The letter was full of little Joad's complaints about Weber's "tyranny" -- half of the reason why Byrne could recover and maintain prosperity in three years was due to the support of eboden and the priests who "fled with money" of Byrne church; The other half is relying on this almost bottomless loan.

Once the United Chamber of commerce can no longer maintain huge loans, it will be difficult for the United Chamber of Commerce to effectively control local businessmen and chambers of Commerce - it will no longer be possible for Loren to copy the order to mobilize the resources of the whole principality to launch an expedition or re conquer the Yunling Kingdom during the Centaur war.

Because if Loren doesn't want his army to quickly degenerate from a knight with strict discipline into a robber who does all kinds of evil, he must provide them with sufficient logistics and salaries, which all need a lot of money.

In addition, Weber's "new reform" of Byrne church also made the United Chamber of Commerce lose a lot of money; Without these church priests who resell church assets and indulge in pleasure, the United Chamber of Commerce has lost a number of important "regular customers", a large number of luxury goods can not be sold, and it is difficult to make profits from exports.

Luxury goods are always "less" to make money. Once the supply exceeds the demand, the profit will decline rapidly to the point of making ends meet.

The most direct consequence of these circumstances is the serious imbalance between the revenues and expenditures of the United Chamber of Commerce; Without loans and loans, there is a lack of an important source of usurped cash.

In the past three years, whether Loren has implemented the new military system, established the demon hunter corps, organized the wizard trade union and college, or the later project of floating city... All of them have obtained huge loans from the United Chamber of Commerce. Once the United Chamber of commerce can't borrow money, it has to consider raising taxes.

Little Joad, gnashing his teeth, used more than half a page to warn Lauren of the consequences of continuing to indulge - the collapse of the chamber of Commerce and the collapse of the principality's finance; When something happens, don't say he didn't remind himself.

In a word: no money, don't look for me. You can do it yourself!

Gently put down the letter in his hand. Loren didn't know what to say.

In addition to the situation of Bain church, the rest is about the latest progress of some projects - the trunk of the road network connecting Bain's thirteen collars has been completed, and the branch lines undertaken by the Earls of each collar have been completed;

The implementation of the new military system has achieved initial results. Charlotte Turin, in the name of "restoring the old system of the 'black Duke', ordered Knights gathered from all over the world to station in the fortresses of red blood castle in turn.

The compulsory system was abolished and changed to the "public pension" system. It is expected that the finance of the principality can bear a standing army of 2000 knights;

Charlotte's idea is to simply restore the "Knights' order system" in the knight King era, but financially, she is a little tight because she has recently received a large number of grass-roots bureaucrats from the church;

The wizarding trade union has good accounts, can operate alone and bear half of the expenses of the wizarding college, and no longer needs the financial expenditure of the principality; The condition is that the apprentice must be obliged to serve the trade union, and the trade union itself must have a place in the round table parliament;

This may lead to the dissatisfaction of some earls, such as the count of gallihess, who is famous for his piety; But Weber should be able to convince him - the only advantage of the "living saint" - that's what little Joad said.

The city states of Yunling kingdom in the South have gradually begun to negotiate with the principality to discuss the conditions of "cooperation" (vassal); After practical use, the floating city "horn fort" is in good operation and can be put into actual combat.

Isaac Grantham is looking forward to carrying out the "phase II project" and building a number of simple "floating airships" to deter dwarf city states; It is estimated that the investment is huge, and the principality is financially tight, so we can only find ways to turn from the chamber of Commerce;

The rest are introductory materials and accounts. In short, little Joad is desperately emphasizing the importance of his "tax official" to the principality - at least for now, no one can replace him.

Although they are right, they are also the truth; But while saying not to find him, he tried to emphasize his importance

How proud is this guy?

"Well... The plan remains the same, but it needs to be changed a little." the black haired wizard sighed heavily: "we may have to return to the red blood castle as soon as possible. We can't delay a day!"

He seriously doubted that if he were not there, these people could really tear up the Principality of Byrne.

"Is the situation... Really that serious?" the little wizard hesitated to look at Loren.

"Well, why do you ask?"

"No... don't get me wrong. I don't doubt you, just..." Ai Yin looked at him in a daze and stopped talking: "I just think you might have guessed this situation long ago, Loren."

The black haired wizard's expression was stiff, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and some sighed with loss:

"Really... I can't hide anything from you."

"Oh? Really?!" even if it had been expected, the little wizard who was admitted to have guessed was still surprised.

"Er... I can't say that completely." Lauren smiled bitterly and scratched his head. "Although I guessed that there would be a contradiction between Webber and little Joad, I didn't expect it to be so serious."

"I see... But why did they both become like this?" the little wizard was puzzled: "there should be no direct contradiction and conflict between the Byrne church and the United Chamber of Commerce?"

"It's not a direct conflict, but a deeper reason - lending business and debt are just little Joad's excuses." Loren shook his head and looked at Ayn calmly. "He would do it because he felt threatened."

The little wizard who still didn't understand blinked and was very distressed.

Lauren smiled and didn't go on explaining.

In fact, the answer has been clearly written in the letter. The threat felt by little yode does not come from interests, but from status - he vaguely realized that the Byrne church, which is about to rise strongly in the near future, will become the new core of the principality in the future.

This powerful and semi independent organization will give full play to its resources and advantages and further unite the gradually rich and powerful principality under one banner; In the coming years or even decades, what Bain needs most is no longer wealth, but people's hearts.

