A chapel in an unknown fishing village in Lake City, principality of Byrne.

The dawn of midsummer shines on the clear silver mirror lake. Fishermen in twos and threes walk to the chapel next to the village. The humble stone door is full of believers ready to pray.

Of course, there can't be so many believers in a small fishing village. Many of them are residents of the surrounding villages and towns. Some even wear gold and silver and wear luxurious clothes - they come from the city in the middle of the lake on the other side of the lake before the sun rises, just in order to catch a short morning lecture.

The young priest with scriptures in his hands stood behind the podium. His black robe had been washed gray and white, with several patches.

Bleary eyed, he still had the same smile on his mouth, greeted friendly and familiar believers, and more people who came from admiration were stunned by the priest's age.

The moment he stepped onto the platform, an excited old man suddenly got up.

"Excuse me...?!"

The next second, when he found that the eyes of the people around him were looking at him, the old man suddenly found himself the only one standing in the church. He was at a loss and in a dilemma.

The young priest was surprised, then smiled and raised his hand. "It doesn't matter, old Sir. If you have anything to say, please say it - the Holy Cross asked our servants to walk on the ground for him to answer the believers' questions."

"Please, excuse me..." the old man swallowed his saliva, with incredible shock in his eyes: "do you really think that wizards can also get God's blessing and become believers of the Holy Cross

As soon as the voice fell, there were boos inside and outside the church - almost everyone had an expression of "he really asked this", looked at each other and shook his head.

The priest smiled and waved his hand to the other believers to be quiet.

"Well, although you are this month," you were nominated by Byrne Cathedral one day ago, exactly 27 hours ago. 300 priests with voting rights of Byrne church voted overnight, and 300 votes passed unanimously. Everyone unanimously recommended you to become the new Byrne Catholic Church! "

"Next, when you go to the red blood castle, meet the Duke of Byrne, take the oath of office in Byrne Cathedral, and accept the scepter, ribbon, crown and ring... You will truly and thoroughly become the bishop of Byrne."

The church was silent.

"I, I still can't believe this kind of thing... I'm a little ordinary priest... How can it..."

"Whether you believe it or not, he is true." deacon hilwick showed some impatient expression, sighed again, and handed a delicate crescent white letter:

"This is a personal letter from the Duke of Byrne with the seal of the Archbishop of innocent on it - if you still don't want to believe it, we can go directly to the red blood castle and confront his Excellency Loren Turin, the Duke of Byrne."

At the moment of hearing the name of the dark haired wizard, the young priest's expression was obviously gloomy.

"All believers, please get out of the way." deacon hilwick coughed softly and became serious: "the carriage is waiting outside the door. Over the red blood castle, please be sure to arrive at the cathedral before tomorrow morning to meet the Duke and hold an oath ceremony."

"Can you wait?" the young priest was still struggling: "I, I think I may need some time..."

"I can wait, the Duke of Byrne can wait, and the Archbishop can - but Byrne can't, and even less can Byrne's believers."

Deacon hilwick shook his head and looked to both sides if he pointed: "the Bishop's throne has been vacant for three years. How long are you going to let these simple and kind believers who trust you and love you wait?"

The young priest struggled for nearly a minute and finally sighed heavily.

The overloaded camel was put on the last straw.

The guards got out of the way, and the believers who confronted them retreated to both sides of the church to make a spacious passage.

"May the Holy Cross bless you and bless you." the respectful deacon hilwick lowered his head and shouted:

"The guide of the lambs, the mentor of the knight's land, the incarnation of saints, the bishop of Byrne..."

"... the most devout, Lord Weber!"