Although deacon hilwick always said "this is just a suggestion", the threat in the other party's words has reached a naked level, so it's almost clear.

Such a direct attitude is really difficult for Loren to believe that this sentence came from the mouth of the emperor's Majesty in the heavenly palace - the pre imperial trial three years ago and all kinds of past in the three years made Loren really impressed his majesty.

This is a ruler who is extremely good at controlling the situation and making the situation available to him; He knows what everyone wants, but no one can guess his purpose... Or it's too late to guess.

In the pre imperial trial three years ago, he took advantage of the situation to destroy the conservative aristocratic leaders of the pre Imperial Cabinet, and rebalanced the power of the church and wizards; In the past three years, the frequent incidents of heretical groups and evil gods in various places have also become an excuse for him to extend his power and tentacles to all principalities.

Such an emperor could not imagine that he would use such a direct means of coercion.

"There's nothing hard to imagine. This is blackmail."

In the dean's room of the Turin wizard college, Dalton Kande, who was disturbed to prepare lessons, opened his mouth coldly, and his stiff face could not see any expression as usual:

"It's also a trap. Its purpose is to make you leave Bain temporarily for three months to six months."

"Yes, I also know it's a trap." facing his mentor, Loren sat in the chair very "cleverly" and said in the tone that the students wanted the teacher to ask questions: "but there's nothing strange about the whole thing?"

Dalton stopped the quill in his hand and looked up like thinking for a second.

"Yes, I feel it." Dalton said expressionless, "I'm surprised that my apprentice would make a fuss about this kind of thing and specially talk to his mentor instead of his ministers."

"..." Loren Turin.

The book on the desk was closed with a gentle "pa!".

"Some wizards who advocate the 'bloodline theory' believe that the promotion of status will change people's Thoughts - fallacy. The promotion of status will only change the eyes around them; printing 10 million gold coins of bonds can not change the fact that it is a parchment."

Dalton raised his head, his sharp eyes and the feather pen in his hand stabbed Lauren in the chest: "you are making this mistake."

"You mean..." the black haired wizard woke up a little and gently took the nib of his pen: "I'm the parchment with 10 million bonds?"

"You have become a duke, but your way of thinking remains in the state of a wizard; you think the enemy will be the same as in the past, but without considering the promotion of status, many of their means have been ineffective against you."

"Even the emperor's majesty, if he wants to coerce a powerful Duke, his means are extremely limited." he gently pressed the table and Dalton calmly and carefully analyzed: "overestimating the enemy is as harmful as underestimating the opponent."

Loren took a deep breath and nodded gently.

The tutor is right. It's not three years ago now... If akhat II really wants to rectify himself, it can't be achieved by means of taking advantage of the situation and conspiracy.

When the strength of each other reaches a certain degree, in addition to the most direct way, there can be no "tricks" at all.

"But... Since it comes to the relationship between way of thinking and status, we might as well talk more." Dalton raised his head and naturally raised his eyebrows:

"When are you going to get married?"

Pa -!

The feather pen slipped and was firmly fixed on the blanket on the ground.

Loren, with a stiff expression, stared at his mentor with his pupils constricted.

be struck dumb!

Dalton's eyes did not notice his apprentice, but shook his head slightly at the feather pen falling on the ground - a very useful pen.

"Tao, mentor Dalton, you... Cough..." Lauren, with an awkward smile on his face, opened his mouth and stopped talking for a long time. Finally, he couldn't help asking, "why do you suddenly think of my... Er... My... Love life?"

"I'm not interested in your primitive desires and physiological needs." Dalton looked up and looked at the dark haired wizard impatiently:

"Similarly, your marriage has nothing to do with your... Love life."

The black haired wizard twitched at the corners of his mouth and didn't know what to say.

"This is the evidence that you don't recognize the change of your status," Dalton said coldly. "You still don't recognize the difference between the past and the present."

"For a ruler, his... Or her marriage will produce great energy and form a solid and powerful alliance; at the same time, having a son is also the key to stabilizing his power for the ruler."

"With your stupid and inflexible head, think seriously... Why did akhat II dare to threaten you with such a direct means; why did you panic because of this naked means, so as to disturb your mentor?"

Lauren was slightly stunned.

He finally reflected that the key in the tutor's words was not marriage, but the key to the problem

"Your power, alliance and wealth... Are all yours."

Dalton's words are still as sharp as the past: "any accident, even a little accident, will put this seemingly powerful but actually fragile 'principality of Byrne' on the verge of destruction."

"Cooperation with eboden, alliance with Boye, support for the imperial Prince..."

"The controlled chamber of Commerce, the obedient Bain thirteen leaders, the dwarf city-state gradually reduced to vassal, and the increasingly prosperous wizard guild..."

"Even the wings of the sky you created, the demon hunter legion, and the bishop Byrne who vowed to transform the church just supported by you..."

"Think carefully." the tutor's eyes became colder and his voice became lower: "if you have an accident, you die... You're missing..."

"Can these people, all of them... Even me, cooperate closely and be loyal to someone like now?"

"Or... Quickly fall apart and fall into chaos..."

"... kill each other?"

A brief silence.

The cold and piercing touch is like gangrene climbing up the body from the back and stabbing into the mind.

Yes, I'm not considerate.

Fear quickly wrapped his heart, and the feeling from head to foot made Lauren cold.

I only saw the most superficial things and realized that it was a trap, but I couldn't really see the real purpose of Eckhardt II.

