"Boom --!!"

The deafening roar, mixed with the trampling sound of countless iron boots, poured out of the city gates one after another like a tide, poured into the Yunfeng City, and irresistibly rushed at the rebels who had been fighting hard all day.

In the face of the enemy who suddenly appeared from behind and the rebels who were attacked by both inside and outside the city, the front suddenly collapsed - small remnants of fighting on their own, chaotic conflagration and loss of command... Making them more vulnerable like robbers and refugees in the face of the neat and irresistible northern coalition forces.

Wearing the same armor, using the same weapons and accepting the same queue... Just because one of them lost command and fought their own battles, they showed a world of different combat effectiveness.

When the troops in Yunfeng City retreated, they almost destroyed all the defense facilities of the wall defense line. In addition, almost all the rebels poured into the city, so that the northern city-state coalition army of Yunling kingdom was almost unstoppable when breaking the defense line.

The rebels had never dreamed that the lines of defense they had broken through with painstaking efforts and heavy casualties, and the attack channels they had opened, now enabled the northern coalition forces to directly attack the city and launch an organized and fierce attack on their belly and back without any effort.

How easy it was for them to break through the city gate, how painful the "back stab" they suffered at the moment, and they had no spare power to fight back.

All you can do is run for your life and disperse birds and animals. In panic and loss of control, you feel the "novel experience" of being torn by the front and the shield wall being defeated, such as the arrows of locusts, and the robes falling one by one in the rain.

In a total one-sided rout, the rapidly collapsing rebels have lost their room to retreat - either slaughtered by the northern coalition behind them or killed with the defenders in the city.

In order to avoid the enemy behind them, they can only use more violent offensives to launch rounds of suicidal attacks against the barricades in the city and compete for simple protective facilities;

And finally, just in front of the crossbow behind the barricade, it fell down row by row like cutting wheat

In the thick smoke and fire all over the sky, both sides of the barricade, both offensive and defensive sides have been completely numb in the endless fight, just mechanically repeating their actions.

The bones of paoze on the ground were trampled on repeatedly in the process of attack and retreat. They were so rotten that they couldn't even see their shape.

On the other hand, after breaking through the city gate defense line and completely defeating the last insignificant resistance of the rebels, the dwarf legions of the northern coalition army did not disperse into the streets of the city; Instead, they began to stabilize the front and make way for the troops in the back row.

A few minutes later, when one small crossbow after another was pushed through the gate of the city, the defeated rebels finally reacted - they were trying to destroy the streets!

"Boom --!!"

In the roar, the rebels and the defenders in the city watched the peripheral streets burned, destroyed and razed to the ground in rows

The northern allied forces that followed formed a neat and uniform shield wall,; Stepping on the heavy and disordered sound of iron boots, he moved forward slowly and approached step by step, just like a moving city wall.

In the face of the northern coalition army, which has maintained a complete organizational system from beginning to end, whether it is a large and powerful rebel rout, or Igor's proud, starry barricade, there is nothing to do at this moment, not even the strength to resist.

This is a completely unreasonable army. It has no interest in booty and cities, and it doesn't care that this tactic of "cutting off children and grandchildren" will turn the whole cloud peak into a battlefield like ruins; Approaching step by step, it slaughters all enemies trying to resist mechanically and efficiently.

The few remaining rebels who could maintain the organizational system were unable to launch the final counterattack, but the result was only futile suicides again and again - the vast majority fell under arrows and crossbows before they had time to engage in close combat with the shield wall.

A succession of fallen soldiers fell silently on the battlefield swept by the arrow rain as if they were foretelling their fate.

Unknowingly, the voices of roaring and shouting are becoming more and more sparse; The uniform shield wall has become a simple and mechanical propulsion, such as the arrow of a locust, and has also become the killing of stragglers and fugitives, which is sparse to almost no extent.

