Under the dome shrouded in white clouds, a small black spot shuttles between the mountains of Yunling Kingdom, slowly approaching the direction of the cloud peak.

The huge size and the integrated dazzling white walls and towers make her full of breathtaking pressure from beginning to end. The up-down linear shape is like a cylindrical cone, so that the castle "floating" in the air is endowed with dignity and elegant beauty at the same time.

From a distance, it seems that the lower part is an "inverted conical" cornerstone that holds it up from the earth, and the upper part is a small castle fortress connected with it - walls, towers, main castle, streets, houses... Exquisite and exquisite.

A castle hanging in the sky, a city flying on the top of the clouds.

Clarion castle... Is the name of the city of the sky.

In fact, at the beginning of her birth, she had more than one name - for example, the little wizard initially named her "Saint Zichen, first quarter moon, Xilu, White Swan Castle".

After a arrogant almost laughed and was almost beaten by the angry little wizard, he still called it "Isaac city".

The dwarves who took charge of all the construction hoped to call her "new silver helmet mountain". A young lady who was a side branch of the royal family and always wore black framed glasses thought that the name "Xiaolong city" was more imposing;

The Countess of red blood castle, who had never spoken, thought that some Bain characteristics should be added to the floating city, such as "flag Castle" or "Knight Castle"; The Earls of the round table parliament presented the views of the public.

The 2000 Knights gathered in red blood Castle agreed that only the name of "holy sword city" or "Holy Grail city" can be regarded as "Byrne characteristic".

As for the opinion of a dark haired wizard, it completely became irrelevant - his name "lapda" was rejected by everyone from the beginning.

No way, in this world, only a blonde with the same "evil taste" can really understand the meaning of the name.

Finally, each party can only choose the most "compromise" plan... Since everyone doesn't like each other's name, they can only choose a name that everyone doesn't like.

Thus, the "horn Castle" - this dirt to slag, like an old antique moved out from ten generations ago, has become the name of the Principality of Bain, the saxophone Empire, and possibly even the first floating city in the world.

After three years of design, R & D and construction... With the help of the construction technology of silver helmet mountain dwarves and the support of Byrne's wizard Association, followed by the assistance from eboden.

Even later, even the imperial wizard college and melting pot town in Golovin, led by master elbird, the Royal wizard consultant, and the best alchemists in the whole empire, also invested in this magnificent "big project".

The advanced Rune technology from eboden, the alchemy technology from the two "military academies" of the imperial capital Golovin and melting pot town, and the unique mechanical technology of the dwarves from silver helmet mountain... On the premise that Byrne spared no effort and spared no cost, he completed this "feat" in only two and a half years, which many people think will not be completed at all.

In Dalton kand's almost mean words, with the "nature" of wizards living in seclusion, selfishness and no collective consciousness, such a united situation has never happened in the past 30 years and will not happen again in the next 30 years.

The first stop of such a sky fortress built by gathering the whole principality of Bain and even half of the empire is neither a territory of the Principality of Bain or its allies, nor a demonstration to the Empire, but the cloud peak of Yunling kingdom.

"We seem to be late."

Standing at the top of the white tower, the black haired wizard squinted at the distant battlefield with a trace of regret in his tone.

"Nonsense, is it unknown?"

Isaac, standing behind him, snorted coldly, without giving his friend and Duke face: "this is not a giant dragon, nor can it fly with wings;

This is a floating city. When she was designed, she only asked for floating. No one expected her to act as an unmanned automatic carriage or a high-speed airship! "

"In fact, considering her poor action ability, which is a little inferior to the tortoise, and we know nothing about the wind direction, wind speed and climate change in Yunling Kingdom - it is a great miracle that she has not fallen head down and turned her head into large corn!"

Although it was impolite sarcasm and irony, a "genius and arrogant" still had a proud expression and looked excitedly at the army alchemists who were busy behind him.

"Of course, for the sake of our friends, I will forgive you for your little opinion - after all, this is a masterpiece completely based on my creativity, my theory and my design, and only my understanding of her can go deep into the soul;

Because of this, outsiders will have some misunderstandings and unrealistic fantasies, which is a very normal and reasonable thing. "

Looking at Isaac's impassioned expression, Loren had nothing to say but shrug his shoulders.

"What do you mean by your creativity, your theory and your design? This is clearly the common achievement of all of us, okay?"

In the back row, the busy little wizard strides forward with a very unhappy voice - even if he has already known the nature of this arrogant maniac, his long blond hair will explode instinctively when he hears this.

"Besides, the floating city was my idea from the beginning. I painted everything from the design drawings to the initial blueprint - you half-way inserted guy can only be regarded as assistance at best!"

"Help... Ha! Without my help, your saint Zichen Shang... My God, the name is too long... I don't know if I can fly!"

"You! You... You say it again?!"

"Again, it can't change how stupid your stupid 'big toy' idea is. Its performance is even so poor that it can be driven by the nine pointed star Holy Grail - with such an artifact, bricks can fly to heaven, okay?"

"Not to mention the name of the laoshizi ghost you named - Saint Zichen... Well, I know you were born in the foolish and superstitious countryside of lottel, but I didn't expect that you still have such a strong religious tendency today... Ah --! My head!"

"Stop, or your face will be next!"

Looking at the angry ayin and the fleeing Isaac, the black haired wizard sighed with a "tacit understanding", and then carefully walked down the parapet of the tower to avoid affecting himself.

Under the city wall, a grey pupil boy who had expected this situation had been waiting on the stairs for a long time.

