The melodious bell awakened the sleeping red blood castle. From the dawn in the East, it poured the bright color like gold on the castle like a fairy tale.

The heavily armed red blood castle guard captain Youlun Aikete tightened his face and commanded the guard knights in the castle to open all the main doors from the city gate to the round table hall, and the crimson carpet extended from the door to the hall.

Sixty five guard knights, like sixty-five sculptures, put on brand-new armor, Knight guns and shields, and the guards are on both sides of the red carpet from the gate to the main hall.

The expressionless red blood Castle housekeeper Charles methodically led the servants of the castle to carry out the final finishing work - the folds of the carpet, the water stains on the cups, the length of the candles, the position of the armchairs... Strive for excellence in every step.

Glenville, the Earl of storm castle, and Gareth, the Earl of rainbow bridge, have all changed into dark robes, with their own family badges pinned to their chests, standing in front of the seats in the round table hall and waiting quietly.

"Pa --!"

With the clear sound of pushing the door, the two maids opened a side door behind the hall, which made them look at it subconsciously; The girl with a red and black dress and a golden lion shawl on her right arm walked towards them with steady steps.

Quiet as the moon, graceful.

His head was slightly raised, and a pair of sharp, sword like eyes were shot at the two people standing behind their hands. Although they were not deliberately arrogant, they still had a awe inspiring and inviolable momentum:

"The messenger sent a message. It's noon... Are you both ready?"

The clear and melodious voice echoed in the hall, and the two earls with different faces nodded slightly under the girl's gaze.

"Good, let's start."

In a whisper, Charlotte Turin turned her eyes to the door; Follow the open doors and look to the end of your sight.

"Welcome the Duke... Triumphal!"


Compared with the quiet and orderly castle, at this moment, there is a lot of noise under the gate of red blood castle; The spacious streets have become more crowded than ever before, and the noise has turned all the cries of trying to maintain order into useless work.

After the 10th, 11th and 12th generations, a hundred years, and the triumph of the first generation Knight king, we finally came to the red blood Castle again!

The first to bring good news was the Ranger Knights of qiaowang peak, who brought the blade fragments of the heroic sacrifice count bosiwar to the red blood castle, and also brought the news of the victory of the great green sea over the Centaur tribe.

Less than a week later, more news came from all directions - in this Centaur war, Byrne's new Duke not only wiped out the whole Centaur tribe, but also captured a dwarf fortress and swore allegiance from tens of thousands of dwarves.

If almost every generation of Knight kings have fought with centaurs, if ed Turin has conquered a dwarf fortress, he not only annihilated the tribe and conquered the fortress, but also won the loyalty of dwarves... Since the founding of Bain, no Knight king has ever received such an honor!

No, this is an honor that even all Archduke, all ancient kings and even imperial emperors failed to win!

This is the bain people. They don't want to know the reason, the truth or what's going on; They just want to know how many powerful opponents Byrne's knights have defeated, how many savage and ferocious Centaur barbarians have been killed, how many moving stories have been written, and how many immortal achievements have been established.

So... When one exciting news after another, more exaggerated war reports than one, were sent to the red blood castle, the whole Bain was boiling.

Storm castle, mountain rock castle, anger castle, rainbow bridge, broken sword tower, glory tower, qiaowang peak, white horse peak... Almost every day, people from all over Bain's thirteen leaders flock to red blood castle!

Even the letter that Loren had intended to attract the attention of the Empire became another fuse - what they saw was not how severe the current situation was, but the Duke of Byrne and Byrne's knights once again saved the Empire.

How glorious, how great!

In less than two weeks, the order of the whole red blood castle was almost paralyzed, forcing Charlotte to recruit a group of Ranger knights. With the support of knights from several nearby territories, the town barely suppressed the restless mood of the people.

Now, facing the flood of people under the city gate and even on both sides of the street, the newly appointed urban defense officer of red blood castle is in a mess; People scattered everywhere to maintain order are as useless as salt sprinkled in the sea.

Ordinary people who are full of awe for knights and nobles suddenly become fearless on this day; Even though the guards have formed a shield wall on both sides, the surging crowd has forcibly reduced the width of the street by nearly half.

The people pushing, crowded and noisy, even if the guards shouted at them, pushed them with shields, and even pointed bows, crossbows and spears at them, were of no use at all.

It was not until the hysterical chief of urban defense simply set up the catapult on the city wall and asked the engineers to ignite a few barrels of fire oil and kindling agent in public that the enthusiastic crowd finally calmed down a little... But it was only a little.

Under the surging crowd behind and the "double attack" of the loudly scolded guards, the excited people did not care and tried their best to stretch out their necks and focus their eyes on the distant horizon.

And they are not the only ones excited about it

"Here comes the Golden Lion Flag on a black background. They're back --!"

No one knows who shouted a voice, but when it sounded, when the Golden Lion Flag on black background appeared in the sight of the people, it erupted like a mountain torrent!

The sound of horses' hoofs beating the earth played neatly. The Byrne knights who had prepared for this moment all day and night wore new armor, held high lances and swallowtail flags flying in the wind.

At the moment of passing through the city gate, I faced the dark crowd on both sides of the street; These knights, who had long been extremely excited, held their heads high and looked straight ahead for fear that they would make a fool of themselves.

Cavalry on war horses, infantry with neat steps, flag officers holding high flags... Byrne's army, which has experienced the bloody battle in the green sea, enjoys the greatest honor of their triumphant return, resounds with joy from heaven and earth, and even makes their hearts jump out of their chest!

It was a more violent sound than the tide, a more exciting sound than the battlefield; From the city gate of red blood castle to the innermost street, there were bursts of voices.

Swarmed into the streets!