After exterminating the last resistance, the dwarf soldiers of the northern coalition army still did not rush to advance into the city. They stopped in front of the barricade line and began to encircle and suppress the fleeing rebels from front to back.

But this does not mean that the defenders are ignored by them.

Just a few quarters of an hour, half of the cloud peak seemed to be completely quiet; The dwarf soldiers who had finished their suppression gradually began to return to the team and join the shield wall on the front line.

After a short "stalemate" with the barricade of the cloud peak Garrison for a period of time, the sound of heavy iron boots sounded again and approached indifferently step by step.


Holding the battle axe in his hand, the dwarf Igor stared round his eyes, and the corners of his mouth were still twitching uncontrollably. He couldn't believe the facts he saw in front of him, let alone the people he saw.

"Is it... You?"

Trying to control his impulse, Igor gritted his teeth and roared.

"That's right... In your words, it's me."

Sisa mikhailo, the former Supreme Leader of silver helmet mountain, the traitor of Yunling Kingdom, and the first dwarf to bow his head to Duke Bain, said coldly and dismissively:

"You're right. Commanding the coalition forces of the whole northern city states, they turned the tide at the most dangerous moment of the cloud peak, killed all the traitors, left no future trouble, and guarded the Yunling Kingdom... It was me."

"Not you, the most glorious and crowned king."

"By the way, if you want to know, I can also tell you very clearly - yes, I have been ordered by Duke Bain. This army can be assembled in the name of the mikheilo family and silver helmet mountain with the financial resources of the Principality of Bain. You will be completely destroyed by the rebels..."

"Shut up --!"

With an angry cry, the dwarf Igor's expression was extremely complex: "you traitors, anti thieves who have betrayed the glory of the people of Yunling, shameless reptiles!"

"Turn the tide and fall... Ha! Are a group of slaves working for the bain people qualified to say such boastful words?"

"Or have you long forgotten that the reason why this rebel war began and turned into what it is now is that you yinhelmet mountain is greedy and trying to get the same status as the cloud peak?"

"Sisa mihalo... Do you dare to be more shameless?!"

In the face of Igor, the "supreme king" with great resentment and anger, there was only indifference and endless cold in the eyes of the dwarf mikheilo.

"Shameless, where on earth is shameless?" the dwarf mikheilo raised his eyes and said disapprovingly: "I am the loyal minister of Duke Byrne, dutifully executing the Duke's orders. What's wrong?"

"What's more, without the help of the Duke, we don't know when the civil war will last - what's wrong with ending the civil war and restoring peace?"

"But you are the people of Yunling, traitor --!"

Igor pinched his axe and his voice trembled: "you are a proud Yunling man. You should obey the orders of the supreme King unconditionally, not become a running dog of others!"

"Your pride, glory and tradition... Have been discarded by you to flatter your master, haven't you?!"

Coldly waiting for Igor to finish, the narrowed dwarf mikheilo paced and approached the supreme King protected by the dwarf guard step by step.

There was a dead silence.

The soldiers of the northern coalition army set up crossbows and arrows behind the shield wall, and the defenders of Yunfeng pressed their right hands around their waists; The atmosphere dropped below the freezing point in the gradually heavy breath.

"Forget the tradition, give up pride, abandon glory... These." the dwarf mikhailo slowly said:

"Your Majesty the supreme king, you are the least qualified to say this in the whole Yunling kingdom."


"It's you --!" mikhailo drank him angrily:

"It is you who provoked the contradiction between Bain and Yunling kingdom!"

"It is you who refuse assistance and negotiation with unwarranted pride!"

"You are the one who controls the supreme king of the civil war by using the aid materials and the army in his hand!"

"You bullying bastard, let Yunling Kingdom lose the opportunity to finally form an equal alliance with Bain, and have to accept each other's handouts in humiliation, so as not to ruin the country!"

"Say we are traitors? You unscrupulously usurped the materials given by Byrne and confirmed that the other Yunling city states are not qualified to trade with Byrne on an equal footing, right?"