With short dark blue hair scattered, he was no different from all demon hunters, but a gray armor one size smaller; The sword of elmans is hung on the left waist, and the gun of the Dragon Knight is carried behind the right shoulder - if there is any "maverick", it is only a gray scarf around the neck.

"How's the preparation?" although it was a question, the black haired wizard's tone was quite affirmative: "there's still a quarter of an hour at most."

"It won't take a quarter of an hour, anytime." Lucian slowly opened his eyes, revealing a pair of mature eyes inconsistent with his young face:

"The situation has been roughly understood - the rebels besieged the city, the king's army guarded the city, and there are a large number of corrosive demons nearby. Coupled with the strong void reaction from the direction of the king's hall, I'm afraid the real murderer behind the civil war can't wait to do it himself."

"I'm ready... It can't escape." the gray pupil boy's tone was calm and his eyes focused on the battlefield to be reached in the distance.

The dark haired wizard glanced at him meaningfully and looked at him up and down.

"What's the matter?"

"Nothing, just a little surprised." Lauren smiled and took back his eyes: "three years ago, you... Weren't so calm before the war began - no, that's too euphemistic. You should be ready to die bravely anytime, anywhere!"

"Oh, yes..." scratched his head, and Lucian smiled shyly:

"People always change; in fact, Isaac and ayin have changed a lot, including you - they are not who they were three years ago."

"It's probably just me, because I've always left you to perform tasks in the past three years, so it seems obvious?"

Looking at the dark haired wizard who is a little more mature and more calm than he was three years ago, the grey pupil boy said with some emotion.

Unconsciously, it has been three years

That snowy morning, it seemed like yesterday.

"Yes, now our Lucian is already famous and resounding through the wings of the sky of half the Empire - we are no longer the hot-blooded boy who is easy to boil and wants to prove himself."

Raising his eyebrows and pretending not to understand, the black haired wizard showed a somewhat cunning expression: "the only thing that remains unchanged forever may be your size."

"..." Lucian.

"Alas... In other words, I remember the last time I saw Archduke ellemans, his stature didn't seem to have changed much from that of three years ago." the black haired wizard's smile was becoming undisguised bit by bit:

"Is it true that the saying 'little man of elmond' is true? Lucian, how tall is your father's former Duke of elmond?"

"Er... Father... I remember he looks half or one head taller than his brother now... Probably?"

Ruthen, who is full of black lines, has no idea of continuing this dialogue.

"So... Who is the demon hunter responsible for the cloud peak monitoring mission?"

Aware of his friend's embarrassment, Loren lost no time to change the topic.

"Karl Colin, the watchmen of the night watchmen in our place, and another chief of the three phase of the new recruits, Martin.

"I thought it was necessary for the Empire to understand the seriousness of the problem when it was involved in the Yunling civil war. In addition, allowing talented recruits to contact the actual combat as soon as possible under the cover of veterans can also improve their strength and experience."

Staring at the burning King's Hall in the distance, Lucian frowned slightly: "but so far, we haven't received any information from them."

"No problem?"

"Probably not - according to the original plan, there are still four days left for the deadline of the task; and the cloud peak siege broke out ahead of time, and they have no chance to sneak into the city." the grey pupil shook his head and guessed with some worry:

"You should still be lying in ambush at a hiding place outside the city, waiting for orders?"

Outside the city... Lauren nodded thoughtfully.

Before coming, mentor Dalton once mentioned this recruit - his talent even surpasses himself in terms of incantation and Ancient Runes alone; Not surprisingly, within 20 years, he will become a top spell master proficient in battle spell and advanced alchemy.

Karl Colin is not only the eye liner of Root Infinit, but also the most elite veteran of the hunting army.

This combination of "one old and one young" belongs to the strongest team of "top combat power configuration" even in the wings of the sky. Should there be no more problems?

"Lord Loren, may I ask you a question?"

The grey pupil boy asked abruptly.

Loren was stunned.

"Why... Do you insist on taking the 'horn Castle' to the cloud peak?" Lucian's expression was very confused: "although she looks like a fortress, she actually has no combat ability; even as a vehicle for commanding combat, she should be in the rear, not directly over the battlefield."

"What's more, according to Isaac, 'horn Castle' can't be regarded as a real 'floating city', at best it's just an experimental sample; once there's any accident, we don't even have time to escape."

"What is the significance of ending the civil war in Yunling kingdom for such a sky fortress that has no combat effectiveness and can not pose any real threat; once damaged, it can not be repaired, or even ensure absolute safety?"

"Well... There are two main reasons."

"Two reasons?"

"First of all... Although the existence of No. 1 castle is no secret, this is still her first time to show herself in the world - the unknown existence is the biggest fear." Loren explained: "and I want to use this fear to end the civil war in Yunling Kingdom at one time!"

"In any case, the importance of Yunling kingdom to Byrne and even the empire is self-evident - the most important ore producing area, the only secret silver producing area, with a large number of fortresses and abundant sources of troops... Even if such neighbors don't have a harmonious relationship with us, they can't stand in the enemy's camp."

"Hmm..." the grey pupil nodded vaguely, his expression still confused; If you have anything in common with yourself three years ago, it is that you still can't keep up with Loren's brain circuit:

"This is just one. What about the other?"

"Another one." Lauren shrugged and smiled at the cloud peak below:

"I just feel that after such a long time, it is necessary to use a slightly focused way to tell those guys who almost forgot me..."

"I'm back."