West Saxony, over the gem river.

Brandon de sallion, who was in a good mood, stood on the edge parapet of the floating city of "Clarion Castle", holding the wall pier, constantly stretched out his head and yelled to the outside, frightening Edward behind him.

After all, what they are standing at the moment is not land, but 200 meters high! Even in a thick cloak, the night watchman felt the cold wind across his cheeks, ten times colder than on the land, just like duanjie mountain.

Not only that, Edward also found an extremely serious problem - he was afraid of heights!

Once he gets close to the edge of the parapet, he will feel dizzy, sick, and his body will tremble and twitch uncontrollably... After a whole month of "air travel", he will finally get better, but he will still feel cold and numb hands and feet, and a sense of suffocation.

Without this last constraint, Brandon, who was completely unscrupulous, was like a runaway wild dog, tossing up and down the floating city at will; The dwarf craftsmen and soldiers who would bow to him at the beginning gradually got used to ignoring his royal highness.

Edward was puzzled by this point - Brandon de sallion, as a "Dragon Rider", should have no novelty about flying for a long time; But why did he still like to shout so much after he boarded the floating city?

City of sky? Cloud City? The Kingdom floating in the clouds... No matter how many words Brandon's mouth pops out, Edward, who struggled to survive in slums and gutters since childhood, can't understand it at all.

"Oh, Brandon!"

The bright and cheerful voice, with a bit of master's pride, also impolitely wrapped his elbow around the prince's neck: "why did you get up so early? There's still a while before sunset!"

"Good afternoon, Isaac!" the prince smiled like sunshine: "although I still want to wait until sunset... But I still feel so surprised!"

"Let a castle, a real castle fly into the sky! You know... In fact, half the Empire knew this a few months ago, but no one believed it was true!"

"But that's true!" Isaac stared proudly. "And I can not only make her fly to the sky, but also like a real castle - in six months, you can circle the whole empire in the sky without landing!"

"Six months? Really?!"

"It's true!" Isaac said with a serious expression: "and this is only a small part of my achievement, which is used to complete my dream for a fool like alchemist! I don't even use one tenth of my research achievement!"

"So... What else can your theory do?" Brandon immediately brightened his eyes.

Isaac snorted coldly and expressed his disdain: "other uses? Let me tell you... Just a few runes and two lines, I can change the whole empire! Give me 50 years and a group of real wizards and craftsmen, and I can give you a new world!"

"For example, I am now studying a new projection weapon ready to be carried on the floating city - although Loren told me that it is best to cut costs, I think that super large thing still needs to exist..."

Looking at the two people shouting on the parapet wall, which made the soldiers around dare not approach, the black haired wizard standing at the top of the tower shook his head and couldn't help sighing.

Why didn't you find that they got along so well before?

"News from the watchman at the top of the tower, Duke." the voice of Eckert, count of fury castle, sounded behind him, calm as a rock:

"We're almost there."


In front of him, Loren immediately looked in the direction pointed by the other party. Through the line of sight of clouds and cold wind, he could vaguely see the magnificent and outrageous city wall of the imperial capital Golovin and the sky palace towering at the top.

"Inform the dwarf craftsman at the landing gear to prepare for landing... Well, prepare for the 'just in case' crash landing." suddenly remembering the last landing experience, Loren pulled his mouth and added:

"According to the original plan, go directly through the city wall into the inner city area and land in front of the main gate of the heavenly palace!"

Count Eckert, who nodded silently, then gave orders, and his calm and clear voice sounded again and again at the top of the tower, each time brief and sonorous.

It is indeed the most correct choice to let the experienced, old-fashioned and stubborn Earl of Eckert serve as his deputy general.

Although the nominal task of this time is to go to the imperial capital and be loyal to the "new emperor", it is not necessary and impossible to let all the Earls of the thirteen leaders be present. There must be left behind people to be responsible for the normal operation of the round table Parliament.

As for why Charlotte is the left behind person instead of count Eckert, on the one hand, of course, Charlotte is better at internal affairs, on the other hand... It is because Loren did not follow her hard-working manuscript at the mobilization ceremony, but "played freely" once.

For the sake of his personal safety, Loren chose count Eckert, who had just lost his successor and needed to be distracted and cheer up - I hope this trip to the imperial capital can alleviate his pain slightly.

"Why do you have to land in front of the main gate of the heavenly palace?"

Count Eckert, who came again, finally showed some expression on his still stiff face: "according to your plan, our purpose this time is to show that the enemy is weak and retreat for progress; in that case, shouldn't we lower our posture?"

Eckert was puzzled, because in his impression, Loren Turin was probably the most special Turin - cautious and confident, no airs, lack of interest in rituals and grand scenes.

In that case, why did he have to choose such a provocative way on such an occasion that he needed to keep a low profile?

"If it's just Conrad, of course it shouldn't be done, and it's not necessary." the black haired wizard nodded with a smile, "but the problem is that we have to face not only him, but also the forces and forces behind him."

"Only when they really feel that Byrne's strength is not what it used to be, the Holy Cross Church, the old imperial aristocracy and the de sallion royal family... Will they put us in an equal position with them, rather than arrogant enough to really feel that we bow our heads and surrender."

"On top of this, we also need to let his highness Brandon's supporters in the imperial capital see some hope." count Eckert took over and looked at Loren: "is that so?"

