victims manipulated by the other party.

The little prince took up his glass and slowly got up: "since it is impossible to attack blindly, we must change our attack strategy and attack the weakest link of the enemy's defense line to break their defense."

In front of the table, the little prince shook his glass like a chess piece:

"The enemy was able to block our front because they blocked the port with chains, and the easiest of the two fortresses connecting the chains was the small fortress on the other side of the river."

"This castle is the key for us to enter the city gate of eboden - if we take her, eboden will be attacked on both sides and become something in our pockets!"

The voice fell, and a confident smile gradually appeared in the corner of the little prince's mouth.


"Boom --!!"

As night falls, the golden red "pillar of light" is still bombarding the walls of eboden; The golden red sparks burst in the sky against a flashing gray blue barrier.

The mercenaries on the wall huddled behind the piers, yawning or chatting with each other, waiting for a warm dinner; After the panic of the first day and the anxiety of the next few days, no one takes this "pillar of light" seriously.

Unless the enemy bombards intensively or breaks through the chain of blockade of the port, the only function of these flying "pillars of light" is to let the soldiers on the city wall watch the fireworks show and pass the time.

Compared with the leisure on the city wall, the nine pointed star wizard tower is busy at this time.

The open garden and teachers' hall have become infirmaries and wards; All herbalists, pharmacists, alchemists and their apprentices run back and forth like a group of ants on a hot pot, and even set up a test-bed directly in front of the hospital bed to boil medicine.

Treat the wounded, boil potions, maintain the ice barrier, make kindling agents and various used alchemy products, measure the wind direction and weather, and help engineers repair the damaged walls and fortifications

Even in the cities with the highest proportion of wizards in the Empire, eboden's wizards, even with apprentices, are short of money in the face of the needs of an army and a city.

Walking through the garden full of wounded people, the dark haired wizard with some complicated mood walked to Lucian's ward.

During the day's battle, Lucian "disobeyed" his orders and did not retreat with the urban defense army in time. Instead, he chose to stay to contain the chief Eugen of the "Four Courts"; As a result, he was surrounded by the army left behind by the enemy. Fortunately, the urban defense army responded in time and rescued him during the counter attack.

Before I entered the door, I could hear the quarrel between grey pupil and Isaac.

"Isaac, I'm all right. How many times do you want me to repeat it?"

"You're all right, fart! Two arms are severely frostbitten, three ribs are broken, and tendons are broken everywhere... I also tell you that it's all right. You're not going to have anything again!"

"But I'm fine now, all recovered!"

"Yes, but your void reaction is seriously high, far beyond the normal threshold - I'm not surprised that you have become a goblin with tentacles on your face!"


"What are you? If you go on like this, the spiritual palace will be completely eroded. Do you know?! do you really want to become a rotten meat monster that will continue to grow and have no reason?!"

Isaac, who was almost mad, turned his eyes and looked at the black haired wizard who had just walked in: "ah, Loren, you're just in time. Get ready to welcome our new posture of luthan children - a lump of rotten meat full of dung pit smell and pus everywhere!"

The grey pupil boy on the hospital bed saw Lauren's eyes and scratched his head with embarrassment.

In the stalemate atmosphere, Loren could only change the topic: "how about the Wizards of the wizard tower?"

"What's the matter? Anyway, it didn't surprise me - except corona and the other two old men, the others were just like that." Isaac shrugged his shoulders and looked helpless:

"The only surprise is that I found more information about Azores. A small part is about the way of samurai. It's very interesting..."

"Like?" Lauren frowned.

"There is a document about a negotiation between an ocean fleet and the Azores in the sixth generation. It's a long time ago." Isaac curled his lips:

"The 'way of samurai' mentioned in that document... Is called the way of practice of the Azores. It is the only way for a samurai to sharpen his state of mind and shape his morality."

"Sharpen your mind and shape your character... That is to say, at least at that time, the so-called 'Samurai way' should be very different from today's gadgets mixed with strange abilities!"

Loren began to realize something: "you mean..."

"You said that the elves invaded the Empire for the sake of 'life and death'... But at least there was no sign of 'life and death' in the literature at that time." Isaac blew the tip of his forehead proudly:

"In other words, whether it leads to the danger of life and death for the elves, or this' deformed 'Samurai way at present... It only happened after the sixth generation."

"Otherwise, why did the royal family and church, which were so 'concerned' about wizards at that time, pay no attention to the power of emptiness mastered by the elves on the other side of the misty sea?"

"Is it because these problems did not exist at that time?"

Following Isaac's thought, Loren's expression fell into deep thought.

The expression of a arrogant maniac doesn't matter: "in short, this may be a very important clue. I'll continue to dig along this line. Maybe I'll find other secrets... Give it to me."

"You, Loren Turin, you're responsible for watching this bastard who wants to become a piece of rotten meat - anyway, I've told him what the consequences are. If he still thinks so, I'll ask you!"

"Remember, Lauren, I don't have many friends." he snorted angrily, and Isaac walked out of the ward a little depressed:

"And I don't want to lose any!"

With that, the handsome Isaac walked out of the door, leaving his back open.

Lauren turned his head and looked at the gray pupil boy who had been dodging his eyes.

"Lord Loren, I..."

"I know what you want to say, Lucian." the black haired wizard sighed and looked at him silently. "But you should have heard Isaac just now."

"Don't be bewitched by Asriel. He is using you to make you a slave of power; don't let yourself fall into the same fate as fascists and chakar... This is my only request for you."

Lucian was silent, clenched his lower lip and lowered his head.

Of course he knew what would happen, and he had seen with his own eyes what Francis and chakar had become.

But if you don't use this power, how can you keep up with Lord Loren?

How can I protect him and become a sword in his hand?

Especially after knowing that his enemy is so terrible... Do you want to watch Lauren face it, but you can't do anything?

I need strength... Gently stroking the rune on the back of my neck, Lucian's head lowered deeper.

More power.