The dwarf mikheilo showed a cold irony on his face and looked at Igor, the "supreme king", who became more and more angry but remained silent:

"Do you know what a fool is like - because only you are smart in the world, and others are fools."

"Do you think that as long as the civil war continues, you can continuously obtain materials from Bain and dissipate the power of the south? Yes, your goal has been achieved, but you have also completely lost the respect and trust of the northern city states to the cloud peak!"

"Look at these brave Yunling people behind me - three years ago, they could rush into Bain barracks and cut off my head to give it to you recklessly for you and the peak of the cloud. But now?"

"Assemble the army, open the road, accept the order of Duke Byrne and the commander of silver helmets mountain, and March to the cloud peak. It's all effortless, because they have been extremely disappointed with you, the cloud peak and your sevierrastaff family."

"It's not Yunling kingdom that betrayed you, but you betrayed Yunling kingdom!"

The dwarf Mikhail said, staring coldly at Igor's face.

The guard soldiers of Igor on both sides frowned one after another, with complex expressions and different expressions.

"So, Mikhail... What are you trying to say for?"

Igor stepped forward slowly, and his sharp eyes were straight into mikheilo's eyes:

"Mobilize the masses and unite the northern city states under their own command..."

"Suddenly appeared the moment before the cloud peak was about to fall, trying to turn the tide..."

"In front of all the people of Yunling, with such an impassioned speech, try your best to criticize me and belittle me, the crowned supreme king in line with the legal principle of Yunling Kingdom..."

"All these things have to be doubted - they symbolize the birthplace of Yunling people, the oldest Yunling people from silver helmet mountain, and the noble mikhailo, who have obviously betrayed the Yunling Kingdom and become the vassal of Duke Bain..."

"After paying so much and sacrificing so much, he is no longer an 'outsider' of Yunling people... What do you want?"

Igor, with a gloomy expression, looked at the dwarf mikheilo and said slowly in a low and cold tone:

"Isn't it... Is it intended to overthrow the cloud peak, which symbolizes the dwarf tradition, and rule the Yunling kingdom by him and the silver helmet mountain, which has long ceased to exist?"

The dwarf soldiers around - whether the cloud peak Garrison or the northern coalition - changed their looks.

Mikheilo, however, was still expressionless.

"Or... 'loyal' mikhailo is going to give Yunfeng peak and Yunling kingdom as a gift to his current Lord, the Duke of Byrne, to wear a crystal crown belonging to Yunling kingdom?!"

Every time Igor said a word, the expression of the dwarf soldiers around him was ugly; Even the soldiers of the northern coalition army didn't look right at the silver helmet mountain dwarf.

The atmosphere became more and more tense.

"Are you finished?"

Standing around thousands of dwarf soldiers, the dwarf mikheilo, who did not change his face, looked at Igor quietly:

"After that, please move your noble eyes to your head."

The voice fell, and Igor, who looked at each other, slowly looked up with a hesitant expression.

As soon as his eyes coagulated, Igor's eyes flashed a trace of amazement.

The "White Castle" falling from the sky floats overhead and looks down on itself from the sky!

"If Duke Byrne really wants to conquer Yunling kingdom or let her fall into chaos again - look at the floating city, don't you think it's really easy for him?"

Igor's mouth twitched and his angry expression changed; For the first time in his life, he deeply understood what "dare to be angry but dare not speak".

No, he actually learned it once, but it took too long, so he gradually took the initiative to forget it.

Duchy of Byrne, red blood castle, round table Hall... Countess Charlotte Turin.

The arrogant woman once looked down on him with great arrogance and said the words that Igor still remembers.

"Byrne today is very different from a hundred years ago..."

"Recognize the reality, your Majesty the supreme king; now you should not consider the power of outsiders." the dwarf mikheilo said faintly:

"But in what way can we ensure that the proud Yunling kingdom is no longer like today..."

"To be humiliated --!"