"That's it." Lauren nodded and couldn't help raising the corners of his mouth:

"In addition, a long time ago, an elder once told me: the hidden treasure is worthless, and the talent that is not noticed is the same as none; no matter what you want to show off, you have to have fun in a crowded place!"


"... finally."

Slightly narrowed his eyes, Conrad de sallion raised his head slightly and looked at the castle floating in the clouds in the sky.

The imperial city is already a great work of alarm; From the farthest edge of the city wall to the tower of the heavenly palace, all the bell towers are playing in a hurry;

In the sky palace, the Legion soldiers who had just been transferred by the military minister to garrison stood on the wall nervously. Neither the shield in their hands nor the wall under their feet could bring them a sense of security in front of the floating city.

"So the rumor is true - with his floating city, Duke Loren Turin captured the capital of the dwarf kingdom in just one day, the cloud peak that is known to never fall?"

Metney Leopold, the seal minister standing side by side with the crown prince, sighed softly: "what a surprising achievement... I thought that at this age, nothing in the world would shock me."

"Your Royal Highness, why do you think Duke Bain, who has always been cautious, chose to come to the imperial capital in such a publicity way?"

The seal minister looked at connord with a meaningful expression.

"I think you're asking knowingly, Lord metney Leopold." Connor snorted coldly, obviously not interested in playing charades with the old man:

"In addition, if you are so well informed, you should know that it is not only such a floating city that captured the cloud peak, but also the rebels of the dwarf Kingdom and thousands of corrupting demons."

"These... Are the real reasons for the fall of the cloud peak."

As soon as the voice fell, the crown prince regretted - a sly smile appeared on metterne's face.

"I see. The cloud peak, which used to be known as never falling, will still fall under the double attack of rebels and monsters." the seal minister looked like a sudden realization:

"So... No matter how strong the fortress is, no matter how powerful the country is, it can't be spared if it faces both internal and external troubles... I've really learned. It seems that my life is far from stopping learning."

The "cheated" crown prince did not change his color under the palace, but silently turned and left, and walked towards the heavenly dome palace with the long Princess fillonai who came with him.

Looking at connord's back, the smiling old man sighed and shook his head gently.

It seems that even if it is similar to the former Emperor, your highness is still your highness, which is far from the level of your majesty.

Of course, if it were your majesty, metterne would not have the courage to deliberately play the front... Of course, this kind of thing is not in the old man's consideration.

"Why, even if you are willing to advise, the boy won't appreciate you." the Military Secretary Severin desallion, a strong man with armor and beard, came forward and said lazily:

"He will be the emperor of the Empire soon. Then you and I will have to act according to his eyes... Don't you worry about being dismissed?"

"In that case, I'll be glad I don't have to serve a tyrant and lament the future of the Empire." mettner still joked, "but at least for now, his highness connord can't live without me."

Severin de sallion nodded, because it was true.

Connord is a reasonable and legitimate prince, with countless conservative forces and camps behind him; But on the contrary, these people also want to see a monarch who "meets their expectations"; In order to balance the forces and the camp, Metternich's existence is very important.

When the two royal Highnesses compete for the throne and maintain superficial stability and peace at the time of imperial turmoil.

This is probably the only reason why his majesty Eckhardt II wants to live?

There was a bitter smile on the mouth of the seal minister.

Can you really do it yourself?

His highness Brandon, who took retreat as advance, and his highness connord, who took great righteousness first... Because of the invasion of the Azores, the empire finally avoided a civil war; But this is not because of the unity and understanding of both sides, but for their respective interests.

Cooperation is not for stability, but to keep third parties out of the door.

This is his Majesty's strategy - interests and threats. Even after he left the world, the saxophone empire is still running according to his ideas, and can erupt far more power than in the past.

Because both his highness connord and Brandon must do everything to resist the invasion and the threat of the enemy for the interests and prestige of their respective camps, and even have to abandon each other's prejudices, because they all need each other's support.

The death of the former Emperor did not split the Empire, but more united... It's a great irony.

"But I still have some questions... Loren Turin, what means did he persuade his highness Brandon?" Severin raised his head and looked at the floating city in the sky

"According to the boy's temperament, I had planned to lead the army to fight the rebellion."

"Who knows? Perhaps the wisdom inherited from the former emperor made the prince a little restrained and finally understood the importance of hiding the sword in the scabbard." with a calm smile, the seal minister shook his head leisurely:

"Anyway, it's really great that this dispute can be put on hold in this way."

Just then

"Boom --!!"

In the distant clouds, a thunder suddenly sounded and shook the sky!

The stunned two people had no time to stand firm, they had subconsciously looked up; The black shadow, like a sharp blade, roared out of the dense clouds. The elegant and ferocious figure circled the floating city over the imperial capital.

Dragon... Milaxis!

"It seems that even if you know how to tolerate, nature is still not so easy to change." Severin de sallion was surprised and then laughed: "today's sky Palace should not be too quiet."

"Or... The heavenly palace has never been really quiet." with a meaningful expression and some emotion, the seal minister looked at the floating city slowly falling in the air and couldn't help sighing:

"But no matter how noisy those who are keen to break the status quo and break the rules are, the emperor still stands here and the heavenly palace still stands here."

"The restless voice will eventually dissipate, and the temple will live forever!"