Ancient wood forest.

The secluded land surrounded by endless wilderness and hills contains countless secrets, treasures and mysterious places of creatures. The country of elves and the eyes of the Empire are full of dangerous land.

On the fourth day after arriving at the border of the Principality of lottel, after staying for a few days and completing the supply, the imperial mission continued to move into the range of shenlinbao.

When you cross the deep forest castle and continue to the west, after passing through the dark forest and several winding paths, you can reach the largest fairy settlement in the east of ancient wood forest and the most familiar fairy settlement of Loren, morning star forest.

"Loren Turin... You've finally come. Do you know how long I've been waiting for this day?"

A cheerful voice, like a lion seeing its prey, came from the count of shenlimburg's room.

The wantonly publicized brown hair tips, Eagle like eyes and bright face are deliberately reserved for maturity, but they can't restrain the abundant and endless vitality under the strong body.

The person who said such misleading words was the Lord of shenlinbao, the successor of the Principality of lottel - and also Loren's first employer and friend - Reuven Fred, who looked at the black haired wizard with a "hey hey" smile:

"Tell me the truth - would you really never go back to lottel all your life if your majesty hadn't ordered it himself?"

"To tell you the truth, one of the things I most hope to do in the next few years is to return to Shenlin castle." Loren sighed tired and turned his eyes. His face was full of helplessness:

"But it's a pity. It seems that every time it doesn't work out."

"Of course, our Duke Byrne is a busy man. How can he have the opportunity to return to such a remote place as shenlinbao!"

Even if it looks strange, Lu Wen can become very refreshing when he speaks out; Of course, the shoulders that he patted "bang!" made the black haired wizard twitch at the corners of his mouth:

"Hei hei... To be honest, when I first knew your surname Turin, I only remembered that it seemed to be a southern surname; unexpectedly... You were really the 'black Duke' and became the Duke of Byrne - what can I say, there are all kinds of wonders in the world?"

Well, I also want to know... How did I change from a little Knight attendant to the Duke of Byrne?

The black haired wizard's mouth twitched even more.

"But now that you're here, you can't let the bastard who forgot your friend leave so easily!" excited Lu Wen strode to the door and pushed it open:

"Aaron! Let's go and welcome all the people of the Duke's mission into the castle and take out the best Mead from the wine cellar. How much to carry - today we'll let all the knights in the wine country have a good drink!"

The knight outside the door answered with a thick voice. A pair of eyes on his dignified face were meaningful. He glanced at the black haired wizard from the door and turned away.

Until the sound of his footsteps faded away, Reuven Fred closed the door with a "Dong!" sound.

Lauren, who smiled calmly, stared at his back.

"Loren Turin, you..." the count of shenlinbao, with his back to the dark haired wizard, sighed: "it's not the right time to come!"

Looking down a little, Loren lowered his voice: "elf?"


Suddenly turned around, Lu Wen stared at him angrily; He took a bottle of Mead from the fireplace of the room, bit off the cork, and pushed a full cup into the arms of the dark haired wizard.

"Uh... Is that right? It's not even night."

"What so much nonsense, drink!"

Sipping the pottery cup, the black haired wizard silently looked at the count of shenlinbao standing in front of the fireplace without saying a word, and poured himself a large glass of mead.

Drink it up.

He smashed the wine glass on the fireplace with a hard "bang!" and Rudy Fred sighed heavily: "almost... Half a year ago, the elf settlement in the eastern forest suddenly began to block the roads in the forest, expel our trading caravan, and refuse any contact."

"I didn't think much at that time - you know, unless these Elves were helpless, they would never notify or discuss with you in advance; so they only ordered that hunters and businessmen in the territory should not enter the forest casually, and sent Aaron to negotiate with the morning star forest to ask what was going on."

"I guess..." when he put down his glass, Loren asked faintly, "our loyal knight, your excellency, has been sent out of the country?"

"Send the goods out of the country?" Lu Wen raised his eyebrows again unhappily, and then turned his eyes:

"You're too polite - these elves didn't even let him into the settlement, and they were almost captured alive. I doubt that Aaron would come back alive if it weren't for the good relationship between the two sides."

"Now I finally understand why the Earls of shenlinbao and the Duke of lottel have not dealt with the ancient wood forest elves in the past; they are really too self righteous and capricious!"

With a cold hum, the irritable Lu Wen poured himself a large glass of Mead and drank it clean: "I don't say hello or explain - I really treat them as friends!"

He sighed and poured himself another glass.

"Well, it seems that the situation is more troublesome than expected," said the black haired wizard, turning his eyes to the lively and cheerful mission outside the window: "but fortunately, at least Luwen, you are restrained and have no intention."

"Yes, restrain... Can't I make it?" sighed, and the heir of the Principality of lottel rolled his eyes at him: "you don't know what my father was angry when he heard that his caravan was driven out of the ancient wood forest!"

"On the day the news came, the Knights and marksman guards of yingshou Castle rushed to Shenlin castle. Four thousand troops were assembled in a week. Half of lottel's knights and lords were assembled in chaoyingshou castle!"

"Well, if I don't restrain myself, your 'imperial envoy' may appear here a few months in advance, holding the declaration of war of the empire against the Ancient Wood Forest Elves - because lottel and them must have fought by that time!"

Lu Wen's expression was tangled to the extreme, revealing that his helpless eyes were also exhausted to the extreme.

The dark haired wizard can guess that with the careless, forthright and unscrupulous character of Rudy Fred, there is nothing more exciting for him than war and duel;

But in this situation, one is his father and Lord, and the other is his good friend who has saved his life and fought side by side; He must be patient and try his best to persuade his father to give up the use of force to avoid making the already chaotic situation more unmanageable.

