Ancient wood forest, fog moon court.

After the farce of "hand slipping" that night, the fog moon court experienced a lot of turbulence - although in a sense, it is inevitable.

Yes, wuyueting is the largest settlement in the northern forest, and may even be the largest and most prosperous one in the ancient wood forest, but it is only an elf settlement after all... Self-sufficiency, isolation and remoteness are her biggest characteristics;

And the morning star forest, which has to deal with the harassment of Ogres all year round and gathers hundreds or even thousands of war dancers, can not be equated.

A big search for "foreign assassins", subtle differences in customs and behavior, and contradictions and differences between settlements in the past due to some small things, all broke out at this moment.

It took two days for the hurried fog moon court and elders from various settlements to finally settle down the noise of the commotion. They didn't even have time to take into account the upcoming imperial mission.

When they finally had time, the war dancers of the fog moon court in front reported that the imperial mission with the second batch of morning star forest war dancers had only two days to go.

In a hurry, the elders who had no time to prepare could only arrange the war dancers in the morning star forest - after all, they were the only ones who had dealt with human beings - to be responsible for receiving, and the remaining elves war dancers were responsible for guarding to ensure the safety of the imperial mission. At the same time, they should also monitor them to ensure that there would be no commotion in the settlement.

This is also the contradiction between the Ancient Wood Forest Elves. On the one hand, they have no good feelings for the Empire, on the other hand, they are not willing to provoke trouble, which leads to the war between the two sides, so that it took so long and did not make up their mind.

The period was also mixed with the contradiction between the eastern and northern forests. The elves led by the wasteland forest were dissatisfied with the "self righteous" of the fog moon court and the "changing customs" of the morning star forest, believing that only they were the real "war dancer elves".

The disputes among the elders also gave lukala an opportunity to win over supporters; The only thing that surprised him was that the Azores, who should have "jumped up and down" to provoke disputes between the elves and the Empire, was unusually quiet.

As for another "accident", there is no trace of a black haired wizard

Sighed and looked up at Luca standing under the gate of the fog moon court; Not far away, a team with iron crowns and Golden Lions on black background appeared at the end of the dense forest path, surrounded by the morning star forest and dancers.

But what Luca noticed most was that it was not Loren Turin but ayin who was at the front of the team.

The dark haired wizard was still invisible in the whole team.

That is to say, Loren didn't leave and was still in the fog moon court settlement?

The absurd idea came to Luca's mind and shook his head inexplicably - nearly a thousand war dancers in the whole settlement turned up and down, but they didn't even find a trace.

Although Luca thought it impossible, the fact was that Loren Turin was not in the mission, and it was impossible for him to go back and forth between the two settlements in just a few days.

What the hell does he want?

With questions in his head, Luca, who was forced to be calm, went forward to meet Leia and the little wizard.

"It's hard for you, Leia."

"It's just a matter of duty. There's no need to do so." the fairy with her little nose turned her head and looked at the fog moon court behind Luca:

"How's that... Man...?"

"Missing." the middle-aged elf shook his head with a pretentious sigh: "there has been no news for several days."


Luca lost his smile. Although the fairy's answer was understated, her shoulder shook obviously just now.

The little wizard and his entourage followed curiously looked at the fog moon court, which is very different from the morning star forest and even any elf settlement style.

Of course, there are ancient Wood Forest Elves surrounded by the gate and both sides of the path, like watching the excitement.

Although the fog moon court has never had any contact with the Empire, its hostility to the empire is much stronger than the morning star forest; A pair of indifferent or hostile eyes shot from all directions, which made Lucian nervously press the hilt of the sword around his waist. The Byrne Knights accompanying on both sides also tightened their heartstrings and dared not relax at all.

"Keep order, don't let the road be blocked!" Luca, who was at the front of the team, shouted to the elf soldiers in the settlements on both sides while taking the war dancers in the morning star forest to the road:

"They are the envoys of the Empire, but also the guests of the fog moon court and the whole ancient wood forest - elves. When did they become unkind to guests?"

The soldiers who heard the speech were no longer lazy and desperately blocked the elves who wanted to squeeze towards the middle of the road out of the street.

"Why are they so hostile to us?"

Although he didn't know nothing about the elves, looking at the fog moon court elves with angry faces on both sides, the little wizard still felt a little inexplicable: "this is the first time that the Empire sent people to the fog moon court."

"The first time I came, I took the threat of a sword." the Female Elf walking in front said coldly, with undisguised dissatisfaction in her tone: "if it were you, what kind of face would you give to the guy who came without saying hello?"

The little wizard bowed his head wrongfully, while Lucian narrowed his eyes and glared at the Female Elf.

"Leia, do you think we did something wrong..."

"Whatever you do, it's the fault of that big liar!"

The Female Elf quickly turned her head to look ahead and hurriedly explained: "four days ago, a foreign assassin mixed into the fog moon court.

The war dancers from the whole ancient forest searched the settlement for four days and found no results. In the end, they had to settle the matter hastily, saying it was an accident - Luca told me when they came. "

Ayn looked stunned.

Although the fairy didn't say it clearly, the answer was already obvious.

It can sneak into the fog moon court silently, and leave no trace under the search of nearly a thousand war dancers - who else can be except a black haired wizard?

"It's all the fault of the big liar!" the fairy repeated again, as if only in this way can she vent her anger.

Compared with a Female Elf whose face is full of hate and actually worried, the little wizard's eyes have a touch of worry.

