With a letter sealed with the seal of the Emperor himself and the former cabinet, the steps of loyal Imperial Knights and messengers extended to every road, Castle, town and countryside, and the whole empire set off a great wave with that simple line of words.

The emperor is dead!

There was no superfluous explanation, no more conspiracy theory, no singing by the poets... From the streets of the town to every country, the crying messengers even had no time to get off their horses, shouted in the town square, and then everyone followed.

The whole country shook.

To be fair, akhat II is not popular - standing on the stairs and looking away, it is simply a sea of flags!

After the sound of the door being knocked open, all eyes turned to the figure who came out.

The power of thousands of eyes converging on one point is enough to suffocate!

Feeling this power, Loren kept remembering the speech he had already thought of - the article carefully crafted by mentor Dalton kand and Charlotte for two days and two nights.

The article elaborated on Byrne's glorious history and explained the importance of this trip to the Empire and Byrne; It tells about the knights who will go north with themselves. Their actions are just, glorious and will win glory.

In short, it is to arouse the traditional "Knight belief" of the bain people and make them believe that they are heroes to save the world and the Empire.

After two generations of decline, the Principality of Bain will once again become the Savior of the Empire.

But... Do you really need to do this?

Long speech, with a bunch of gorgeous words, let these knights who believe in themselves do a gambling thing.

Is this necessary?

The dark haired wizard who had been silent for a long time suddenly raised his head; "Dang hammer!" with a sound, the "dawn" sword came out of its scabbard and raised over its head.

"Byrne's knights, thirteen led soldiers --!"

"Today --! The day when the supreme emperor died at the end of the twelfth generation of the Empire..."

"Follow me North!"

"King Qin!"

As his voice fell, the sound of sharp swords coming out of their scabbards echoed one after another under the stairs; It was the screams of Byrne Knights holding up the swallow tail flag.

"For Byrne, for the Empire!!!!!"

"Long live Byrne, long live the Empire -!!!"

At the end of the 12th generation, after issuing the "imperial declaration", Duke Bain took the lead in going to the imperial capital to support the coronation of crown prince Conrad de sallion.

Empire shake!