One can imagine the difficulties.

With the corners of his mouth raised a little, Lauren's eyes swept across the room - the clean floor and desk were not decent, the weapon rack in the corner, the hunting bow and saddle fell a little dust, as if they had not been passive for a long time.

Maybe Reuven's beard on the corner of his mouth... Is not just to appear mature.

"Later, when the sky palace ordered Duke Bain to visit the ancient wood forest as a special envoy, I knew... I'm afraid it's not that simple."

After calming down, Reuven Fred's expression gradually became dignified: "Loren, I'm not alarmist - I don't know about the Azores kingdom or anything... But now the Ancient Wood Forest Elves are no longer the ones you fought side by side."

"I don't know what happened, but something must have happened. The seriousness of the problem is even far greater than the original ogre invasion!"

"That's why I said you came at a bad time!"

The voice fell, and he sighed heavily again.

The atmosphere in the room was a little low.

"Just the opposite..."

The black haired wizard raised his head and looked at Lu Wen with sincere eyes: "I think I came at the right time!"

Especially before jumping into an unknown disaster, a friend can stand up and remind himself.

It's really... Better not to fight unknown enemies like in the past.

Lu Wen was surprised at first, then grinned: "Loren Turin, it's great to meet old friends again... It's great!"

"You can't imagine how I came here in the past six months - dozens, no! Hundreds of times. How I wish you could stand where you are now!"

"Well... Archduke lottel doesn't think so." the dark haired wizard smiled. "I heard that he has scolded me more than once, the 'non religious' Duke, and asked me to stay here. He will worry that I will lead you bad."

"Because of this, when I passed yingshou castle, I didn't dare to stop at the castle and go around directly."

"Ha ha ha ha..." Lu Wen laughed heartily, tilted his mouth and raised his chin proudly: "don't worry about this. In a few years, my father will take the initiative to abdicate. Then I will be the Lord of lottel - then you can come and go if you want."

"From the river valley in the south to the deep forest in the north, I'll see who dares to stop you!"

Looking at him, Lauren could only shrug

As the son of the first Duke to inherit both shenlinbao and yingshoubao, Reuven Fred will be the first person to fully control the north and south of lottel; Archduke Friede abdicated early, probably to avoid his sudden death and unrest, and ensure that ruwen can actually take power and will not be elevated by the nobles below because of his character.

His friend is about to become the Duke of lottel, which is good news for the black haired Wizard - for the Holy Cross Church, the Principality of lottel is like a rear base camp, and it is also the capital they have always been able to confront the principalities.

The two people who looked at each other with four eyes smiled at each other with "tacit understanding".

"Well, now that you have come - although I don't know whether you are willing or like your father said, you are just coerced by your majesty for some balance... Balabalabala..."

It was like thinking of something very complicated and troublesome. An impatient expression flashed from Lu Wen's face, and then looked at the black haired wizard solemnly: "tell me, what can I do for you?"

Not "what you can help", but "what you need to help".

That's the difference in one sentence.

"I really need you to do me a little favor," Lauren said with a smile. "It's very simple. Let the troops of Shenlin Castle exercise restraint; no matter what happens, don't start a conflict or do anything to the ancient wood forest."

"Didn't I just tell you about Shenlin castle's army? I've advised my father. Lottel's army has all withdrawn to their respective stations, and it's impossible to return in a short time..."

"No, I'm not just talking about lottel's army." Loren suddenly interrupted him:

"But all the troops in Shenlin Castle must not act rashly!"

Lu Wen was stunned, and his expression finally became serious: "you mean, the emperor of the heavenly palace may..."

"Don't worry too much, just in case." the black haired wizard waved his hand and dispelled Lu Wen's concerns: "maybe I just think too much. In short... It's always good to be on guard; no matter how cautious it is when it comes to diplomatic relations."

Although Eckhardt II gave himself full power to represent the Empire and promised never to interfere, no one is sure whether he would change his mind halfway.

Or... It was a lie from the beginning, a means to confuse himself and Brandon, and the Ancient Wood Forest Elves.

Anyway, it's always good to be on guard - up to now, "surprises" and all kinds of accidents are still what Lauren hates most.

"I see. I'll keep an eye on Shenlin castle. If an imperial Legion enters the country, my father should be able to stop it a little." gritting his teeth, Lu Wen nodded solemnly: "if I'm really helpless, I'll let Aaron inform me in advance."

"In addition... Although I can't enter the ancient wood forest, I have arranged people outside; if necessary, I'll try to get a signal to pick you up at any time."

"Even if you let me rush into the morning star forest and light the cloud canopy trees they settled with a fire to take you away, I will never frown."

Loren paused slightly and stared at the eyes that didn't change color on Lu Wen's face.

"Thank you."

"It's all right." this time, Lu Wen waved his hand: "by the way, do you remember Leia?"

"The war dancer fairy in the morning star forest... Well... Of course I remember." the black haired wizard raised his eyebrows: "what's the matter?"

"Nothing, but she came about six months ago and asked where you had been; I told her that you are now the Duke of Byrne, and you can hardly come unless you are surprised." Luwen said casually.

"Oh, and then?"

"Then she left - as if she had come to ask about it." the count of shenlinbao shrugged, took up a glass of wine and handed it to Loren: "I also told her that you are probably married. If you marry your female relative in your hometown, you may even have children... Alas, are you married?"

"Poof ---!!"