"... every de sallion, at the moment of his birth, at the moment of his or her coronation as the supreme emperor, must make a vital choice."

Stunned Peter FASA tried his best to calm his breathing, knelt motionless on one knee and looked at Eckhart II who seemed to be talking to himself in front of him.

"It is the sakran royal family that will continue the Empire and family rule to the next generation by all means and never let the iron crown flag fall;"

"Or inherit the last wish of the Dragon Kingdom, confront the enemies of the world, and become the Savior and eternal ruler of the world;"

"This problem, which seems to be the same result, is actually full of contradictions - if you want to rule the Empire, you must have enough allies and forces; but if you want to save the world, you must be the enemy of the whole world;" Eckhart's low voice, with a trace of sadness:

"My grandmother, Charlotte, taught me this lesson with her own experience;"

"So I prepared my plan since my coronation - I calculated all the possibilities, the results of each step, the variables of each chess piece, the influence of each decision, patiently... Waiting for my enemy to be interested in the game step by step until he himself joined in."

"The victory of duanjieshan won back the time and prestige to govern the Empire, and also let the Empire relax its vigilance;"

"The indulgence of the church won the hearts of the people at the bottom and made them rampant;"

"Winning over eboden won the support of wizards, which expanded the free aristocracy and chamber of Commerce to the extent that it affected the Empire in turn;"

"In this dynamic change, between gain and loss, I controlled everything in the Empire; I held all the pieces in my hand, but I found that it was still insufficient to face my enemies; so I asked myself, what else do I need?"

"At that moment, I just woke up. I realized that almost no supreme emperor has understood since Brandon I, the sage."

"First of all, if I will realize two wishes at the same time, then I am doomed not to realize them while I am still alive; second, in order to defeat my enemy, I need to confuse him as much as possible and need a little extra luck."

"So I indulged everything about the Azores Kingdom, ignored the death of the ocean fleet, turned a blind eye to the Dragon King City north of duanjie mountain, and allowed the Centaur tribe to grow... Because sooner or later, it will eventually need these external forces to cause substantial damage to the Empire."

"It doesn't matter which card the enemy will play. The key is that the card he plays is left to him by me; never let the enemy's card be beyond my expectation... This is very important."

"As for luck... Loren Turin, his existence is indeed beyond my expectation."

"When he first came to prominence in the ancient wood forest, I only wanted LUT infinit to receive him under his command... The fighting power against evil gods will always be precious; but his ability is obviously more than that, so I instructed corona to cultivate him secretly and lure him to the glacier wasteland to test my enemies."

"I don't deny that I value him very much, just as I want his life more than once; this is an uncertain factor, a chess piece that can move by itself; or it can make my chess game, or make everything fall short, which is between his thoughts."

"But I finally decided to try - he grew up so fast that he has become a thorn in my enemy's eye and flesh; even if I don't push, Loren Turin is destined to fight against him."

Peter FASA, stunned to open his mouth, wanted to stop talking.

In less than a quarter of an hour, the content is more frightening than the truth heard in a lifetime!

Eckhardt de sallion, with a frown, was as bright as fire, and a storm seemed to be brewing in his deep eyes.

"Brandon I spent his whole life, leaving enough capital for future desalians to fight the enemy; and I will not give hope and burden to others, I will end everything on my chessboard."

One divides into two. I am the one who is the soul of Brandon, my children, I trained, taught and taught them; I divided the blood of de la - 'Li into two, and they succeeded in inheriting the two most ancient blood veins, but they were all different.

"I repressed their desires bit by bit, cultivated their abilities, envied each other and had to rely on each other; I gave Connor a heavy burden and buried the seeds of ambition in Brandon's heart."

"My children... Successfully realized my expectations. It doesn't take long for them to understand the core of all these arrangements;"

"The responsible Connor will do his best to protect the Empire, so he must rely on his brother who always wants his life;"

"Brandon, who is ambitious and feels that everything is unfair to him... If he wants to usurp the Empire and everything, he must defeat all enemies; he will do everything and destroy my enemies by any means."

"They will cooperate closely... As I have planned."

"And if I want my plan to continue, if I want the pieces on the chessboard to move... I must remove the last yoke on them... To the Empire. To the eagle king of the Azores, to my children, to Loren Turin, to... My enemy."

"The name of this yoke is Eckhart de saleon, the supreme emperor of the 12th generation of the saxophone empire."

"Azores... They perfectly followed every step of the plan I designed to make them believe that my death would lead to the collapse of sakran and split it from a powerful empire into several states in the ancient kingdom."

"These poor puppets and chess pieces... They can't see the chess player behind them. They don't know why they are fighting. They don't even realize that they are being used. It's perfect."

"They think they are going to victory, but they don't know that they are planting the seeds of destruction; they want to save themselves and the world... Unfortunately, they lack the necessary vision."

"Even in the world, even if you count the people you once owned, there are only a few; Brandon the sage, the Dragon Queen, the black Duke... And now the Duke of Byrne, Loren Turin - I don't know how he did it. This wizard always surprises me."

"But... It's one thing to see, and it's another to do it." akhat II closed his eyes and sighed in a low voice:

"I look forward to him bringing me more surprises in the next chess game."