Watching one knight after another passing by in front of him, the excited people cheered and whispered with extreme excitement to the people around them.

"Look, that's the count regrell of white horse peak, and the one next to him, that's Lord gerant of the glory Tower! The two youngest gifted knights in the knight Academy last year, who are known as the northern double walls!"

"Come on, our boys are the same as them. Lord Eckert of anger Castle said that this is the worst one he has ever brought! Alas, our knights are getting worse year by year."

"Is that so? How can I remember him saying that all the time?"

"Yes, the knights in the north are almost as good as those in anger castle and loyalty castle. The really powerful ones are still the mountain guards in the West. They are warriors who can fight the giant monster with a sword. They don't have the merit of killing the giant monster alone. They have no good intention to see people!"

"Are you kidding? Even Lord angert of the mountain rock castle can't have killed a giant monster alone?!"

"I didn't hear what you just said; did you see the big fist of the sandbag? Dare to talk nonsense again. I don't know if Lord angert can pick the giant monster alone, but it won't be a problem for me to pick one!"

"Alas, sure enough... The knights in the north are no longer the same as the Boyi people in the East, and the mountain rock guards in the West are roughly the same as the barbarians; the important task of guarding Bain's tradition really depends on us southerners!"

"Only Lord lanmallos of Lake City can be called 'Knights' by those earls in the south?"

"What's the matter?! it's not expensive. Having two guns and lanmallos alone is enough to support the traditional days of Byrne; what's more... How handsome they are!"

"How can I hear that Lord lanmalos still doesn't marry, drives away a dozen families who ask for marriage every day, and always hook up with Lord bosiwar who died bravely all day? Is it difficult for him to actually..."

"Don't talk nonsense! That's the profound friendship between knights and knights beyond the relationship of friends, which is essentially different from vulgar love!"

"It's true, but why... Er, well, you're right. I must be wrong. I admit... Let's put down our fists and talk well first?"

Quarrelling, talking and making noise... Spitting stars splashed, as if they had become one of them and a part of this glory.

Mixed with the noise of noise, cheering and shouting, all the voices are no longer real, which makes people fall into a dream.

Feeling the warm atmosphere and the continuous cheers in the distance, the black haired wizard at the moment has no joy in his heart, only a silent emotion.

He knew how much energy Charlotte, who guarded the red blood castle alone, had spent on the scene.

According to the information sent by Joad Jr. of the United Chamber of Commerce, Byrne is now sitting on the crater - the dwarf supreme king who is furious because of the battle of silver helmet mountain, the Holy Cross Church who has been slapped in the face by his own letter, and the sky palace that is completely unexpected and out of guard.

Just like the former imperial trial in the imperial capital and the "Holy Grail War" in eboden... I tried my best and won the war by any means; But it also broke the balance and provoked a large number of forces. They wanted to skin themselves, cramp and break into pieces.

In the past, Loren would have started to make a plan for running.

But the result was that Charlotte calmed the Yunling kingdom with threats and sent messengers to the sky palace to clarify the reason. Finally, while winning over the nine pointed star wizard tower, Charlotte promised the Archbishop to repair the cathedral and rebuild the bain church as soon as possible.

The flexibility of means, the quickness of response and the changeful posture... It's amazing.

Otherwise, Loren who returns to Bain will not face the cheering crowd, but the accountability of the heavenly palace, the heresy trial of the church, and the dwarf army invaded by the jiayunling Kingdom outside the court!

With steady steps, the dark haired wizard with heavy heart stepped up the steps step by step, stared straight and walked to the main door of the round table hall.

Behind him were the Earls of Byrne, headed by Eckert and angert;

In front of him was Charlotte, who had been waiting for a long time, and the remaining two members of the round table Parliament.

When everyone's footsteps stopped, the solemn and solemn Countess of red blood Castle came to the black haired wizard alone under the gaze of a pair of eyes.

Kneel on one knee.

With her head raised, Charlotte smiled and nodded like a knight:

"Welcome back, Duke."

When the voice fell, everyone bent their knees in the hall, and loud cries rang through the whole hall.

"Long live Duke Loren, long live Byrne, God bless Turin!!!!!"

Almost immediately behind, deafening cheers outside the gate rang out at the same time, one after another, pouring into the hall like a mountain torrent.

The noisy, disorderly and chaotic noise turned into the same sound in an instant.

"Long live Byrne, God bless Turin -!!!!"

"Long live Byrne, God bless Turin -!!!!"

Countless excited voices echoed over the red blood castle.

The smiling Countess of the red blood Castle slowly got up and looked solemnly at the people: "next, I will lead the Duke to the tomb of the Turin family to pay tribute to the heroes of the Knights of all dynasties. Please leave temporarily and take a rest in the side hall. The banquet will begin before the evening."

The Earls who looked at each other nodded, took leave and turned around one after another; Only glenwell of storm castle and Eckert of anger Castle hesitated for a moment. They seemed to be aware of something, but they left with them.

"Bang --!"

With a dull noise, the main door of the round table hall closed tightly.

In an instant, the light suddenly darkened.

Until this time, Loren suddenly realized that there were only herself and Charlotte left in the whole hall.


Is it necessary to drive everyone away just to pay homage to the heroes of past dynasties?

Somehow, the dark haired wizard suddenly had some bad hunches in his heart.

Just when he was still confused, Charlotte, still smiling, came forward; Although there was a faint foreboding, Loren raised his head, smiled at the countess and took the initiative to welcome her.

It should be just her own illusion. Charlotte has made so many efforts to prepare for this ceremony that she won't do anything to herself.

The gentle Countess smiled, straightened her chest and gently raised her right hand

"Pa -!!"