Today, three years later... He still did not give up his plan to get rid of himself, and even prepared to go further and regain the imperial control over Byrne, especially the south.

Eckhardt de sallion, as in the past, has the vision of hitting the key with one shot.

"You're afraid. You're still thinking about things in the past."

The indifferent Dalton once again interrupted the apprentice's thinking with impolite words: "I repeat, don't overestimate your enemy, just as you shouldn't underestimate your opponent."

"This time, you not only made mistakes in the past, but also underestimated the emperor's mind and courage."


The dark haired wizard looked puzzled.

"Your strength lies in everything around you. Almost nothing is inherited, but created by yourself. This is a fragile but powerful force. The advantage of new things is that they have not experienced the corruption of time, and the disadvantage is that they are too dependent on you."

Dalton murmured, "but if used properly, shortcomings can become advantages."

With a slight frown and hesitation for a moment, Loren looked up at his mentor and said tentatively, "because... These are all related to me?"

"This is a very simple truth. Once you have an accident, these emerging forces and interest groups created by you will fall apart and become loyal to themselves." Dalton nodded:

"But before that, they will first take revenge on the Empire crazily and at no cost - the balance will be quickly broken, the surface peace and prosperity will quickly disappear, and the Empire will become the heaven of ambition."

"For Eckhardt II, who is committed to the balance of imperial power, this is contrary to his original intention."

"Eckhardt knows this, so he makes you really feel threatened." Dalton paused a little, and his familiar tone seemed to return to the era of mentors and apprentices:

"Urge your rigid, stupid and inflexible head to seriously think about this question, and then answer me... What's your answer?"

The dark haired wizard frowned and began to seriously think about the teacher's words.

Yes, why?

If Eckhardt's purpose is not to kill himself and seize the south, what is his intention?

While using the tacit consent of the church and his expansion forces to win over himself, he made no secret of targeting himself and threatening himself with the most direct means.

If you want to deal with someone, will you use this undisguised means? Or even if his goal is to kill himself and regain control of the south, shouldn't he try to reduce his influence on the Empire?

If these are only part of his plan, if all these are only serving his purpose, what is his real idea?


Thoughtful Loren suddenly remembered the words of deacon hilwick before.

A closely united empire;

Through difficulties and obstacles together;

Get rid of all disputes and deal with the current troubled times;

"I seem to understand."

Loren raised his head and looked at his mentor with calm eyes: "his majesty akhat II threatened me in this most direct way, not to kill me or invade the South and cause rebellion and unrest."

"He's forcing me to say something."

Dalton Kander narrowed his eyes slightly without making any comment.

"Our... Wise emperor has obviously noticed something from the turbulence in the last three years and the anomalies in the far Azor elf Kingdom, so it is urgent for his vassals to closely unite around him; instead of indulging in the power struggle as in the past."

"He is giving me an ultimatum in the most direct way - either to be a loyal minister of the Empire, or a sinner of the Empire, or a traitor."

"If I refuse, what is waiting for me is to die and destroy the country. Destroy me and the people behind me with a stormy attack to ensure that he can deal with the next enemy with all his strength - in short, to hustle outside and settle inside first."

Dalton opened his eyes a little, picked up a new feather pen and began to prepare lessons busily again.

"The era of hypocrisy and peace is coming to an end, and the era of storm is coming." the murmuring black haired wizard couldn't help sighing.

Take a long-term view, make use of the situation unpredictably, know the purpose of others from beginning to end, but no one can guess his ideas;

His ministers are all powerful. His sons are more talented than each other. None of his opponents can fight in front of him. Those who dare to be enemies with him are either finished or almost finished;

In the year of the weak crown, he resisted the invasion of demons and surrendered all over the Empire. He ruled the Empire in the most years and was known as the "natural ruler". During his reign, he vigorously developed commerce and alchemy, committed to all kinds of new reforms, suppressed the old forces and cultivated new forces;

This mysterious, weird and extremely "wise" supreme emperor, his majesty, akhat II

Who is the real Strider between himself and him - is he equipped with the template of long Aotian?!

"So... What's your answer?" Dalton kand did not raise his head. "Eckhardt II has put his attitude on the ground and gave you an ultimatum. How do you decide to reply to him?"

"What's your opinion, mentor?"

Lauren, taking a deep breath, looked up and looked at Dalton sincerely: "from your point of view, which choice is the most favorable?"


In his indifferent voice, Dalton looked up with a trace of irony: "my judgment is insignificant."

"No, I'm not asking you to make a decision for me. I mean..."

"If you can't make a decision by your own will, unswervingly implement the plan you envision, can't independently judge the right or wrong of something, and can't find the most favorable choice for your position..."

"Then I can only say that my apprentice... Is a loser."

The dark haired wizard was stunned for a moment.

"I said it was a serious mistake for you to come to me today." Dalton put down his pen again, and every sentence was as sharp as a sharp blade:

"You don't come to me for answers, you come to find confidence - you want me to tell you that your choice is right, even if you don't admit it orally."

"I......" Lauren, who opened his mouth, heard a knock at the door behind him.

"Don't look back, it's Lucian - I asked someone to find him when you came to the college." Dalton interrupted his apprentice again:

"There is a meeting in the round table hall. Charlotte Turin is waiting for you. You shouldn't want her to wait for you too long... She and your ministers are the people you should ask for advice."

"But remember, rulers seek advice to know what their ministers think." Dalton said coldly:

"Never... Never be controlled by others!"