This means that the status of the United Chamber of Commerce, which has become an important member of the principality, will decline significantly. After all, there is only one leader in a court and only one second leader.

With the rise of new people, there must be "old people" who want to retreat to the second line; Of course, little Joad would not give up. It took him so long and resources to gain power in the Byrne court. Resistance and suppression are inevitable.

Except that the struggle between the two sides was too fierce, it was basically expected by Loren - to some extent, he supported little priest Weber and had the idea of suppressing little Joad.

He doesn't care whether his subordinates are ambitious or whether they have their own dreams. To a certain extent, this is actually better; After all, most people who don't even have ambitions and dreams don't have much ability.

As long as they can use it for themselves or cooperate with themselves, it's easy to say.

Regardless of ambition, regardless of morality, as long as ability... And then maintain a certain balance between these ministers with "bad intentions" and "great dreams"

Yes, just like his majesty Eckhart II of the vault of heaven.

The corner of his mouth is slightly ironic - whether he, Brandon or Charlotte Turin

We people... Are really unknowingly becoming what we used to "hate".

"Ah... Loren." the little wizard still couldn't help asking, "who do you think is right and wrong this time?"

"Ayin, who do you think is right and wrong this time?" the smiling black haired wizard threw the question back.

"I don't know... I just feel sorry for little Joad." Ayn frowned gently: "although he did a lot of bad things, almost all of them were done for Byrne - it's too much to ask him to bear all the consequences alone now..."


Loren opened his eyes and then lost his smile.

"Even Ayn, do you think so?"

But the little wizard did not answer his question, but raised his eyebrows curiously.

"I also... Did anyone else say something like that besides me?"

"Oh, no, no! I said casually, subconsciously... You know, sometimes speaking without thinking."

The ambiguous Loren waved his hand, quietly hid the letter from Charlotte in his sleeve, and looked at the little wizard with a natural look.

"In fact, it's right to understand that - yes, everything little Joad did was inspired by me, or at least acquiesced by me; although Byrne won the Centaur war three years ago, his finance is on the verge of collapse and his tax revenue is insufficient; if we don't think of some ways as soon as possible, it's only a matter of time to split again."

AI Yin was shocked. She didn't expect that everything was going well at that time.

"At that time, we had a bad relationship with Yunling Kingdom and were hostile to the heavenly palace and the church. In fact, there were few options, so we could only authorize Xiao yode, so that the United Chamber of commerce could get enough financial resources almost on its own by means of borrowing, asking for bribes and embezzlement, so as to fill the tax gap."

"From this point of view, I'm really sorry for what I did, little Joad." with a sneer, Loren raised the letter again: "but if you really believe him to 'sell pity', it's really wrong."

"Do you mean that his weakness and inferiority are only disguised?" the little wizard responded very quickly: "supporting the finance of the principality is equivalent to controlling all the financial rights of the principality. Little yode... He took the opportunity to save a lot of benefits for himself?"

In a word, the black haired wizard's expression was a little stiff.

Today's Ayn, how does it feel a little different?

How to say... Should be more confident? No, no, no, she just analyzed the problem in the same way as Charlotte.

In other words, Charlotte seems not as strong as she used to be, and she has become a little gentle

What happened in the last six months?

Quietly buried his amazement in his heart, Loren nodded cautiously: "yes, it can be said that the current United Chamber of commerce is no longer completely controlled by me; on the contrary, the United Chamber of commerce is extending his tentacles to all aspects of the principality with the help of financial power."

"If we don't find a way to contain little Joad, sooner or later the United Chamber of Commerce will overhead the round table Parliament and control all the affairs of the principality - because little Joad has their IOU in his hands, whether it is the round table parliament or the Earls of the thirteen leaders."

Using debt and monopolizing trade to eventually overhead a country and government has happened in the world of the black haired wizard's last life;

At that time, he was just a bystander and could calmly say that "this is the necessity of social development, the development of market economy will inevitably bring about the small citizen class and the rise of free cities".

But this will never mean that he can sit back and watch the rise of an emerging power and be calm when it is about to threaten his status, without any means of containment... Just as Eckhardt II treated the wizard class.

Well, we must find a good way to balance the contradiction between Weber and little Joad, so that they can be at peace with each other and monitor each other, so as to stabilize in the principality in this dynamic.

"Actually... You don't have to go back in such a hurry, do you?"

AI Yin, who looked indifferent, said abruptly.

"Oh, why?" Lauren raised his eyebrows with a strange expression.

"Because Lauren, you're not nervous at all until now. You're at ease." with a light smile, the little wizard's expression is very flat: "you believe her, believe that she can calmly deal with these disputes, so that everything will be safe when you go back, and there will never be any trouble."

"Er... Probably." Lauren frowned slightly and faintly felt that Ayn was in a low mood: "because we are friends, just like I absolutely trust Ayn, you and Isaac - it is because of our absolute trust that we have overcome so many difficulties and obstacles and have a foothold in Byrne."

"Only in these three years can we build a strong principality, constantly expand ourselves, and wait for the arrival of the 'black cross' serlior."

"Just friends?"


The black haired wizard was stunned.

"Ayin, what the hell are you..."

"Let's start tomorrow morning." the little wizard smiled and got up and left. "Don't forget to say goodbye to Leia. She has been waiting for you for a long time."

With that, Ayn, who clenched her pink fist with her back, turned and left only Lauren.

The stunned black haired wizard sat where he was, clutching the letterhead in his hand and sleeve.

Charlotte... Leia

What the hell is she trying to say?