"What's the matter?" the gray pupil boy who was vaguely aware turned his head and asked with concern: "isn't he uncomfortable?"

"No, it's not this, it's..." Ayn, who was about to stop talking, shook her head and stopped talking.

Lauren... He hasn't shown up yet.

This means that when facing the elf elder in the ancient wood forest, he must negotiate with the other side instead of him, shoulder the responsibility of establishing friendship between the two sides, and at least make each other no longer hostile.

They must listen to each other's complaints, find out the truth of the hostility between the ancient wood forest and the Empire, maintain the fragile peace at present, and let everyone listen to their own voice.

If it fails, the Empire and the ancient wood forest may meet each other, the morning star forest may be swallowed up by the flames, maybe their hometown Shenlin castle will become a battlefield, or lottel and Bain, the whole empire will be involved!

Fallen in a pool of blood, friends of swordsmen, burning memories

The little wizard was not worried about her failure. As an alchemist, she was used to failure; What she really worried about was the consequences of failure.

She can't afford it.

His head hung on his chest, in vain covering up his trembling pupils.

"... eliminate estrangement, trust each other, put aside scruples and disputes..."

"... no one is worthless. You can use the most ordinary things to impress thousands of elves and make them want to die for you. I can't do it. No one can do it..."

Sincere and trusting words echoed in Ayn's ears.

"Really... Can you do it?"


A sudden voice of words came.

The stunned little wizard looked up and found that the Female Elf walking in front turned her head and was staring at herself.

"Li, Li Ya? Do you mean I, I just..."

"You don't need to know what you're talking about. It's all written on your face." the fairy snorted, "tut tut" sighed: "your biggest problem is that you're too insecure!"


Ayn looked inexplicable.

"Always afraid, always worried that you can't do it, and worried that you can't do it well." it seemed to think of something. The Female Elf looked at the little wizard stunned: "that's why you are always bullied by the big liar!"


"In the final analysis, ayin, you are really not confident - you are very talented, but you always have to accommodate this big liar. In this way, you will only be bullied and miserable by him."

The fairy shook her head and continued, "this big liar is different from you. He is very and extremely confident; so if you don't resist, he will feel that he has done it right!"

"You must argue with him, tell him what you want, don't want, like and don't like; let him think you are important, not his... Accessories!"

The little wizard was stunned and completely speechless.

"This time, no matter what the hell he's up to, it's obvious that he's out of his skills, so he has to let ayin you take his place and negotiate with the elders." the Female Elf continued to cheer ayin:

"On the other hand, it just shows that even this confident guy thinks you can replace him to complete the task, or even do better than him... Isn't it?"

The little wizard who didn't speak from beginning to end slowly raised his head and looked at the Female Elf.

"What about you? Leia - do you believe I can calm the hostility between the Empire and the ancient wood forest and return to the peace of the past?"

The fairy's expression froze.

This time, even Lucian next to her saw how complicated her mood was.

Turning silently, the fairy who walked straight forward no longer looked back.

"No matter when, no matter what happens... I will not betray the morning star forest or my cell family."

Looking at such a fairy, Ayn frowned and sighed gently.

When approaching the cloud canopy tree, the female elves with the morning star forest war dancers silently turned and left, leaving only Luca, an elf, waiting under the winding "branch ladder" of the cloud canopy tree.

"Ayin, please follow me." the middle-aged elf said gently, "as for the other guests, please wait at the camp under the cloud canopy tree."

"After all, this is the largest settlement in the ancient wood forest. The elders' long house for discussion is no better than others. It is impossible for everyone to enter. It can only be represented by the main people... Please forgive me."

Lucian stopped and turned to look at the Byrne Knights accompanying him.

Although these words are reasonable, why do you always have a premonition that the other party will have bad intentions?

"I see." the little wizard nodded softly.

Luca sighed - if he could, he really didn't want to do this to the little wizard who had great kindness to him and even the whole morning star forest.

"Don't worry, gentlemen. I'll be back soon."

The voice fell, and the little wizard who didn't look back followed the footsteps of the middle-aged wizard and climbed up the quiet cloud canopy tree step by step.

The twists and turns of the branches and the huge "cloud crown" block out the sky and the sun. It's impossible to see the outside from the tree, which makes people feel like an afterlife; It is clearly in the noisy and prosperous fog moon court, but it seems to have returned to the morning star forest.

Under Luca's gaze, the little wizard walked into the door of the long house on the top of the cloud canopy tree and passed through the dancers staring at her fog moon court with hostile eyes on both sides.

"Creak ~ ~"

The door of the long house was closed behind them.

When he walked into the long house, the little wizard noticed that he was "surrounded".

The whole room is like a concert hall in the capital of Golovin - the entrance is a semi arc "dance floor" and surrounded by a stepped "auditorium".

In the front row, there were twelve old elves with different looks, different clothes and gray hair; Almost from the moment they entered the door, they were looking at the little wizard standing in front.

It's like looking at an object.

Behind them, Ayn could detect that there were more eyes staring at him from head to toe from all aspects and angles.

A pair of bad, suspicious and even hostile eyes.

The little wizard clenched his teeth, and a drop of cold sweat from his forehead slipped through his eyes, trying not to wipe it.

Instead, he took a sigh of relief and looked up at the elves with the expression of the "experimental object" - mice - in the wizard tower on weekdays:

"All sincere elders, I'm Ayn Rand, representing the supreme emperor of the Empire, Eckhart II, and visiting the ancient wood forest in his name."

"We are here for friendship and peace."