"Unfortunately... I can't see it."


There was still a loud explosion and the roar of the light beam falling to the ground outside the door, but Peter FASA was unaware of it.

He was trying his best to restrain himself from screaming because of what akhat II said.

In this short moment, he felt as if the door of the world "truth" had been opened to himself; But because all this is very different from the world they are familiar with, they have no clue.

Not centaurs, not dwarves, not Azores... Not even northern demons.

"Then, what is that?" trembling Peter FASA asked subconsciously, "what is your enemy... The enemy of the world?"

He regretted as soon as he spoke.

Damn... This kind of thing, these truths... Should a little night watchman ask?!

Peter FASA, you're dying?! Even if you want to die, once someone finds out, you know all this, Edward and


A rough and gentle palm gently held his face and slowly lifted the frightened face.

Feeling the temperature on his palm and his bright red eyes staring at himself, Peter was completely absent-minded.

No matter in hearsay or memory... He has never seen such a gentle expression of akhat II, the supreme emperor of the Empire.

"My enemy, the enemy of the world, comes from the will in the void." Eckhardt whispered:

"Thousands of years ago, this will destroyed the Dragon Kingdom and even almost successfully ruled the whole world, but it fell short in the end;"

"This is my destiny, and also the destiny of the whole desalian family - our bodies are flowing with the blood of dragons. I can never accept a ruler who is superior to the whole world and regards us as puppets and dolls."

"If so, I must destroy it, destroy it, so that it will never appear on my head again."

"Or... Completely replace it once and for all, both."

"This is the truth, the beginning and the end - the monster hiding in the shadow, the enemy lurking in the void world, no longer plans to bring the whole world into its control, erode its will, and turn the whole world into his playground and sheepfold."

"At that time, the whole world will live in its consciousness and mind, and its every move will be controlled by it; death or pain, happiness or happiness are only between its thoughts, or even just a little thought."

"And I want to end it, completely end this chaos and put an end to all this."

"This is my plan. I have spent my whole life... No, it should be said that since the era of the Dragon Kingdom, all those who feel this threat have exhausted all the goals they will achieve; and I just happen to be closer to this goal than all of them!"

With a long suppressed emotion, Eckhardt II spoke faster and faster, and became more and more excited; In the pupil, it seems that a raging fire is really burning.

Peter FASA's breathing became more chaotic and his cheeks flushed; Because his majesty held the palm in front of him and I don't know when he had pinched his throat.

Eckhardt was slightly stunned. He rigidly released his right hand and was stunned: "sorry..."

"No... cough... Nothing, your majesty, just..." he coughed violently, and Peter FASA raised his head slowly:

"But why did you tell me all this?"

This is the only question in Peter's mind at the moment.

If your majesty doesn't want to leave, why tell yourself the truth and tell a mere night watchman

"Don't! Do you want me to..." Peter suddenly thought of something and his eyes lit up.

"No! On the contrary!"

Akhat II suddenly interrupted and stared at Peter FASA's frightened eyes: "don't reveal a word about what I said."

"If it is really necessary, you must keep this secret forever until the day you die!"


In that case, why tell yourself?

Peter, who heard the order, was full of doubts, but instinctively nodded: "obey, obey!"

"I heard... You had the title of 'watchdog' when you were in eboden." Eckhardt whispered, "be my watchdog, Peter FASA - keep this secret forever, never... Never tell anyone until you decide to betray your loyalty to me."

"Protect the truth of the world, protect this plan, and keep the secret in my heart forever; this time, it may be the last war between us and the enemy, and I must ensure that the whole plan is safe."

"So... If there is any change, Peter FASA... You are the last trump card left by me - do your best to make the plan go on as I think!"

Peter FASA, trembling all over, lowered his head.

Even now, he still can't believe what he heard... Is true.

So... Trust yourself so much... Tell yourself all the truth... Your majesty, the supreme emperor, who saved his life from the enemy, after all

"... what do I need to do?"

Akhat II slowly got up, and his majestic and magnetic voice sounded in his ears:

"Now... I need you to leave your bedroom, the heavenly palace and even the imperial capital alive - to convey the news of my death to Brandon de sallion."

"Next, you just need to stay by his side, don't interfere in anything, live as much as possible, quietly watch the curtain open, and let the chaos go to the top."

"The rest... Those loyal ministers with evil intentions and different aspirations will complete it for me; my lovely children will also play their next roles."

"And I... Should also meet the 'demands' of those Azores." akhat II, facing the door, sarcastically said, "if you want people to be obedient, you have to give them what they want."

"Friends, relatives, ministers, allies, enemies... That's not the case, isn't it?"

Peter FASA couldn't say a word, and tears had burst into his eyes.

Even if there is no emotion, even if the other party tells himself so much truth, even if he gives himself a heavy burden, even if

But... He is the emperor, the emperor who once swore allegiance and fought for him;

Now, I have to watch him die, and die at the hands of the enemy!

Seeing Peter crying, Eckhardt was stunned and suddenly... Smiled.

"Don't be sad for me - on the contrary, you should be happy for me." Eckhart smiled. "It's not difficult for people to choose how to live, it's really difficult..."

"How to die."